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[Mission Pack] S.A. Noire

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awards.pngWinner of "Best Mission Mod" in GTAForums Annual Awards 2011 awards.png


Credit goes to Narcis_speed 6 for logo and pauliux 2, for the previous logo

The Previous Logo made by pauliux 2


Credit goes to Notna for the trailer. Song used in the trailer is Day Tripper by The Beatles


After a long time making missions with DYOM, I feel bored about it. Because I always making missions with skin mod. An idea come on my mind to publish a mission WITHOUT a single skin mod. So this is it !

Wait, this is not the storyline story ! Okay, this is the story :

John Lemon is an ex-army from San Andreas Civil War in 2009. He used to be the personnel of 101st Army Batallion, which was famous because only 4 personnels were survived the war. After the war ended, he lived peacefully in town of Las Barrancas

2009 was a dark year for San Andreas, but now, 2011, the year become darker than ever. With traitors spread all over San Andreas, crime rate raise dramatically, people died evey day (i think it's usual), and corrupt polices everywhere...

2011, John still live peacefully in Las Barrancas. But a sound of gunshot change his peaceful life forever...



San Andreas Police Department
Consist of law enforcement from each region of San Andreas. This is the only faction you have so far

  • LSPD for Los Santos
  • SFPD for San Fierro
  • LVPD for Las Venturas
  • Sheriff Department for Rural and Countryside Area
  • National Office of Security Enforcement (NOOSE), The SWAT version of S.A. Noire
  • Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB), The FBI version of S.A. Noire
  • San Andreas Army Forces (S.A.A.F)
  • Secret Service

Leader : Unknown
Known Personnels : John Lemon, Luis Lupez, Paul McRusty, George Harris, Ringo Sturkey, Samuel Browning

101st Army Batallion
A 2009 faction, which you were in. This batallion, at the beginning of the Civil War, had about 500 personnels. But in the end, only 4 personnels survived. This batallion operated on the ground
Leader : Unknown
Known Personnels : Sgt. Lemon (John), Cpl. Podolski (Boris), Cpl.Lupez (Luis), Sgt. McRusty (Paul)(Ex-Personnel), Sgt. Sturkey (Ringo)

95th Airbone Division
A 2009 Faction that operated in Civil War, this unit operated mostly in the air but operated on the ground also.
Leader : Unknown
Known Personnels : Maj. Vito (Brando)

Special Ground Service (SGS)
A 2009 Faction that operated in Civil War. This unit was a Black Ops so no one knew their contribution in Civil War (except in "Reason" that 101st Batallion knew their operation)
Leader : Unknown
Known Personnels : -


San Fierro Triads
A group that already developed in San Andreas since 1992. After getting rid of Viatnemese gang in San Andreas (Da Nang Thang), the gang continued their activities for the rest of 19 years. Have a bad relationship with San Fierro Rifas recently, since the kidnapping of the daughter of the Triads Leader, Mei Ling
Leader : Lee Chang
Known Personnels : Lee Chang, Mei Ling


San Andreas Traitor
A faction that initiated the Civil War. This group was started when the San Andreas Goverment raised the tax. They statrted their movement by bombing a bus full of police officers. The group still exist now and spread terror all over San Andreas till now
Leader : Unknown
Known Members : Boris Podolski

Italian Mafia
Already in San Andreas for almost 20 years, the mafias already knew what they were doing in San Andreas. Controlling almost all the Las Venturas, the mafias already have experienced for taking over a place
Leader :Unknown
Known Members : -

The Beat-Alls
A group that already developed since the Civil War (probably after the civil war), consist of Afrian-American gangsters that combined forces to responded the Tax Rising from the goverment. Same like the traitors, but they mainly do assassins work
Leader : Unknown
Known Members : -

Drug Kisser
A group of country side men that love to consumed drug. They got money from extortion, racketeering and robbery. An originality from this group is unknown
Leader : Rick
Known Members : Rick, Rochi

