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Is Season 4/5 different than the first 3 seasons ? does it get a lot better ?

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The Leviathan

Season 5 is my favorite, for sure. Part 1 is him building his empire, and part 2 his empire slowly starts to crumble. Truly awesome. The whole series is great, but season 5 really gives me a Scarface vibe... which is good.

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Season 5 is so great, really see how far Walt has gone. Watch s1 e1 then watch s5 e1 back to back and you see how much he's changed.

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There's a show on NutFlex called The Writer's Room, which is about writers of famous TV shows coming together to discuss how they wrote for their shows. The first episode covers Breaking Bad. Pretty interesting 23 minutes if you guys get the chance!

If I recall, they have some of that episode uploaded to good ol YouTube.


Also, any of you read the pilot script? You can download it as a PDF. Mind you, it was the very original copy of the script.

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  • 1 month later...
Der Süden

When I've had a month for free on Lovefilm I watched season 1-6. When I've had a month for free on Watchever I watched season 1-6 again. Great series, great characters, except Skyler, she's a bitch imo.

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The Leviathan


mucho satisfactory.

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CJ killed Ryder

Bryan Cranston on Breaking Bad's return: "Never say never"




Walter White might survived?

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This show is my pick for most overrated show of the decade. I had to listen to people tell me '' this show is the tv equivalent to the second coming of jesus'' I mean that's how most fans ''sell''' the show.


Anyway I was saving the show because I believed it was going to be epic and tv is so awful these days I wanted to have atleast one more good show to watch.


Man was I wrong. The show itself isn't bad don't get me wrong but it's just like every other family show. The wife and husband hate each other '' and their life sux'' Instead of trying to improve their relationship they'd rather drift apart and hate each other. I felt like a child of divorce watching the first 2 seasons and about 3 ep's of season 3. ( I had to stop watching. The show was making me depressed and angry I wasn't getting any joy out of it)


I know people say season 4/5 are the best but that's garbage why should I have to watch 3 bullsh*t seasons so I can have 2 good one's ? prison break had 4 seasons total and every ep was epic ! no pointless bullsh*t in that show.


the whole concept is dumb he claims his doing it for his '' family'' yet he treats them like sh*t. He doesn't give a f*ck about them. He treats his son pathetically his not even a father to him. The DEA agent is more of a father to the kid. I know this is part of the plot but again if theirs not going to be a major payoff at the end of it its pointless.


If the show ended with walters wife divorcing him, His son disowning him and the feds catching up with walter and imprisoning him for life and putting him in 23 hour lock down the show could of worked but hearing it ends with walter getting shot in the end and his cancer was going to kill him anyway. It killed any interest I had in the show.


no morals or message = garbage you may as well watch jersy shore what a lack of morality. Atleast scarface and the gangsters I watch have no choice but to lead a life of crime so I can understand their choices walter admits his over qualified for his job so why doesn't he get a better one that can pay his bills ? See the show makes no sense !

Go to church if you're looking for some ham fisted morals forced upon you and some fake sense of ultimate resolutions in storylines. The whole series was built upon the fact that the main character ain't going to make it, if you took three seasons to realise this then you're beyond help. In any case I think the first 2 or 3 seasons are the best, so that's all perspective. Breaking Bad isn't the best television series by a long shot, but your criticisms are inane and trite. I don't know what you were expecting from this show, but I can only apologise that your strange sense of expectation in moral message and neat packaging of story has ruined your enjoyment of it.


As for your ending, his family did end up disowning him, so that's irrelevant. Him being arrested would serve no story purpose anyway and would be rather redundant given the circumstances of the character at the end, not to mention completely dull.


Lol also as for Walt and his wife not 'fixing it', maybe you missed the part where he was a man with terminal cancer hiding a meth empire from his family which includes a DEA enforcer?

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  • 3 weeks later...
The Leviathan



Thinking about doing a re-watch of this wonderful show soon. Anyone want to join me?

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I miss waiting for new episodes each week.



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  • 1 month later...
The Leviathan

Thought this was funny.



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The Odyssey



Anyone seen this?


Another thing:

Does anyone feel Andrea's death was foreshadowed by the previous episode, where Walt admits to Jesse that he watched Jane die? Both scenes included a character watching Jesse's character die, this time around it was jesse himself.


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I swear every last thing in this show is foreshadowed at some point, it's genius.

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you know the guy who created Breaking Bad used to be one of the lead writers for The X-Files.




he has often said that working on X-Files is where he learned to make use of Red Herrings, foreshadowing, and allusions in his writing.

but especially in his directing. the words that characters speak are important, but more important are their behaviors and the attention to detail in their surroundings. almost every movement that a Vince Gilligan character makes while on-screen is deliberate.

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Currently binge watching the show again because it's been over a year.. love watching it the second time around since I understand more of the plot now.


Also forgot how great most of the songs are, currently in episode 4 of season 1 and ran into the song "Uh" by Fujiya & Miyagi, amazing.

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Currently binge watching the show again because it's been over a year.. love watching it the second time around since I understand more of the plot now.


Also forgot how great most of the songs are, currently in episode 4 of season 1 and ran into the song "Uh" by Fujiya & Miyagi, amazing.

One of my favorites would be "Limeliters - Take my true love by her hand" when

Walt is rolling his last barrel of money through the desert

or of course there's "Badfinger - Baby blue" which couldn't have been more fitting for that scene at the end.

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Hi BB fans, hi Levi. Just passing through.




*ding ding*

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Tonight AMC is airing the first 6 episodes again at 5pm EST I believe, really looking forward to it.

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Last two episodes tonight of season five. God I love you Netflix.

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I finished Breaking Bad finally. I thought it was a pretty good show. But the final episode being claimed as "the greatest final episode of all time" is far from it. It was okay don't get me wrong. But not even close to being considered the greatest. Its behind Dexter and Lost and others if you ask me.

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Dexter seriously?

Dexter's final episode is not even on the top 25 list...

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For months all I kept hearing about is this award winning final episode. After I finally get through the show, I see that last episode. I mean it was okay, but not even close being the greatest final episode of all time. Dexters was better than that, atleast it had some mystery to it. Lost was one big confussion for a while and it was better than that. Opinions are like a**holes. Everybodies got one. To each his own

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Just finished BB today. I tried watching it months before but couldn't get past the first few episodes. Started watching it again recently and all I gotta say is DAMN! Its a great show. Little disappointed with the ending but still awesome nonetheless.


Walking Dead is still my #1 AMC show, though.(more of a zombie guy)

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I'm still waiting on Walking Dead on Netflix to update this fall. Its been hard not hearing what happens with this show. It is by far the most popular on Facebook and other social media.

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I'm still waiting on Walking Dead on Netflix to update this fall. Its been hard not hearing what happens with this show. It is by far the most popular on Facebook and other social media.

Yup lol AMC kicks ass.

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The Leviathan


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