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DYOM Chain Game

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DYOM Chain Game


Anyone can join. Always new members are welcome. wink.gif




1. No one will make missions which require specific mods and all. We will use a clean dyom.


2. The missions must vary like if you concertrate on action then other player make another type of mission.


3. Don't make huge missions. The maximum objective is 40.


4. Every mission must be made with attention because at the end, we will make a storyline pack with everyone's mission.


5. The format of uploading mission is- [DYOM CG] Mission Name.


6. You must keep a copy of the orignal too!


7. After 6 hrs, anyone can take turn.


8. I will always upload the starting mission.


9. Don't make non continueable mission. The last mission will be always 50th mission. You will be lucky if you get 50th one. biggrin.gif


10. If you want to talk about something, don't post it here at all! Go to this area- Chain Game Lounge.


11. Use the strike code for striking and edit your post. Don't worry, i will check it often. If nothing is going then go to Chain Game Lounge and tell that you have put a mission-


I will take turn.

I will take turn.



 [s]I will take turn.[/s] 



12. Sure to play the Last Turner's Mission!


13. Other rules of the Forums will be applied.


'!' marks means important. The story box is removed now.


This Game is just for creating ideas in your mind and having fun.


Let's start!


Here's the first starting mission. I will keep this updated. smile.gif


1. A new Start


2. Workin' Out


3. First Job


4. Home Attack


5. Helping your Brother


6. Wheels which we need


7. Protection in need


8. Randsom


9. Killing the criminal




Format of uploading and telling here-



 [b]Mission Name:[/b][b]Mission Link:[/b][b]Mission Designer:[/b][b]Mission Objectives:[/b][b]Note by the Designer:[/b]



Remember, first you will give a brief look of your mission and then this. Note by the Designer, if you want to give tips to the next player that how to make mission and all. But it must be worthy.

Edited by john12
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Next time, please, honor the rules, no off-topic sh*t, okay?


Mission name: Workin' out

Mission designer: SatournFan

Number of objectives: 22

Notes from designer:

-Time limit

-Melee fight


Link: Go here to download the mission


Go to SA, VC or III forum to see how the Chain Game topic must look like. Only turn posts, no other, other posts are held in Lounge.

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Played the mission biggrin.gif

Now i will take turn


Done the 3rd mission! biggrin.gif


Mission name : First Job

Mission designer : Shark21

Number of objectives : 20

Notes from designer : Melee fight


Link : Click here to download the mission


Now who's gonna continue?

Edited by -S-hark21
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I'll take the turn !


Mission Name : Helping Your Brother

Mission Link : http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=15923

Mission Designer : alifjenius

Mission Objectives : 32

A note from the designer :

Some characters used from designer's missions pack

Edited by alifjenius
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I will take the turn. cool.gif


Mission Name: Wheels which you need

Mission Link: http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=15925

Mission Designer: john12

Mission Objectives: 20

Note by the Designer: Good luck, lol and tough time trial.





Edited by john12
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I'll take the turn


Mission name : Protection in need

Mission designer : Shark21

Mission objectives : 17

Notes from the designer :

- Training

- Gunshot


Link :Click here to download the mission


Now continue it biggrin.gif

Edited by -S-hark21
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I will take the turn.


Mission Name: Randsom

Mission Link: http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=15938

Mission Designer: john12

Mission Objectives: 21

Note by the Designer: Don't kill the criminal or you can't find his hideout and good luck.


Edited by john12
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So one take turn, I will take turn then. biggrin.gif


Mission name : Killing the criminal

Mission designer : Shark21

Mission objectives : 16

Notes from designer : Gunfight


Mission link : http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=15955

Edited by -S-hark21
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