San Fierro Rifa
A gang that already stayed in San Andreas from 1992. There was an issue that this group was already destoryed since the death of the leader, T Bone Mendez. But the group continued to spread terror in San Fierro
Leader : Garcia
Known Members : Garcia, Neil Shortbottom

Russian Mafia
Back in their bussinesses, Russian Mafia trying to control Los Santos with their concept, communism. Goverment tries to eliminate this thread using "a right person" to investigate their activities.
Leader : Unknown
Known Members : Oleg Valentinov


*Note : I will state a dead protagonist as K.I.A (except for high rank, such as Brando) and dead antagonist as ELIMINATED (If you find a better word, please tell me)


John LemonAn ex-army of San Andreas Civil War in 2009. He used to be personnel of 101st Army Batallion, that only had 4 personnels left when Civil War ended. He later joins the Sheriff Department after solving a case...Status : Alive
Faction : 101st Army Batallion(Civil War), Sheriff Department, SFPD(2011)
Weapon of Choice : M4(Civil War & 2011)
Name Inspired from : John Lennon (The Beatles)
Paul McRustyA friend of John Lemon from civil war, the head of Sheriff Department. He joined 101st Army Batallion, but soon after that he transferred to 95th Airbone Division. After the war, he never seen John for 2 years. But after 2 years, he find John with a dead body...Status : Alive
Faction : 101st Army Batallion, 95th Airbone Division(Civil War), Sheriff Department(2011)
Weapon of Choice : M4(Civil War & 2011)
Name Inspired from : Paul McCartney (The Beatles)
(I will explained why he transferred to 95th Airbone Division in future chapter)
Luis LopezJohn's partner at Sheriff Department. He is an American-Spanish, which has strong Spanish accent. He also John's fellow member at Civil War, same unit as John, 101st Army Batallion, which mean he was one of the 4 personnels that survived the war. Have a skill in using helicopterStatus : K.I.A (Killed in "Money Talks", killed by Boris)
Faction : 101st Army Batallion(Civil War), Sheriff Department(2011)
Weapon of Choice : M4(Civil War), Chromegun(2011)
Name Inspired From : Luis Lopez (GTA IV : The Ballad of Gay Tony)
George HarrisThe head of SFPD, George involvement in Civil War is unknown. He is a big head, shown in mission "Roll Over Podolski", he said that the bust is SPFD bust.Status : Alive
Faction : SFPD(2011)
Weapon of Choice : M4(2011)
Name Inspired from : George Harrison (The Beatles)
I don't have an idea which fraction in civil war he was. If there are any ideas, please tell me
Ringo SturkeyPartner of John Lemon at Detective Desk. He's one of the survivor of the civil war, same unit with John. Which mean, he's one of the 4 survivors from 101st Army Batallion. Known with his strong English-accent, he know how to handle a high-recoil weapon (such as his weapon of choice, AK-47)Status : Alive
Faction : 101st Army Batallion(Civil War), SFPD(2011)
Weapon of Choice : M4(Civil War), AK-47(2011)
Name Inspired From : Ringo Starr or Richard Starkey (The Beatles)
Brando VitoWith full name of Brando Vito, he used to be Major of 95th Airbone Division. In 2011, he is a powerful politician who supports the live of farmers around San Andreas. But when the farmers like him, the canned product fabric hates him. They hired some assassins to bring him down... Recently, he is the Mayor of San FierroStatus : Alive
Faction : 95th Airbone Division(Civil War), Goverment (2011)
Weapon of Choice : M4(Civil War)
Name Inspired from : Both Vito Corleone (The Godfather) and Marlon Brando (the potrayer of "Vito Corleone")
Donald O'ConnorJohn's new partner while doing his secret mission. Already experienced in the crime world of Los Santos.Status : Alive
Faction : Goverment (2011)
Weapon of Choice : Shotgun, SMG (2011)
Name Inspired from : Came from my head[/table]


