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Choose your San Andreas destiny

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I guess questions mustn't be asked. If it gets hot topic automatically it will be famous. I am not telling to not to post and make a garbage bored.gif

So you don't want that the alternative for BUYSAG get attention.


Police missions are almost done and will be uploaded soon


Police Department




ATTENTION, citizens of san andreas, our Jim Lake over here, is new to San Andreas, he is a cop so do kindly help him with his first day and first case at work!


Lets go to office

- Jim Lake


Case 1




user posted image

Max Thornwell

36 years old



He was murdered by an unknown person,

no suspects,


the murder weapon - Knife

It was decided by the Forensics that it was a knife, the wounds proved it.

It has not been found


The murder location is at Willowfield


user posted image




End of Briefing


Jim Lake : Lets get to work DYOM Player!




Guys I need you to react and give feedback to help us with this

Guys you need post a pic of the clue to continue the case,

Edited by abishai.kochara

I talked to abishai, and I told him that there aren't a lot of people that like the idea because it looks like BUYSAG.

So I said that we can continue his idea but without the things that are similar to BUYSAG like the money system.


So choose your san andreas destiny is now just a topic where you can play and design missions about real life jobs.


Police Department




Jim Lake's First Case


Case 1




Suspects - None

Clues - None

Leads - None






Well this is the case status,

all the stuff marked in red mean they need to be found or added immediately


In case you didn't know, you have to find a clue to progress or you must do something to progress the case,

The objectives are very clear now but soon they'll keep getting harder and harder,


Finally, I have made my first mission for this (I want to say project, but that's hard if nobody likes it).

So here it is


they're the gangsta' lifestyle missions, right? confused.gif

No, it's a pilot that escapes from prison to his brother that want to become a doctor.


who is going to escape from prison: yes, gangsta's escape from prison. It's kinda an intro, I kept it general so I can still change the story.


but again: nobody seems to like this topic.


Hello guys, if you're reading this, well, you must reply...........

Firstly no one replies to this topic..... no offense

Then I decide to destroy this when, ThaBoy, to whom I'm very grateful tells me, that by giving up when sh*ts a mess, you can't be a someone, which is so very true, I don't understand how i forgot that. But it was enough to get me going,

This is what got me thinking-

a few years ago when I and my buddy Aaron used to play FPS games like Crysis and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare together, we would usually say "wish this was available, wish this was there....." and so on. That got me thinking that if we had those things we wanted we would've been really pleased with it.

So before I go off-topic, what I mean to say is- I plan to do as follows-







These things will be decided by you, you guys will decide these,

you guys can suggest what to do,

what to add, what to remove,

add rules, add stuff, to make this memorable,

you see I'll be away for a few weeks maybe,

So you can do what you want, do what you like, suggest what you want.

thats all.

Edited by abishai.kochara

A what? confused.gif


I just kept that this topic has no theme then how the hell would anyone post? Well, I am f*cking going outside to take some air.

oh so...............

sorry for misunderstanding john sad.gif

i'll edit immediatelly.

I thought........................

F*ck this. I give this topic 1 week and if nobody wants to reply or give feedback then I 'll beg a moderator to lock this. Then I 'll only work on my mission pack (if you don't ignore that topic too).


I don't know why you people ingnore this topic. confused.gif

F*ck this. I give this topic 1 week and if nobody wants to reply or give feedback then I 'll beg a moderator to lock this. Then I 'll only work on my mission pack (if you don't ignore that topic too).


I don't know why you people ingnore this topic. confused.gif

really we made such nice missions and everybody this like it never excisted,

ThaBoy better got on with your mission-pack,

we'll continue if theres replies, otherwise...........................................

And thanks Notna we won't give up but when no one even gives a damn..........................

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