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Los Santos Stories

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Los Santos Stories


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Dutchy3010 and PatricW for making DYOM

abishai.kochara(me) for making this game

Everyone who made tutorials and contributed to DYOM


Thanks to everyone who play my missions


The game takes place in Los Santos in the year 1972.

The city of Los Santos is the same city of gang wars but now, the Ballas are no longer the power group. The main power groups the Las Vagos and the Grove, who have gotten into a quarrel and are fighting each other for control. During all this the Ballas from all over San Andreas have come together and are with a plan to bring Los Santos back under their control. Play as CJ (Carl Johnson), Don Bruella, Alimeno backstab. This game has something entirely new and you should play it. Please give me feedback.


_Features -

.Play as three characters - CJ, Don and Alimeno

.Experience San Andreas like never before

.The city is your battleground and weapon use it to your fullest

.You are the gangster live it, love it, show it

.Special extensions (expected)



- as told by CJ

- as told by Don

- as told by Alimeno


1. The awakening

- hooking 'em up

- more of the las vagos

- a grave for grove

- rising like a star

- bravo ballas

- away from Grove

- too late for the show

- dead on arrival

- ..........................

................ More to come


Please give me feedback and do comment.

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Chapter 1 will have more action.


Carl Johnson (CJ)

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CJ, who along with Sweet leads Grove is now ticked off about how the Las Vagos have suddenly risen up and are fighting the Grove. Grove controlled Los Santos under CJ's leadership but will CJ be able to head them to victory and survive Los Santos's brutality ?


Don Bruella

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Don is the son of Billy - the former leader of the Las Vagos. He came back to Los Santos without knowing that his father died, he came back on an urgent call but realized about his father's death on arrival. He is filled with revenge and has only one objective - to kill CJ and destroy Grove. Head this fury young man filled with revenge and vengeance through battle.


Alimeno Backstab

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Alimeno is a veteran gangster, he has a lot of experience but he has a farther rather impossible milestone ahead - to destroy grove and take back Los Santos -, which right now is impossible because Grove has already improved and has outgrown every gang in Los Santos. Carry Alimeno on his hard journey as a Balla striving for survival and battling at the same time.


Sweet Johnson


CJ's brother, the only person considered to be better than CJ, he has the upper hand in leading the Grove. He is a born leader.


Bill Waters Bruella (Billy)


Don's father, he is dead now.


Bruno Simpson


Don's best friend, he is trustworthy and is willing give his life for his loved ones.

Edited by abishai.kochara
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UMMMM.... cj+Ballas+Vagos=sh*t! man whats this? anyway good luck with mission pack. i hope you haved improve well. biggrin.gif

actually they have'nt teamed up or something. You play as a character in each mission, like for example, the ballas are under attack by the groves, you play as CJ in a mission, while you play as Alimeno in the other one continuing it. The outcome is what one wants to know.

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Yet another missions pack inspired by LeonCJ. It's look similiar to LeonCJ's San Andreas Stories


But anyway, good luck with this. I'll play the introduction very soon wink.gif

i have'nt copied anyone's mission pack, come on guys believe me but yes, its inspired by leoncj's GTA San Andreas 2 and by my good friend Dipesh.Suvarna

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i have'nt copied anyone's mission pack, come on guys believe me but yes, its inspired by leoncj's GTA San Andreas 2 and by my good friend Dipesh.Suvarna

Don't worry, I trust you. Anyway, already played the missions


One thing. Published the missions, so people coudln't copy your work and couldn't messed up your mission. Well, they are some nice missions. Don't forget to turn off the wanted level, because it will spoil the mission. Use color text so it will be interesting to read, and mind the capital letters, please


I'm not trying to be harsh, but that's the feedback that I can give. Goodluck with your missions icon14.gif

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played the missions-


as alif said, don't put the missions like that. learn to publish. your mission 'DYOM'. i played it. it was only published i guss. confused.gif

as for the missions, good you have improved alot. icon14.gif i liked your 'as said by cj' it had lots of action plus you learned how to make cutscenes like a movie.

keep it up and one day (you will be all day tounge.gif ) be a good designer and reviewer (you are already a good reviewer.) smile.gif


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Oh yeah, 1 thing. The main logo. It's too big and make the topic stretched. Please, either make it smaller or request a new logo here : http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showforum=64


The GFX guy will help you sastified your GFX need. Make a topic, request what GFX do you want, what it will be look like, and any other thing you want in that new logo. Wait for a day or two, and they will come back with a nice logo


Hope this helping you.

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Oh yeah, 1 thing. The main logo. It's too big and make the topic stretched. Please, either make it smaller or request a new logo here : http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showforum=64


The GFX guy will help you sastified your GFX need. Make a topic, request what GFX do you want, what it will be look like, and any other thing you want in that new logo. Wait for a day or two, and they will come back with a nice logo


Hope this helping you.

thanks but i'll reduce this logo as I like it and 'cause I've made it biggrin.gif

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i have'nt copied anyone's mission pack, come on guys believe me but yes, its inspired by leoncj's GTA San Andreas 2 and by my good friend Dipesh.Suvarna

Don't worry, I trust you. Anyway, already played the missions


One thing. Published the missions, so people coudln't copy your work and couldn't messed up your mission. Well, they are some nice missions. Don't forget to turn off the wanted level, because it will spoil the mission. Use color text so it will be interesting to read, and mind the capital letters, please


I'm not trying to be harsh, but that's the feedback that I can give. Goodluck with your missions icon14.gif

i need some help on how to use colored text


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Quick Tutorial


NOTE: This only works for DYOM v6.1


When you are typing a description for an objective, put the following depending on which color you want to use:


Left CTRL + r = Red


Left CTRL + g = Green


Left CTRL + b = Blue


Left CTRL + p = Purple


Left CTRL + y = Yellow


Left CTRL + w = White (Restores the color from that point on)


When inserting one of the codes above into your objective, always put "Left CTRL + w" to turn it back to white. For example:


- (Left CTRL + b)Drake(Left CTRL + w)= Hey, bro'!


Would look like:


-Drake= Hey, bro'!


Tip: You can type +(letter)+ instead of Left CTRL + (letter)


Hope this helped. PM me if you have any questions.

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Are Heavy Duty and Core complete?

nope i'm gonna start work on core from sunday or monday onwards because it hasn't recieved good response while Los Santos Stories and Heavy Duty are going quite well

Please stop going off-topic PM such stuff

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