Click the name of the target to view the photo



Boris PodolskiA criminal that associate with Traitors of San Andreas. He is a German-Russian who emigrated to San Andreas when he was a kid. He used to be John's fellow member in Civil War, which mean he was one of the 4 personnels that survived the war. After robbing the bank in "Armed and Dangerous", he become the #1 target of Sheriff Department...Status :ELIMINATED (Killed in "Roll Over Podolski", killed by Paul)
Faction : 101st Army Batallion(Civil War), San Andreas Traitors(2011)
Weapon of Choice : Sniper(Civil War), Desert Eagle(2011)
Name Inspired from : Boris just came from my head, while Podolski come from German's Soccer Player "Lukas Podolski"

Sam WellingtonA criminal that associates with San Andreas Traitors, Italian Mafia and The Beat-Alls. He put bounty on John so the 3 gangs raced to eliminate John. He charged for "Hit & Run" after killed Armando RodriguezStatus : BUSTED (in "One After 59")
Faction : Independent
Weapon of Choice : Desert Eagle
Name Inspired From : Came from my head

Neil ShortbottomAn experienced barber that has a bad bussiness relationship with Old Reece. Turned out that Neil has a connection with Rifas, which Neil is the liutenant of San Fierro Rifa. Charged for "Murder" of Reece BronsonStatus : BUSTED (in "Mr. Sunlight")
Faction : San Fierro Rifa
Weapon of Choice : Flamethrower
Name Inspired From : Neville Longbottom (Harry Potter Series)



Oleg ValentinovRussian mafia warlord and dominating Los Santos through every major illegal activites around the city. Great at mind game and known for his shadow presence that it's really hard to catch him in the actStatus : Alive
Faction : Russian Mafia
Weapon of Choice : ?

Name Inspired From : SatournFan




Missions Pack for Chapter 1 - Patrol Desk


1. First Case
2. Behind The Patrol Desk
3.Armed and Dangerous
4.Fallen Idol
6.Money Talks
7.Funeral Situation
8.Roll Over Podolski


Missions Pack for Chapter 2 - Detective Desk Investigation #1

9.A Warm Welcome
11.Car Accident ?
12.Gran Turismo
13.A Hard Day's Night
14.Nowhere to Go ?
15.One After 59


Missions Pack for Chapter 3 - Detective Desk Investigation #2

16.Test Drive
17.Old Reece
18.Hard Suspect
19.Rifa Revolution
20.Please, Mr. Barber !
21.Potassium Cyanide
22.Mr. Sunlight
23.Back from the U.S.S.R



Missions Pack for Chapter 4 - Special Investiagtion #1


24.Working Undercover
25.A Day With Ruskies
26. Memories and Drugs
27. Trucks and Sources

28. Dens of The Death

29. One Night Standing

30. Only One Truth

31. The Huge Game...

32. ...The Huge Game



Doublepulse's review :


Good things:
First off I like the references you make to the DYOM player and the text you add. I got a good laugh at the text you put. Especially the Sky time traveling. I do enjoy colored text as well.
I also like the amount of objects you put in each mission, it really shows you put good effort into the mission pack.
Unlike the 2 comments made before mine about the difficulty of the actors, I honestly did not find it too difficult, it was a good challenge and I love how you give the enemy actors some decent weapons and realistic HP.
What are the stats on the actors: Like Accuracy, Hp, and position on most of your missions? I am having a little trouble finding a good balance and you might have it.
I do like your idea of giving the player a weaker/ineffective weapons like the shotgun and having them find their own weapons and take cover.

Things that can be improved:
Ahh This is a bit harder because when you have fun, you tend to forget what can be improved on. I do not wanna be a grammar nazi because your grammar is at a understandable level smile.gif.
1 thing I did not really like towards the beginning was I felt it did not really play a part in the rest of the series. You add this detective thing in the beginning( which is a good idea!) but through out the rest of the missions there is none of that. But maybe that is just because you are a "patrol" officer in chapter 1"
It just does not really make it too clear because if he has good detective skills he should be doing that over patrol.
I also think putting this mission pack in the Storyline is a bit misleading, and if you want help with adding this to a storyline feature, I would be happy to help tounge.gif.

