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Choose your San Andreas destiny

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Are you guys crazy? No old users will come to topics like this and ask "hey, i'd like to a part of your team" . You should go and ask them. Just PM all the old users. I'm sure a door will open for you guys.

Do you want to help then.

we asked alif, he was busy, at least thats what Thaboy told me 'cause he was the one who PM-ed

I PMed him but he didn't answer. That were my thoughts, he didn't told me he was to busy, he just didn't say anything.

You don't get me, do you? I'm not a experienced designer. Even I I, I can 't help cause I'm spending my holidays with my girl friend in her native state. So, I can't . I'm using a mobile. But I have one thing to say to you guys, No one went to the top in one day. Take a look at BUYSAG , at the beginning no one cared about it. But look today, they're at the top. So, locking this topic is really a bad idea. Keep trying and wait for the results. Sorry if I went OFF Topic

@shiva s

your right man, patience is something I don't have but it's very important. I 'll add to my respect list (but I think that you're there already). So I 'll ask some better designers to join and we 'll see how far this topic 'll come.

Are you guys crazy? No old users will come to topics like this and ask "hey, i'd like to a part of your team" . You should go and ask them. Just PM all the old users. I'm sure a door will open for you guys.

dude the post above you was a parody, we're not crazy, we have that sense

I think you should fully re-structure the story, remake the aim & topic layout and finally play for another wave.

that will be better

Actually a new topic is required.

well, thats ok but will the moderaters and staff be ok with it?

and give us suggestions on what all you want

I think you should fully re-structure the story, remake the aim & topic layout and finally play for another wave.

that will be better

Actually a new topic is required.

did you ever hear about a button called "edit"

If there's no one that has something to say about the look then we can begin showing our other missions.







NOTE: This topic is mostly for playing missions, if you only want to create missions: You're in the wrong topic.[(/center)][/tableb][(/center(]


Like that, but without "( )"

Edited by ThaBoY

I was thinking, I do that sometimes because I'm the smart one in this project (you know I'm joking colgate.gif ). And I thought, if we want this to become "famous" (not ignored is fine enough for me) then we need some missions. The download counter tells me that people play our missions but this topic says something else. So I 'll make 2 or 3 missions tomorrow (only because I'm free) and a trailer would be nice too. But I 'll really apreciate feedback, so if nobody's interested please tell me now cause then I've less work.


Police Department




ATTENTION, citizens of san andreas, our Jim Lake over here, is new to San Andreas, he is a cop so do kindly help him with his first day and first case at work!


Lets go to office

- Jim Lake


Case 1




user posted image

Max Thornwell

36 years old



He was murdered by an unknown person,

no suspects,


the murder weapon - Knife

It was decided by the Forensics that it was a knife, the wounds proved it.

It has not been found


The murder location is at Willowfield


user posted image




End of Briefing


Jim Lake : Lets get to work DYOM Player!


Step 1

Step 2




We need feedback and reactions

And tell us if you want a .zip file

Edited by abishai.kochara

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