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☆ [Br]eaking [Ba]d ☆


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^ Interesting stuff. I still have yet to see the new Godzilla. Heard it was kind of a letdown.



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R.I.P. Levi.





Will miss you so hard. ='(

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^ Interesting stuff. I still have yet to see the new Godzilla. Heard it was kind of a letdown.


R.I.P. Levi.

wait WTF happened this time?

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I dunno. Something about the shenanigans that stemmed from the MM thread and some trolling and so the staff decided to get the banhammer out. =(

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Just started a full series watch. The pilot is better than I remember. I really wish Walter would've killed that Chad kid.

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For me, breaking bad was good enough to watch once and that's it, same with weeds.


It's a good show but there's no replay value at all.

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I dunno. Something about the shenanigans that stemmed from the MM thread and some trolling and so the staff decided to get the banhammer out. =(

I dunno WTF happened but it seems like a bit of an overreaction either way.

like they've just got it out for Levi based on his past.




I really wish Walter would've killed that Chad kid.

I'd be surprised if anyone remembers Chad...

Edited by El_Diablo
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I would watch it again, but unfortunately I'm up to season 2 of GoT, and I need to watch The Sopranos, The Wire, and True Detective. I also have a tonne of movies on my watchlist.

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So it's the series finale one year anniversary today, might rewatch Felina one more time if that's the case, a final goodbye.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow nothing from this thread in 2 weeks. Well, all i can say for my contribution to Breaking Bad is that its my favourite TV show of all time ATM and proabably will be forever.




Is it worth to say spoilers? well, I guess it is. SPOILERS



I loved breaking bad so much because it truly is so epic and amazing.


Not only the amazing character development for Walter White in wich he goes from overqualifed high school chemistry teacher, into a straight antagonistic evil meth kingpin, but all the drama, episodes, supporting and main characters too are the best thing about this show. What was the best for me is of course Walter White A.K.A Heisenberg. He is a character I can personally contribute to IRL, not that I am a 50 year old unhappy chemistry teacher but that what happened to him could happen to me, you, and everyone else in the world.


What makes Walt the greatest Television character of all time is not that he cooks meth and makes alot of money from it, while bringing countless of dead people with him on the way of doing so, but his will and reason for becoming what he became. The pilot episode shows so much to us in just 48 minutes. Walt truly broke bad the first time in his life when he said f*ck you to bogdan in the pilot, AND HIS EYEBROWS! Lol. But the other good thing was in the end, when Walt started to have sex with Skyler, he felt sexually alive at the time. What took Walt down in the road was the dangerous meth business and the people he dealt with (Tuco, etc) and eventually Gustavo Fring. Walt realised that he was good at cooking meth, and his quite desperation is what overshadowed his will (a will that started in the pilot, when he got info that he got cancer and he realised that he will leave a family financially broke without a husband/father) to give his family money, and that is what make everything go from bad, to breaking bad. At first, we felt bad for walt. It was kinda sad how his life turned out upside down for him and that he was very unhappy, but did not show it. His quite desperation was something we wanted him to unleash, but when he did, we all started hating him.



Him cooking meth is what made him happy inside, and he felt alive. Of course, this is mostly shown in Season 5 rather than the past seasons, in wich Walt is in charge of his meth business (wait what? Meth business? Walt has his own empire??? Didn't he want to do this because of his family, nothing more nothing less...? :D) and when he and Jesse talked about the boy who got killed by that creep Todd, and Walt LIED to Jesse that even he felt as bad as Jesse did. When walt went inside of the meth ''kitchen'' part of the house, he was whistling.... Jesse heard and ofc he was surprised. This showed us the first time that Walt loved his skills as a meth cook and his blue meth product.


And my final talk about Breaking Bad, is ofc the very IMO underrated ending, Felina. For some reason, I feel as if I was the only one that truly TRULY loved the ending, alot. In fact my favourite moment in the entire show was (this may surprise people) when Walt admitted to Skyler that he did it for him, not his family. ''I did it for me. I liked it, I was good at it. I was really.... I was alive.'' Oh god, I felt such a good feeling when he said that. That it came out of Walt's mouth, that HE said it, after lying so much, he finally came down and admitted and told the truth. After 2 years of lying, he told the truth.. Walt become Walter again in the ending, after being the evil Heisenberg.