At this time I really do not have any other suggestions. I don't really know how new you are to DYOM or the community, but these missions are really good.
Keep up the good work man.


Canadian Scrotum's Review (chapter 1) :


(Secronom President)

Hello there, alifjenius, here's the review I promised you. Sorry if some information is wrong in some situations in the variety category, but I played all the missions, took notes of them, and I couldn't bothered playing them again to check again. In other words, I am basing my review on my notes and my memory. tounge2.gif

- Writing:Very Good. The missions generaly contain basic and advanced English, but there are some repetitive errors here and there. Still, it doesn't mess the understanding of the mission, for most of the cases.

- Presentation:Very Good. The cutscenes present in the missions have good angles and each of them has their own feeling; war, sorrow, etc.

First Case
- Length:Good. As the mission can be done in five minutes, the player plays as John while he is walking around Las Barancas then hears a gunshot.
- Difficulty:Easy. There is no shootout or car chase involved in this mission. The player have ten minutes to find a gun that will prove he didn't murder the person Paul, a friend of John which is also a Sheriff, says he killed. The gun is close of the player.
- Variety:Decent. The actors include John, Paul, the priest, the ex-army and the two paramedics. The weapon and object used in this mission are a Desert Eagle and a breakable barrier.

Behind the Patrol Desk
- Length:Very Good. As the mission lasts seven minutes, the mission mainly base itself on one of John's souvenirs of the Civial War in 2009.
- Difficulty:Medium. The player launch an assault on a terrorist base and most enemies have good weapons with good accuracies and somewhat good health. The best way to get rid of them is to shoot them from distance and use cover when possible.
- Variety:Very Good. The mission contains John, soldiers such as Luis, county sheriff, many different terrorists, Rhino's, M4, SMG, Shawn-Off Shotgun, and many objects that constitute the base.

Armed and Dangerous
- Length:Very Good. As the mission lasts for nine minutes, John and his partner Luis respond to a bank rob in Las Barancas.
- Difficulty:Hard. Most enemies outside the bank have weapons capable of shooting from distance and the rest have powerful close range weapons. The best way to deal with them is to shoot them from a distance and use of their vehicles' explosions to deal extra damage. Inside the bank, enemies carry powerful weapons and the best way to get rid of them is to stick to one of the walls and headshot the enemies, note that they are not headshotable, to knock them down on the ground then doing the same with another one making it easier for the player to finish the mission.
- Variety:Good. The mission contains Shotgun, 9mm, Landstalker, AK-47, The wrecked up truck, Rancher, Luis, John, Boris, one or two more weapons, and a few cover and bank objects.

Fallen Idol
- Length:Very Good. As it lasts seven minutes, the player needs to head to a radio station in Fort Carson to assist in the protection of a politician.
- Difficulty:Medium. The player needs to protect a politician making an interview at the local radio station of assassins hired to kill him. Although the enemies have good weapons, the best way is to blow up their cars and take cover in the Pay n Spray shop which is nearby.
- Variety:Good. The mission contains the usual wrecked up trucks owned by the criminals, the 'Brand New' car, the usual weapons; a 9mm and a Shotgun, John, Luis, Brando, the police officers, a Stretch, objects; doors, the usual terrorists skins, and their usual weapons.

- Length:Good. As it lasts five minutes, it shows a flashback of John attacking a terrorist farmhouse two years ago in the Civil War.
- Difficulty:Easy. The mission consists of attacking a terrorist base, in one of John's souvenirs of the Civil War, with your allies. The enemies have good weapons, but yet again, you can simply shoot them from distance and use cover if they are to close.
- Variety:Excellent. The mission has many objects making the base, around fifteen, John, Luis, Vito, Boris, the 101st division, the 95th division, the three usual terrorists skinned enemies, a Rhino, a plane which I don't remember the name, the usual weapons used by the terrorists, about four, plus the weapons used by John and his allies.

