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8 Miles


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8 Miles

-presented by Abishai Kochara


Note to all players-

Firstly guys, I know i'm not that good at designing but I've improved and have made these missions with a lot of hard-work, this my rebirth in DYOM. I'll continue those missions and will create new missions only when I finish this, this my resolution. Please give me feedback and do comment and rate.

GAME NOTE: The story, characters and information will be updated as missions are uploaded.

















Abishai Kochara, an ex-military, now in Los Santos, has plans to go around San Andreas as a camper through the countryside, he and his friends plan to go to a friend's place but fate has other plans when they get there, they go around town with Jenil, they go to a bar at night when some people dressed as cleaners barg in and drag jenil out, after getting into a gunfight you realize Jenil is dead...............







Abishai Kochara (AK)

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He was part of the Military, now he is retired after a grenade blew up while he and Dipesh Suvarna, Ravindranath Venkata and Yash Patil were about 5 metres away from it.

Now he lives on the money he saved,

he loves adventures and adreline,

had a very hurtful childhood.


Dipesh Suvarna (DS)

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He is Abishai's Friend, dangerously accurate with guns, he's useless with throwables.

The first to come around after the blast.

The last to recover from it.


Ravindranath Venkata (RV)

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The most strategic and patient person here, better known as Ravi, he's the man with a plan.

He knows what he's doing and does everything with a purpose.


Yash Patil (YP)

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He's the brains here, knows the name of almost every techonology, electronic device, software, hardware, etc.

Real good with maths(they all copied his maths homework), He had won an award for something they don't know. All of them have won awards.


Donnel Lieu

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Abishai's Butler, very faithful, loyal.



Jenil Mange (JM)

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He had a government job, he just retired and was very excited on Abishai and his friends arrival.

Status: Dead


Abhirup Kamath

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Actually a government official he's one of abishai's childhood friends.......

he is K.I.A in 'The 4 dragons have arrived'

Status : Dead



Chapter 1 : The Thing that started it all

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The Discussion

Bank Shootout

a good start, a good meet

Bar War

Death that changed my life

Funeral of death

knock on the door, blast on the lawn

to Mt.Chiliad


Chapter 2 : Beginning to rise

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for control

for annoyance

They're back for us

The lure

order of blood

Aha! San Escapado, the chase begins

San Escapado, a grand escape

Parking lot struggle



Chapter 3 : The Deathride

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The struggle continues

A lead to last

The 4 dragons have arrived

Neatly planned assasination

Attack on general ding's 'base'



Screenshots, Videos


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The Cleaners

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Abishai strictly believes that they are killers in disguise of cleaners but was dumbstruck when they appeared in a cleaner van but their being killers was evident......




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The only faction known in the Whetstone areas.

Abishai and Ravi - the only people who banged 'em

They have weapons that they know very well to use, the only reason they lost was because the guys they(AK & RV) fought were newbies to this gang.



Edited by abishai.kochara
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the mission ' a good start, a good meet' was supposed to released now but.......

i made the mission and when i tried to test it.......

it crashed in the fourth cutscene, anyway i'll make it again and release it today,

Give me feedback to improve.

And also I need logos, can anyone do them?

(Notna will do the trailer, thanks a lot notna! biggrin.gif

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I feel stupid but how do i make missions inside hidden interiors without making me fall in heaven when i play it? sad.gif

Help please, I need it. sad.gif

Wow.. what a glitch

well, stupid glitch, it wastes my time, i have to go out and make the mission too, i made a huge mission played it, BLAM! its gone. Now I have to remake it,

but please someone give a solution. sad.gif

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Uploaded missions -

a good start, a good meet

Bar War

Death that changed my life



These missions were all supposed to be in one mission but due to a glitch.....

The next missions will be action-packed and will be large!

Anyways enjoy

Please give me feedback to improve

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About that glitch that the player is falling because the interior become unsolid

It is because you didn't spawn the actor player in the same interior with the cutscene

So make the player spawn somewhere in the interior. It should work

i know how to teleport an actor(thats what I do) into an interior but spawning........... I don't know.

When i make a mission inside an interior alone, it works but when i put half mission outside and half inside, i fall down sad.gif

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Added .zip file of


Chapter 1 : The Thing that changed my life


STATUS Completed!



(P.S actually I don't know how but due to something the above post was repeated here so I edited this post when I remembered i forgot to add the link of .zip file)

Edited by abishai.kochara
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lol, Gorgonits. Hate much?


Already finished? Cool, gonna play them.

haha... lol.gif

those missions were the dumbest, the gorgonits face us with such stupid weapons.... lol.gif

it all just gets amazing, a fist fight, a fight in which you have to use their weapons.

I got that name by just looking at them.... lol.gif

Anyways enjoy. Thanks for playing

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I feel stupid but how do i make missions inside hidden interiors without making me fall in heaven when i play it? sad.gif

Help please, I need it. sad.gif

Wow.. what a glitch

I advice you to put some objects bellow the floor of the interrior, this will make the ground solid wink.gif


Good Luck

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I feel stupid but how do i make missions inside hidden interiors without making me fall in heaven when i play it? sad.gif

Help please, I need it. sad.gif

Wow.. what a glitch

I advice you to put some objects bellow the floor of the interrior, this will make the ground solid wink.gif


Good Luck

thanks a lot, that will help me a lot as I have a few missions coming up that are in interiors.

Thanks biggrin.gif

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I've played the 1st chapter. The story is ok. But, the presentation. The subtitle. It's something weird. Hard to read and hard to understand. confused.gif

well read the characters, Abishai Kochara (AK)

Dipesh Suvarna (DS)

thats how it works, just read the character section!

thanks for playing, any more feedback to improve and on action?

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I've played the 1st chapter. The story is ok. But, the presentation. The subtitle. It's something weird. Hard to read and hard to understand.  confused.gif

well read the characters, Abishai Kochara (AK)

Dipesh Suvarna (DS)

thats how it works, just read the character section!

thanks for playing, any more feedback to improve and on action?

One more.. if you want to make two actors talking in one cutscene, make it a bit longer like 5-8 seconds. icon14.gif

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Neatly planned assasination

Attack on general ding's 'base'



Chapter 3 : Status : COMPLETED







EDIT : In the last mission press AEZAKMI as soon as you reach the airport, sorry for the bug




Added .zip file of chapter 2 & chapter 3


Chapter 2 : Beggining to rise

Chapter 3 : The Deathride



Edited by abishai.kochara
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