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Breaking Bad was created by Vince Gilligan, who spent several years writing the Fox series The X-Files. Gilligan wanted to create a series in which the protagonist became the antagonist. "Television is historically good at keeping its characters in a self-imposed stasis so that shows can go on for years or even decades," he said. "When I realized this, the logical next step was to think, how can I do a show in which the fundamental drive is toward change?" He added that his goal with Walter White is to turn him from Mr. Chips into Scarface. The concept emerged as Gilligan talked with his fellow writer Thomas Schnauz, and they joked regarding their unemployment that the solution was "putting a meth lab in the back of an RV and driving around the country cooking meth and making money."

Gilligan has said it is difficult to write for Walter White because the character is so dark and morally questionable: "I'm going to miss the show when it's over, but on some level, it'll be a relief to not have Walt in my head anymore." Gilligan later said the idea for Walter's character intrigued him so much that he "didn't really give much thought on how well it would sell", stating that he would have given up on the premise given it was "such an odd, dark story" that could have difficulties being pitched to studios. As the series has progressed, Gilligan and the writing staff of Breaking Bad have made Walter increasingly unsympathetic. Gilligan said: "He's going from being a protagonist to an antagonist. We want to make people question who they're pulling for, and why Cranston said by the fourth season: "I think Walt's figured out it's better to be a pursuer than the pursued. He's well on his way to badass." Gilligan defines the term "breaking bad" as "to raise hell."


Just the tip of a very big iceberg.


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Enough foreplay, Walt has tried season after season to live like a normal man. Remember his pathetic attempts to reform after the plane crash? For ages, we've seen signs that this is not just a means of providing for his family but a way for him to feel powerful. Walter White is an emasculated nobody, henpecked by his wife, patronised by his brother-in-law and mocked by his students. Heisenberg is an ice cold killer who makes the best meth in New Mexico.

For ages we've seen subtle hints of this personality and I think that his murder of Gus and his reaction to it: I won. Means that he is finally ready to embrace his role in the world and become the new drug kingpin.


They stated that their aim in this show was to turn a mild mannered guy into Tony Montana, it's time to see that. We know he can kill without a second thought, we know he has no qualms about sending others to kill for him or potentially murdering a child for his own ends.


He's reached that point where it makes sense for Walter to take over completely and become a massive drug baron. We've been teased with the prospect for ages and now comes the payoff.

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Agreed sir. Walt is too far gone now, there's no turning back for him. His morality is unfix-able at this point, so I think it's time for him to just embrace who he is. I think Walt has always been a bad guy deep down, it just took cancer for this side to be unleashed. I believe "Heisenberg" will make his presence known in season 5. Walt's pride will be his downfall... mark my words. I can't wait to see the confrontation between Walt and Hank. This has been building up since the beginning and I am very, very curious to see how it plays out.


I have a prediction that Walt will kill Hank in order to protect himself. How crazy would that be?

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I have a prediction that Walt will kill Hank in order to protect himself. How crazy would that be?

I agree this will probably happen. But I'm more inclined to believe that Walt will kill him simply because he has always resented Hank. Remember the party? How Walt got drunk and told his son to stop treating Hank like his Dad? He's got a lot of hang-ups and paranoia, like a lot of criminals I think Walt confuses love with ownership. It's not enough to have a loving family, he has to be the big man, the alpha male.

Hell, he had a chance, a perfectly good chance, to take money from friends of his and get the medical treatment he needed. But he turned it down, because he always acts on ego. And throughout a lot of his life, I think Hank has made Walt feel inadequate as a man and a father.

I think he's going to kill him out of pure spite. He's got that hatred bubbling up inside him.

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You're right. I can see how he would do it out of spite. Hank has always kinda belittled him. I was watching the first season again not too long ago, and Hank bashes on him alot. This feeling has been building up for so long inside Walt. Who knows what Walt would do after if he does kill him. He will probably feel really bad or laugh hysterically again. I swear, that laugh always gives me goosebumps when I hear it.

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Are you sure that season 5 starts in july? I thought that it wil start in first quartal of 2012.

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Are you sure that season 5 starts in july? I thought that  it wil start in first quartal of 2012.

I remember reading that season 5 will air sometime in July just like season 4 did. Hold on I'll find the link.




Mentions July 2012 at the last page of the article. That was posted very recently too. Oh, and apparently they begin filming season 5 here pretty soon.

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Its really f*cked up that we have to wait till summer, this is one of the best crime tv series i had watched standing toe to toe with the wire and sopranos, but even that series had ups and downs, but breaking bad is so dynamic, you never know what will happen next.

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Don't forget about Mike. They said that they would send a car for him in a couple days. I'm willing to bet that he makes a big return in Season 5 and will most likely be pissed.