Money Talks
- Length:Very Good. As the mission lasts seven seconds minutes, the player must attack a terrorist base to take back the truck containing the money from the bank rob of a previous mission.
- Difficulty:Medium. You must assist some Sheriffs assaulting the Tee-Pee Motel where the Securicar having the money from the bank rob of Armed and Dangerous. The enemies have good weapons, but you can shoot the ones near the entrance easily from distance. Once you are inside, use cover because they can wound you badly easily and pretty quick. There's also an hidden Sniper Rifle on the nearby bridge.
- Variety:Very Good. The mission contain John, Luis, Paul, Boris, some county sheriffs, the three usual terrorists skins, at least six different objectto make the base, a Sniper Rifle, the usual weapons you get; a Shotgun and a 9mm, and other weapons such as a AK-47 and the usual used ones by the 'Traitors'.

Funeral Situation
- Length:Very Good. Lasting eight minutes, the mission is pretty straightforward. You are at Luis funeral and the 'Traitors' attack you.
- Difficulty:Hard. The 'Traitors' attack you while you are 'celebrating' Luis funerals' at the police station. The ones with the vehicles can be dealth with easily, the ones on the roof requires you to take cover, and the final wave consists of three Hunters attacking you with a suck-ass RPG team assisting you.
- Variety:Very Good. The mission consists of Paul, John, a priest, some county sheriffs, four different type of terrorists, some objects, two or three, the usual wrecked up trucks of the terrorists, three Hunters, Body Armor pickups, M4's, Rifles, Rocket Launchers, and some more weapons.

Roll Over Podolski
- Length:Very Good. As it lasts eight hours minutes, John and the San Fierro Police Department launch an attack on Podolski's Ranch.
- Difficulty:Medium. There are two groups assisting John and Paul in the assault on Boris's Ranch; the County Sheriffs and the SFPD. The best way to complete the mission is to shoot Podolski's bodyguards from away and to use cover when in close combat. Most of them can be killed from distance leaving a few ones to be killed from close combat.
- Variety:Very Good. In this mission, we can find some SFPD cars, some Ranchers, some Police Mavericks, M4's, Tear Gas, Grenades, Molotov Cocktails, the usual weapons and vehicles used by the enemies, a moderate ammount of objects such as crates, garage door, etc., Paul, John, George, the hostage girl, and Boris.

Overall, the mission are good. icon14.gif While they are not too hard, they can still entertain the players. Some cutscenes such as the protagonist presenting himself in the first mission were good, though the repetitive cutscenes with reference to DYOM can be a little bit annoying after while (i.e. RPG team saying they have stupid AI, the sky saying to us to prepare for a two years back or ago, etc.) The story is interesting though some factions or characters could have been developed more (background story, and all the like). Anyway, the story is pretty good. I'll definitly play more missions and don't forget: keep up the good job. I give this mission pack a 8/10. biggrin.gif


john12's Review (Chapter 2) :



Alright, fellows. This will be my First Review. Here we go!



Hello guys, today I am gonna Review the mission pack-S.A Noire which is designed by alifjenius. Please click the title of the mission pack to be directed there. Ok, Review Time!

Writing: Very Good- Alif has done lot's of spelling mistakes but why did i gave Very Good? The Dialouges were well english written and understandable. Well done, Alif.
Presentation: Very Good-Some characters were not hidden but the realism matters. It was heavily loaded. The cutscene angles were perfect. I am speechless.
Alright, missions. There are 7 missions in total.

A Warm Welcome
Length: Very Good-You are promoted and now shifting to SF when Traitors attack you. The mission starts from Fort Carson to SFPD Headquaters. A Countryside police car is with you and your friend, Paul. Things don't go well when you reach to Graver Bridge. You clean the Bridge and procceed.
Difficulty: Medium-The problem starts from start. If you roll the vehicle, you are dead. Now when you reach, it is better to clean them up before going to SF. Paul will do drive-by with M4. You can drive or get out and clean them. There are many places for cover too.
Variety: Excellent-Awsome Variety of cars and skins of actors. Everyone is different plus, alif has used some barriers too. Not much gun Variety but still...

