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GTA IV Cheats

Ninja Bikers Motorcycle Club

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Ninja Bikers Motorcycle Club

Hello everyone,


Whenever someone wants a cheat, they all have to go onto a website, and write or print the cheats off. But now, this is the first topic for GTA IV Cheats for Xbox 360, PS3 & PC.



Information Before Entering The Cheats


While playing the game, press Up to display Niko's cell phone. Press Up again to access the keypad. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Once a code has been entered correctly, a new "Cheats" menu option will be available on your phone, below "Options", where you can access the cheats without having to enter the phone number again. Note: Do not save the game after enabling a code to avoid unforeseen problems. Enabling some cheats will prevent the indicated achievement(s) from being earned. You can usually only spawn one vehicle at a time. Any previously spawned vehicles will disappear. However, if you spawn a vehicle, save the game, and load again, you can spawn another one and your original will not disappear. You must have it in your parking space in front of a safehouse or it will be gone before you have a chance to spawn another



GTA IV Cheats for Xbox 360, PS3 & PC


Full health and armor = 326-555-0100

Full health, armor & ammunition = 482-555-0100

Poor Weapons = 486-555-0100

Advanced Weapons = 486-555-0150

Wanted Level Down = 267-555-0100

Wanted Level Up = 267-555-0150

Spawn Annihilator = 359-555-0100

Spawn Cognoscenti = 227-555-0142

Spawn Comet = 227-555-0175

Spawn FIB Buffalo = 227-555-0100

Spawn Jetmax = 938-555-0100

Spawn NRG-900 = 625-555-0100

Spawn Sanchez = 625-555-0150

Spawn Super GT = 227-555-0168

Spawn Turismo = 227-555-0147

Change weather & brightness = 468-555-0100



GTA: The Lost and Damned Cheats for Xbox 360, PS3 & PC

Spawn Burrito = 826-555-0150

Spawn Hakuchou Bike = 245-555-0199

Spawn Hexer Bike = 245-555-0150

Spawn Innovation Bike = 245-555-0100

Spawn Slamvan = 826-555-0100



GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tony Cheats for Xbox 360, PS3 & PC

Super Punch = 276-555-2666

Spawn Akuma Bike = 625-555-0200

Spawn APC = 272-555-8265

Spawn Bullet GT = 227-555-9666

Spawn Buzzard Helicopter = 359-555-2899

Spawn Floater Boat = 938-555-0150

Spawn Parachute = 359-555-7272

Spawn Vader Bike = 625-555-3273


And those are all the cheats. (NOTE) I don't know if these cheats will work for PS3 or PC because I only done cheats from Xbox 360. But they might work. lol.gif

Edited by Ninja Bikers Motorcycle Club
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