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It will be worth the wait, that's for sure. It's kinda sad that this will be the last season, but I gotta be honest, I'd rather them end it with a bang instead of milking it for more seasons. For now, all we can do is speculate. Which is half the fun imo!


And yes, definitely haven't forgotten about Mike. Who knows how he will react to Gus' death. I know he wouldn't want to draw attention to himself, he's too smart for that. He might end up as an enforcer for Walt.

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Same here.


Glad they will finish on a high, rather than let this great show drag on.


As for what's next, I just hope they wrap things up nicely and don't focus too much on Skyler and the whole money laundering aspect of the story, that annoying bitch just gets on my nerves too much.


I'm hoping Jessie keeps clean, and it all ends happily for him.

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I agree that Skyler can be annoying at times. She's an important part of the story though. The whole car wash money laundering scheme was her idea, so she's basically aiding a criminal. I can't wait to see what happens if Hank finds out about this. It's going to be like a greek tragedy for the whole White family, and it will be all Walt's fault. I'm gonna feel so sorry for junior.


And yes, Jesse deserves a happy ending. Walt has put him through alot. If Walt is gonna die, I hope Jesse is gonna be the one to kill him. That would be satisfying.

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I watched the first episode on AMC that I ever have seen, I don't get the idea behind it other then more DRUG making, selling, using, ....well, somewhat, but that doesn't make a hit show in my mind. The more moving element involved a man "Walt" (Walter) dying of cancer and dealing with everyone else's perceptions about how to deal with something so personal, yet effecting family and friends as well

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Can't believe you came in here to post that Slamman. Pretty much a spoiler fest in here, so I guess you don't mind.


But yeah, I mean that's what it's all about really. A good guy that slowly turns into a bad guy. That's the concept which makes it interesting and why it's a good show. Just seeing how far Walt will go for his family is great to watch. Although at this point I think he's doing it all for himself rather than his family. Gonna be interesting to see where season 5 takes us.

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I'm wondering why the raves about it? I watched it in a curious state of mind, who wouldn't after reading the "fanboy" contingent here?, but I assume it's why the GTA storyline is popular among the game players, the drug trade is expected in a GTA game, but for me, not a reason why I play GTA, honest.


Not saying there's anything poorly done on the show, but just hearing about it, or seeing the DVD box, or ads, it's hard to figure out if a show is for you or not, since I normally watch standard FREE TV, it wasn't planned that I'd actually be watching it.

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Was it the very first episode that you watched? It you was to sit down and watch the first few episodes, you would better understand everything. Then you would see what all the rave is about. That is, if you are truly inclined to do so and your not just rambling on. If you don't want anything spoiled about the show, I highly recommend you stay out of this thread. Oh, and one last thing. The show isn't just about the drugs. It's about the morality these characters go through when pushed into a corner. That's the real selling point. So yeah, stay out of here until you catch up. Post your thoughts of the show in the TV discussion thread.


@Topic: Who else here fully expects Walt to enter Scarface mode in season 5?

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I am surprised no ones going off about the end shot of episode 13, the f*cking lily's! I don't want to believe Walt would of done such a thing to manipulate Jesse but he's crossed so many lines already whats to say he wouldn't cross that one.

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When I found out that Walt would actually poison a child in order to protect his family, I was utterly speechless for at least 10 min. I just couldn't belive it! Sure, maybe he knew alot about this plant and the chances the kid had to live, but he still risked it. Horrible thing to do. I hope they do a flashback that shows how Walt ended up doing it.


Walt has let Jane die and now he poisoned a child that is dear to Jesse. Once Jesse finds out about this who knows what he will do.


P.S. way to contribute there Slamman... sarcasm.gif

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I was watching the Remastered Behind the Music episodes only hours ago, a Breaking Bad star mentioned in a faked movie trailer for a film that never existed, based on the life of Weird Al Yankovic, Funny or Die channel on YouTube.

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I was watching the Remastered Behind the Music episodes only hours ago, a Breaking Bad star mentioned in a faked movie trailer for a film that never existed, based on the life of Weird Al Yankovic, Funny or Die channel on YouTube.

Seriously Slamman the majority of the time I can ignore you, but for f*ck sake. What the hell does any of that have to do with the f*cking final season of Breaking Bad, what does that post you just made offer towards the discussion ? f*ck all. Jeez man stop with the f*cking spam


OT: Like many others I hope we see the final stage of his metamorphosis from average joe to drug kingpin. Though Skyler is not just going to let it happen, as he did say to her that it was over and that "He won".

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Yeah man, just try your best to ignore Slamman. I honestly don't know what fuels him to post sooooooo much f*cking useless information. I'm just guessing he doesn't have anything else better to do.