Length: Very Good-It depends upon how you mange the Past Gunfight. You heard that right, we will be going to Past as Sgt. Lemon. You say goodbye to Paul before he goes to Department but have some chat about the Civil War. You reach somewhere in Bone County and meet Black Ops who works for Government secretly. You help them to clen the Past Traitors. You also meet with the Targert, guess who? The Truth. He wants to protect his farm from you fellows. The humor is excellent here. Sometimes you may fall from your chair too. Well done in this mission.
Difficulty: Hard-Jokes aside but remember that sh*ts will be tight in the past. Many Traitors to clean. The Black Ops are a waste in shooting but don't ignore their cars which can be a good cover. The target revives himself for another showdown which will pay you. But naughty Alif had hidden a Heat Seeker too, yes the target will use OHDUDE cheat and fly a Hunter. If you survive the shocks and use the Rockets, it will be Walk in Park.
Variety: Excellent-Man, objects were raining. You also get a well-decorated office in SFPD and at the Past.... really, every object is kept really at a nice location. Many skins but not cars were there aswell as a variety of weapons. Good mission in Variety, i am impressed.

Car Accident?
Lenght: Good-Many cutscenes here. You have got your First Case. It is an Hit and Run! and the victim is Ceaser and the eye witness is Claude lol.gif. The Hit and Run was prettily handled. You need to go the 5star hotel from the mission '555 We Tip'. You reach to the crime scene and check the body, have a word with Claude and a two-sided shootout. Travelling is main here.
Difficulty: Easty-Travelling won't be a problem nor the shootout. You have lot's of cover for being protected from the bitches (Traitors). Your are equiped with Desert Eagle which can cause accuracy problem but overall, easy.
Variety: Excellent-I would like to award Alif a medal for doing a Hat-Trick! Many objects aswell as many cars and skins. Not much guns variety but we mustn't ignore those at all.

Gran Turismo (not the game)
Length: Good-Here, we get teleported alot. We meet some new faces and your Girlfriend (not really). She tells you about the owners of Turismo, Big Tom, Sam Wellington and Ray.Jr. They get happy to hear the death of Ceaser because he used to trash sports cars (not really). You also have a fight with Italian mafias. You go and report the detail with sad.gifface as the suspects don't have a yellow Turismo.
Difficulty: Easy-Easy-Peasy . Only one gunfight and that also with a cover. Travelling might be hard as vehicles have appeard in the streets. Nothing else to say.
Variety: Excellent-Every mission has a good variety but not because of the objects but because of the realism. Everything was well planned and executed. Good use of skins and all. I loved the realism. inlove.gif

A Hard Day's Night
Length: Very Good-We get our friend who help us in cleaning the Traitors and help in solving cases, Ringo, our past friend of Civil War. He helps you in distress where you are surrounded by italian mafias. After cleaning them, you go for a puzzle- Find something which can change the colour/color of a car. Answer, you all know so no need to say. You meet with CJ... no.. no.. her girlfriend (wow Alif, how many girlfriend sh*ts in S.A Noire tounge2.gif). You get another sh*t to face and then finally find out the suspect! Now, you go and report it back. Travelling is again importent.
Difficulty: Medium-I guess naughty Alif has found out that his missions were easy to beat so he made something difficult this time. There are two gunfights with italians and Beat-alls. Their teams are well-equiped so watch your back but this time, Ringo is also there but circumstances might change where you need to protect Ringo. If you wait and play carefully, no one can stop you to beat those fools.
Variety: Excellent-What's going in your mind, dude? Many actors for sure aswell as animations too. There was high level of realism too. Many weapons and all. Good job, Alif

