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Nightmare village

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Story :1995, life was good in little town called Blueberry. Until day when people mysteriously disappeared.

Police didn't found any evidence, no bodies, no blood nothing. Then two years were calm and in year 1997, John Smith's son David Smith got kidnapped. Police is looking for David but there's nothing. Month later John Smith started to look for his son. He went to farm near Blueberry And.

All rest will come in missions.



NOTE : I will work slow on this missionpack because of school, if i have free time i will make missions.




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John Smith is a father of David Smith. They lived a happy live until David got kidnapped and i missiing.

And now he's father is taking long trip to find his brother and take his revenge.


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David Smith is son of his father John Smith. David and his father has car repair shop.

They had very normal and good life until day David got kidnapped.


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This is the guy who probaly kidnapped John's son. But he is hiding the kid somewhere and noone knows where.

(Only one way to find out play the mission and find out until the story is finished)





Chapter 1 It all begins


Mysterious town

Maybe there's way

Dillimore Nightmare



Edited by .Rome.
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I played "Introduction" mission, it's good and it only have a few mistakes, you must:


- Use "I" instead of "i".

- Put colors.For example, for friend characters use blue, you just need to press CTRL + B and the text will be blue, if you want to turn white again just put CTRL + W.


But overall, missions are good.

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I played "Introduction" mission, it's good and it only have a few mistakes, you must:


- Use "I" instead of "i".

- Put colors.For example, for friend characters use blue, you just need to press CTRL + B and the text will be blue, if you want to turn white again just put CTRL + W.


But overall, missions are good.

Thank you, yeah i try to use color next time.


But what do you mean use ''I'' instead of ''i''

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I played "Introduction" mission, it's good and it only have a few mistakes, you must:


- Use "I" instead of "i".

- Put colors.For example, for friend characters use blue, you just need to press CTRL + B and the text will be blue, if you want to turn white again just put CTRL + W.


But overall, missions are good.

Thank you, yeah i try to use color next time.


But what do you mean use ''I'' instead of ''i''

What I mean is, you need to use capital letters (E A I O, etc) instead of lower case letters, (e a i o), but only you need to use a capital letter for "I", if you don't understand, send me a PM.

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I played "Introduction" mission, it's good and it only have a few mistakes, you must:


- Use "I" instead of "i".

- Put colors.For example, for friend characters use blue, you just need to press CTRL + B and the text will be blue, if you want to turn white again just put CTRL + W.


But overall, missions are good.

Thank you, yeah i try to use color next time.


But what do you mean use ''I'' instead of ''i''

What I mean is, you need to use capital letters (E A I O, etc) instead of lower case letters, (e a i o), but only you need to use a capital letter for "I", if you don't understand, send me a PM.

Yea, sorry i understand now. smile.gif

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I just finished the second mission: Finding something usefull was very hard, because the gun is too far from you position And i mean, that you got mistake in John Smith's bio, there is this: find his brother, shouldn't it be: find his son, or his brother is some other character in the game?

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I just finished the second mission: Finding something usefull was very hard, because the gun is too far from you position And i mean, that you got mistake in John Smith's bio, there is this: find his brother, shouldn't it be: find his son, or his brother is some other character in the game?

Did i wrote brother, instead of son. LOL Sorry my mistake.


  • 2 missions added
  • Missionpack Finished
Edited by .Rome.
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