And yeah, I think season 5 we will witness the fully evolved Walt. It's been building up since season 1. And I am also very curious to see how Skyler deals with knowing what Walt is capable of. The dude bombed a retirement home for f*ck sake! It seems to me that "Heisenberg" turns her on. Remember that episode when Walt starts fingering her during that meeting at school? Then afterwards he f*cks her in the Aztek. She says, "why did that feel so good?" and Walt replies, "Because it was illegal." So I'm willing to bet that Walt and Sklyer will be sorta like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde.

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Yeah I could see that actually. We even saw a bit of gangster Skyler when she called those men on Ted to get the money to protect her sell, she didn't give a f*ck about him.


Talking of Ted, what happened there ? Is he dead and if so why has Skyler not reacted to it ?

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I was wondering the same thing. I think the writers meant to leave his fate up in the air like that. However, Saul's bodyguard did mention that it was an "act of God." So who knows. If he did die, I wonder what would happen to his company. I mean, the debt is paid off now. Image if Skyler now owns it. Could be another front for Walt to launder his money.


I was thinking that if Walt wants to get back into the meth game now that it's basically free territory, he would use his carwash as a front for a super lab. Imagine how crazy that would be! A car wash would be perfect to hide a meth lab. Air filters, chemicals ect. ect. The writers could have planned this since the beginning.

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I assumed Ted was dead, I just found it a bit weird how Skyler has yet to find out and even if she had did not give a f*ck. If Walt does become some massive drug crime lord then I hope his cancer gets the better off him by the end, not because it annoys me that Walt has become antagonist I just wouldn't want the show to finish with Walt now a massive meth distributor as it leaves a very uncertain future that we will never know of.

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Walt is not going to end up in a good place, there's no way. But a bad place doesn't have to be 6 feet under. There's other things they could do to destroy him.

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Walt is not going to end up in a good place, there's no way. But a bad place doesn't have to be 6 feet under. There's other things they could do to destroy him.

Understandable but any other ending for me personally would not be fitting. Say he is caught and ended up in Jail, thats a future I would want to know about. I suppose you could have Skyler finally deserting him for good and end on Walt as a ruined man.

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I could easily see them keeping him alive but completely f*cked up physically. Like in a vegetative state or horribly disfigured. Death seems like an easy way out.

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I could easily see them keeping him alive but completely f*cked up physically. Like in a vegetative state or horribly disfigured. Death seems like an easy way out.

It might seem easy but its the main driving force behind Walt, his clock is ticking away and he wants to secure his family as best he can, the cancer was the start of it and I believe it will also be the end.


Also I think the most interesting element of the next season is Hanks story. He's so close yet so far from knowing the full story and now Herbert (think that was his name) was caught in an explosion with Gus after just visiting the DEA but he is nowhere near knowing the full story.

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Well, Walt IS now the antagonist. This is essentially what the show has been about from the start. A good guy who turns into a bag guy. BREAKING bad. I believe the writers will close out this show with no loose ends. About Walter White's fate, I remember hearing somewhere that Vince Gilligan has always had the intention of killing Walt at the end. The manner in which he dies is the question. His cancer could come back, which will cause him to do more drastic things. And about Hank, I'm pretty sure he is now known as a hero to the DEA for uncovering the truth about Gus. I mean, he was right all along. I'm wondering how long it will take until the DEA looks at the surveillance footage on Gus' computer. Walt is on that computer, so I wonder how that will play out.


I'd bet that the DEA has now given Hank his own tactical team and a promotion. Will he label Gus as "Heisenberg"? Or will he continue to pursue? My guess is the second one. All I know is Walt better watch out because Hank is now gong to be stronger. Also would like to mention Gus' past. Obviously he was an important person in Chillie. But how important? Don Eladio said the only reason he didn't kill him was because he knew about his past. This could come back to bite Walt in the ass.


Oh, and here is a video where Bryan Cranston discusses the fate of Walter White.



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Well, Walt IS now the antagonist.

I don't think the metamorphosis has finished yet, I still consider him as a Protagonist as the audience is still hoping for his succsess as he is still at the end of the day doing this for his family, no doubt though season 5 will start the greed aspect. He won't be the antagonist until we actually want to see Walt go down, I think the Lily poisoning signifys the final change. For Walt to be the shows antagonists aswell you need someone to fill the role of Protagonist, the only two candidates I can see for that are Hank and Jesse.


To Break Bad I believe Walt has to change from doing bad things for good reasons to doing bad things for bad reasons, and this is what I think season 5 will be about. As the saying "When you stare into an abyss for a long time, the abyss also stares into you"

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