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Alex Reed Stories

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Thanks to Narcis_speed6 for the title and headers biggrin.gif





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Don't stop giving up on what you must do - Thomas Reed


In a year of 1985, a story about a guy named Alex Reed. His brother, Thomas Reed was a great man, did many good things in Los Santos. He's the one who always solve people problems. Many people love him. He's a great cop.


Not until one day....


Alex Reed have to kill his own brother because of Hart Snyder, a guy who work with Thomas Reed himself. After Alex killed his brother, he move to San Fierro with John. That's where he met Taylor Handerson and Smith Johnson. Taylor is a leader of a gang called Downtown Shooters. They were the strongest gang...


But after 2 years...


Alex Reed decided to go to Liberty City to start a new life. He thought it was a good choice, but he was wrong. He felt lonely, everything he had was gone. After 5 years in Liberty City, he moved back to San Fierro. To be with his gang again. The gang is no longer the strongest, but they are the weakest.




It's time for Alex to show what he got. This is now his new life, new adventures and as a new person. It is his job to make his gang, the strongest, the biggest, the most powerful.


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Name Decription
Alex Reed He live in Liberty City for 5 years, because of killing his own brother.
Major Character
John Griffin Alex friend since childhood. Owe people a lot of money.
Gonzalez Hugo One of the Southside Locos gang. He make deal of peace with the Downtown Shooters.
Brian Galley A guy you'll met in Bayside. Use to be a drug dealer.
Minor Characters
Taylor Handerson The leader of Downtown Shooters. A really smart guy.
Smith Johnson Bestfriend of Taylor. Knows how to handle guns. A really strong guy.
Thomas Reed He is Alex older brother. Died 7 years ago, in Los Santos. Killed by his own brother, Alex.
Cruz Daniel A friend of Gonzalez, which is one of the gang.
Barry Leroy Also a friend of Gonzalez. Doesn't like to talk much.
Victor Santiago The leader of Southside Locos gang. A strong guy but weaker that Ivan Javier.
Richard Burnett
Harris White A friend of Brian. He was once a gundealer.
Jimmy Diego The leader of High Rolling 5s gang in San Fierro. Smart and hard to kill.
Ivan Javier The leader of Northside Posse. Strong guy and too hard to kill.
Frank A guy that supposed to meet Taylor.
Sherman Doyle Owner of the Caligula's casino.
Paul Lindsey Sherman right hand man. Loyal to Sherman Doyle.
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Name : Downtown Shooters (Grove Skin)

Status : Friend

About : Used to be a strong gang but the High Rolling 5s and Northside Posse turned their back against this gang.


Name : High Rolling 5s (Ballas skin)

Status : Enemy

About : The most sworn enemy of Downtown Shooters. Work together with Northside Posse. Nickname is HR5.


Name : Northside Posse (Da nang boys skin)

Status : Enemy

About : Work together with High Rolling 5s on taking over the San Fierro. The most sworn enemy of Southside Locos.


Name : Southside Locos (Aztecas skin)

Status : Friend

About : Used to be enemy to Downtown Shooters but now a friendly gang .Hate the Northside Posse.


Name : East Side Thugs

Status : Enemy

About : The gang who lives in Bayside. Nickname is EST.


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Feedback would be appeciate


Chapter 1 : The start of a new life [Download]


• The day it began.. - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16096

• Smith and Taylor - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16097

• Beat the High Rolling 5s - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16098

• Taylor's Favor - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16099

• Protection in need - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16100

• Getting a car - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16101

• Bodyguard - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16102

• To the rescue ! - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16103

• Southside Deal - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16104

• Plan to attack - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16105

• Rain has come, funeral situation - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16106

• Back in the map - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16107

• Helping hand - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16108

• Delivering the package - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16109

• Attacking the HR5 [Part 1] - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16129

• Attacking the HR5 [Part 2] - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16162


Chapter 2 : No where to go[Download]

• Welcome to Bayside - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16458

• To live in Bayside - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16972

• Unknown Caller - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=16984

• Giving a hand - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=17063

• Ambush! - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=17081

• The 'unknown' call again - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=17283

• Going to Las Venturas - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=17307


Chapter 3 : Money talks

• All about money - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=17382

• East Side Thugs Ambush - http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=17603

• Money to live

• Meet Ray the "rich"

• Hits

• Phone call to meet

• Jordan help

• Ambush in the casino

• Just business

• Owner of Caligula

• Sherman's right hand

• The Mafia fight

• An old friend

• 7 years ago, Los Santos.