And obviously the machine gun scene is very underrated, it was one of the best scenes in the show, and one of the most interesting and smart things any character in any show could do in my opinion. After shooting Jack in the skull, it was so nice for us all viewers to figure out something. What we did not know was that Walt presumably shot himself on purpose, or wanted to die at that moment. Why you may ask? He gave Jesse the gun, and he wanted Jesse to shoot him. But the Machine gun already shot Walt. Walt planned to get himself killed. If he was not to be shot by the machine gun, he would have wanted Jesse to kill him. If Jesse wouldn't, I am sure Walt would have committed suicide at that point. He wanted to die. So after all that, the final scene....


Such an underrated scene, Walt goes around. Takes the famously cool mask that he wore alot of times (the mask was mostly seen as a main thing in the pilot) and the best song in breaking bad Baby Blue by badfinger hit. Walt touches a stainless steel tank, and in the best way of all time, the show ends and walt dies. It felt like an explosive and amazing ending to the best show of all time.


What breaking bad did best for us viewers was that it mentally challenged us. To either support Walt, or not to do so, to understand and remember all the things from season 1, and to see what Walt became. Such an amazing show.

Edited by Phoenix_Poop
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Just finished to watch the second season of Breaking Bad, what an amazing TV show, I'm really enjoying it!

Loved the pink teddy bear role during this season. In fact, if you have payed attention, it appears in the episodes "Seven Thirty-Seven", "Down", "Over" and "ABQ", respectively, hinting the season finale last scene which involves a Wayfarer 515 and a Boeing 737 mid-air collision that makes them going down over Albuquerque. A pretty nice touch!

Now, I'm looking forward to watching the third season!

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CJ killed Ryder

Jesse should hv yelled "Yeah bitch, freedom!!" when he drove away in the car in his final scene. There, I said it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When will the fist episode of "Better Call Saul" will go out?

February 2015 but no specific day yet.

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I started Breaking Bad season 1 earlier today and just finished it.

I know it's very late blah blah, however I've never really found the time to sit back and watch it. But today I'm ill and had a browse through Netflix and though, now's a better time, as day time TV sucks. Yeah, I enjoyed it. Now gotta get through the rest!

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Craig Kostelecky

Enjoy the ride! If you're like me, it'll take you about 10 days to get through the whole run :)

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Just finished to watch the third season, Breaking Bad became the greatest TV series I've ever seen in my life: the characters are coherent, the plot is believable, and the attention to details is simply astonishing. I'm looking forward to watching the forth season, things are starting to get really interesting now.


I started Breaking Bad season 1 earlier today and just finished it.

I know it's very late blah blah, however I've never really found the time to sit back and watch it. But today I'm ill and had a browse through Netflix and though, now's a better time, as day time TV sucks. Yeah, I enjoyed it. Now gotta get through the rest!

It isn't late, I just started it too, and I think it's better because now we're able to watch each season without waiting a year to watch the other one. By the way, I hope you're enjoying it as much as I do.

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Finished it all last week for the 2nd time. Gutted. Might start it again next year. I just love getting lost in the story.

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^ How Levi feels about being banned.

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Levi's a stand up guy, he wouldn't do a thing like that.

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  • 4 weeks later...


My theory is that part 1 will be about Walt tying up loose ends with Gus' death, and eventually he will try to establish himself as the new kingpin (for some reason). Then part one ends with Walt actually becoming the new Gus, and season 2 will start out with Walt in complete power, then something happens, which leads to Jesse finding out about Jane and Brock.



Holy crap...

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Judging by the season 5 poster "ALL HAIL THE KING" it think it's safe to say Walt will become the new meth kingpin. I'm excited to see how he builds his empire, which I'm certain will include the car wash in some way or another. The car wash would be the perfect play to harbor a new super lab... with all the chemicals and whatnot. And Hank finding out who Heisenberg really is going to be an epic moment in television history. With Hank being right about Gus the whole time, I think it's possible he may get a promotion, and his own DEA team. He will have alot more resources now than he ever has before. If they trace Walt's drug money, his whole family would feel the effect. The house will be seized, because he payed the bills with drug money. The car was will be seized... Skyler will be taken into jail for aiding a criminal. Walt Jr. will probably have to move in with Hank and Marie, alot with his little sister.


It will be interesting to see how Hank deals with finding out about Walt, because he's family... and he knows it will ruin them. Plus, it will be interesting see how Walt deals with it. Will he go down without a fight? Or will his pride get the better of him, and he'll do something drastic?


This dude...my God.

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yeah Levi was good at watching Breaking Bad.


it's a shame he wasn't as good at staying unbanned from GTAF.

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