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May 25?


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It's just a placeholder date. It's not real.

Yes i understand its a placeholder date but surely it had to come from a source right? I mean you cant just set a predicted date and start taking game installments (money) from people otherwise its false info from the retailer and it goes against sale of goods and supply of services act , ad thats a bit risky isn't it , you don't want and complaints or worse. I know im being very technical about it but tbh I JUST WANT INFO AND GTA V LOL . Keep the posts and replies coming because definitely seems plausible and interesting

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Don't care about the release date really, it surely won't be 2013 anyway. Give me some legit informations, mom.

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It's just a placeholder date. It's not real.

Yes i understand its a placeholder date but surely it had to come from a source right? I mean you cant just set a predicted date and start taking game installments (money) from people otherwise its false info from the retailer and it goes against sale of goods and supply of services act , ad thats a bit risky isn't it , you don't want and complaints or worse. I know im being very technical about it but tbh I JUST WANT INFO AND GTA V LOL . Keep the posts and replies coming because definitely seems plausible and interesting

Retailers have been telling consumers placeholder dates for a while now.


It doesn't infringe on any rule here in America. Don't know about Irland.

Also, retailers don't force you to place a pre-order. It's your choice.


I know I'm not pre-ordering until their's a confirmed release date.


And the source? None besides the fact that most games come out between September - November.

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Okay maybe i didnt make myself clear looks like i have to say this again. I was buying a headset when tge guy says to me "we've also just got new feedback on the new gta" so okay then what is it? He shows me the assinged date approx. on the computer its just basically a rundown of gta info e.g make age group etc.. it said "September 2012" so i said okay i pre order for a discount because regardless of whether its September or not , i pre-ordered. I never said "Its RELEASED SEPTEMBER 2012" hense the reason i included "approx." So please i ask again not for you to say its immidietely untrue but to speculate IF its true and your thoughts on release date period Thank You! Im not that gullible a LOL. Sorry for the rant btw.

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The only part I'm interested about all this is... did you pay 3€ for the "mazing" chance of pre-ordering the game?


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Okay maybe i didnt make myself clear looks like i have to say this again. I was buying a headset when tge guy says to me "we've also just got new feedback on the new gta" so okay then what is it? He shows me the assinged date approx. on the computer its just basically a rundown of gta info e.g make age group etc.. it said "September 2012" so i said okay i pre order for a discount because regardless of whether its September or not , i pre-ordered. I never said "Its RELEASED SEPTEMBER 2012" hense the reason i included "approx." So please i ask again not for you to say its immidietely untrue but to speculate IF its true and your thoughts on release date period Thank You! Im not that gullible a LOL. Sorry for the rant btw.

I just got some feedback on GTA V. The release date is March of 2013. Send me $5 to pre-order.

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The only part I'm interested about all this is... did you pay 3€ for the "mazing" chance of pre-ordering the game?

To be honest i'd give any of my savings to get some new info. I think we can all sympatise with that. So if a release date update as of 2 days ago is info, ill gladly give €3 to take that step further to Gta V , so yes, perhaps i did LOL

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The only part I'm interested about all this is... did you pay 3€ for the "mazing" chance of pre-ordering the game?

To be honest i'd give any of my savings to get some new info. I think we can all sympatise with that. So if a release date update as of 2 days ago is info, ill gladly give €3 to take that step further to Gta V , so yes, perhaps i did LOL

I'd give money to Rockstar for info.

Not some retailer wink.gif

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Cole Phelps Gta

I was thinking about pre ordering the game myself mainly for laughs. simply because i'd have a pre order with a date 9-15 months before realise

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The only part I'm interested about all this is... did you pay 3€ for the "mazing" chance of pre-ordering the game?

To be honest i'd give any of my savings to get some new info. I think we can all sympatise with that. So if a release date update as of 2 days ago is info, ill gladly give €3 to take that step further to Gta V , so yes, perhaps i did LOL

I'd give money to Rockstar for info.

Not some retailer wink.gif

Mehh , but €3. Okay i cant buy myself a mcflurry after i leave the store but in the long run ITS WORTH IT anyway i signed my name on receipt for the pre order so if it comes out any later than September , ill b in there getting my 3 euro WITH MY COPY OF GTA V and i will proceed to treat myself to a nice mcflury , i win either way biggrin.gif

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September 2012? I'd rather not wait 8 months, they've had plenty of time to work on the game, I think it would be sooner than that..

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Shops in Ireland are the last place to have a proper release date, I've had plenty of experience of shops giving crazy release dates, Game Stop is definitely the worst for it. I rang them up and they promised me Gran Turismo 5 was coming out the next month, it came out a year and a half later, one great example.

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Shops in Ireland are the last place to have a proper release date, I've had plenty of experience of shops giving crazy release dates, Game Stop is definitely the worst for it. I rang them up and they promised me Gran Turismo 5 was coming out the next month, it came out a year and a half later, one great example.

Quessing it was prolouge

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they saw you comin

hey, while you are at it, I can get you the VERY first copy that is made.. for $100 rolleyes.gifmonocle.gif

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they saw you comin

hey, while you are at it, I can get you the VERY first copy that is made.. for $100 rolleyes.gifmonocle.gif

Hey as i said man, it seemed legit enough for €3 that will result in me gettin Gta V at discount or else Gta V plus my €3 back if its after Sep.

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Heh, if anything you should have questioned his source before just throwing your money to him due to your own gullible-like ways. Then again you probably would have believed him no matter what source he provided.

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Most of the time, these guys working at game shops, make as if they know some sort of "industry knowledge" and are often clueless about either a certain product or a release date. They sound stupid regarding these unsubstanciated set of facts.


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I don't think this thread is necessary. The game will come when it comes. Most gaming retail stores are making rough estimates at the most.



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Sorry, I dont think anybody mention this


everybody think 2504 including me means a date (houser birth ? )


what if 2504 means (2504 hours )


the trailer was on november 2 if we add 2504 hours, Which day will be ??



I know its silly and maybe stupid, But I just want to add this topic with the topic in this forum



If its stupid lock it, but remmember all the topics in this forum are the same !


Edit : I dont think that i write 2504 I write 2 4 05 , is this the stupid filter lol !!!!

Edited by jalaldinho
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Rockstar aren't aliens who want to talk to us with secret hints in a trailer. You think they had the idea of:"hey, lets put Houser brith date in the trailer, which will also stand for the release date, second trailer or other bul*sh*t."

Edited by Dominik1411
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Yeah, this should've went in the 2 5 th May topic, though I doubt you'd find someone sad enough to work out what day it would be.


It's 8am on 14th February, by the way. moto_whistle.gif



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Ridiculous. Reported.

wow some people on this forum are such a joke...the kid is just theorizing, no different then anyone else on this forum

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Ridiculous. Reported. I am a tool.

And the biggest troll of the month award goes to......^this guy^

Who are you? The forum police?


OT: Idk buddy, I think all of this 2504 stiff aounds a bit far fetched to me. But hey there HAVE been bigger conspiracies lol ever heard of the iluminate(idk how to rly spell it)?


Edit: RipGore made a good point, maybe it's the approx time for the next trailer...

Edited by TreyCrll
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