• Making an escape

• One step closer


Chapter color :

Yellow - Finish

Green - In progress

Red - Not started


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Review [AznKei] :


====== Mission 1 & 2 ====== ====== Mission 3 & 4 =======



====== Mission 5 & 6 ====== ====== Mission 7 & 8 =======



====== Mission 9 & 10 ====== ====== Mission 11 ======



====== Mission 12 ====== ====== Mission 13 ======



====== Mission 14 - 16 ======




Hey guys! Today, I'm gonna review some missions from Shark21's series 'Alex Reed Stories'

Now to the review!


Writing Good Except for a few grammer mistakes, everything else's alright!


Presentation Excellent The camera angles and timing are excellent! Really good job! Everything fits properly!


Welcome to Bayside


Length Very goodYou'll take about 7minutes to pass, you land up in Bayside without knowing where you are with two cops........


Difficulty Easy As long as you don't do sh*t, play it properly, the accuracy the enemies have is very low.


Vareity Very Good Two cops, two guns, you and new friend, a bike, a home, thats all!



To live in Bayside


Length Good It'll take you some time about five minutes, if you drive quickly without wasting time and complete the missions, you drive to a friend's place and on reaching......


Difficulty Medium There are enemies with melee weapons and all, they're beating up your friend, whom you need to save!


Vareity Very Good Good skins chosen, good job with the weapons!


Unknown Caller


Length Very good It'll take you about 10-15 minutes, you get a call after which........


Difficulty Easy There are a few enemies with UZIs, as long as you're dodging their bullets and using cover, which isn't needed, you're safe.


Vareity Very Good The Mexican in the mission really fits his role and the gangsters were well chosen and well placed!


  Overall good job, just improve grammar and you're awesome! Good job and good luck! This's a must try for all!


If you got some screenshot, post it here. smile.gif

Video and ScreenShot will be here


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• Dutchy3010 - Making DYOM

• PatrickW - Making DYOM

Shark21 - For designing the mission

• Narcis_speed6 - For the logo and header

• AznKei - For the video review Chapter 1

• abishai.kochara - For the written review Chapter 2


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More character will be update

More gang will be update

I got the idea already so, right now I making the missions

Sometimes I will change the mission name


Edited by -S-hark21
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Hey, how about the other missions pack ? That Army missions pack

Anyway, good luck with this icon14.gif

That will be stop for a while cause that is my friend idea

Right now he got no idea and said he want to stop for a while and find the idea for that mission pack

Maybe later it will continue


Edit :


I have taken over the mission pack now!

My friend is lack of ideas. He said he want me take care of it.

Edited by -S-hark21
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The trailer was nice, but remove the HUD next time  icon14.gif


And I am gonna play these missions when I have time.

Remove the HUD? How do I do that? I still new at it

You can tell me by using PM if you want


Edit : Already know how to remove

Thanks to Notna biggrin.gif

Edited by -S-hark21
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I guess until you don't get good feedbacks for your missions, is won't worthy to review them. Better wait for nice feedbacks and select your best missions.


I can't lie that even if a mission is a sh*t it's awesome.


Tip: It is better to release missions one by one not by making 1 chap and then another one. This will push back your topic. It keeps this topic updated.


Let me see... 5 good feedbacks and i will review them. Remember, we have a life. I stick to Orignal San Andreas than DYOM.


Sorry for some harsh talks.

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