Nowhere to Go?
Length: Very Good-You want to know the suspect, then give this mission a try! You go back to suspects hotel where he escapes to his hideout. A nice drive-by action and catching the suspect just like Tom and Jerry . Then, you go to pleasures Dome? Wait, you have been tricked and now captivated by Jizzy (thinking how did Jizzy came back in 2011? It's his brother! you sneaky2.giffellows! Didn't even said that Jizzy had a brother. Think yourself, how did Toreno surivived the blast in the mission 'Toreno's last Flight'. I used blowing cheat and he survived? Back to topic). You need to f*ck off from there and kill and spare him. He also tells that he is the criminal. Now to Bust Him!
Difficulty: Meidium-Alif is really smart to put many armors and health pickups in Pleasures dome. The fight inside might be hard. Outside... You must survive the drive-by from your incoming enemies (i won't tell, who). Not much to say but again, travelling!
Variety: Excellent-C'mon man, why did you made it funny and realistic? The point is, many skins and weapons but realism... remember to play this if you want some loling. I am really impressed with your Variety concept.

One after 59(that means 1 tens put after 59 = 69, Pier 69)
Length: Excellent-The length is awsome. Time to bust him . Remember playing the mission, in which we kill T-Bonz and Ryder.... don't know the mission name, 'Pier.. Pier 39'? Sorry if i am wrong. Anyways, you need to go to Pier 69 where you need to take out the pricks. The problem is that, Ringo is not very useful here. Good use of Route-Points and all. What happened afterwards? Wanna know? They play the mission.
Difficulty: Medium-Even if Ringo is useless, we have a sniper rifle and M4. Many enemies to wipe out and a boat catching just like catching Ryder. You will get Target easy to beat but hard to catch and so why the rating is medium. Many SWAT friends for the support.
Variety: Excellent-Here also, realism and vehicles and weapons and blah.. blah (i am using 'and' alot of times, voiding the rules tounge2.gif). I want to give you a f*cking award but i don't know why i can't give.


Well done my friend! You have touched the sky with your creativity. The missions will be entertaining aswell as cool. I can say, your project about S.A Noire is awsome. Good Luck and continue this. So, this was the review by John12 and if you want me to review your mission, please send me a PM or post it here. Thanks for reading guys.


If you didn't like it, put me in your disrespect list.



There are also video review with commentary from S.A. Noire Chapter 2. Credit goes to Doublepulse and SatournFan





This is the list of achievements you can get from S.A. Noire. Don't take this achievement seriously. This made for fun wink.gif


*Gunshot Changed Your Life*- Complete "First Case"
*Carbine Training*- Complete "Behind The Patrol Desk"
*White Top Tank Saviour*- Don't let CJ died in "Armed and Dangerous"
*Farmers Have Lifes Too*- Keep at least 1 farmer alive in "Fallen Idol"
*That's Ray's Car*- Kill the assassins without harming The Pheonix in "Fallen Idol"
*Shootable Tank*- Destroy the tank without firing any rockets in "Memories"
*Flashback*- Complete "Memories"
*Unsung Sniper*- Find a hidden sniper rifle and kill 1 hostile using the sniper in "Money Talks"
*The Transporter*- Arrive at The Sherrif Department without bursting any tires of the truck in "Money Talks"
*I'll Cry Instead*- Complete "Money Talks"
*Morgue Driver*- Kill all the hostiles along the way to the bridge in "Funeral Situation"
*Not A Patrol Anymore*- Complete "Roll Over Podolski"
*Finest Sheriff*- Collected All 12 Achievements in Patrol Desk


*The Road of SF*- Complete "A Warm Welcome"
*Without A Little Help From His Friends*- Eliminate the Traitors before killed the target in "Reason"
*Valuable Memories*- Beat the designer's time (4:58) to complete the memory sequence in "Reason"
*Got a Good Reason ?*- Promoted to Detective Desk by completing "Reason"
*The Real Detective Job*- Complete "Car Accident ?"
*Drive Your Car*- Drive The Buffalo from the start until the end in "A Hard Day's Night"
*All Together Now*- Complete "A Hard Day's Night"
*Case Solved, Watson ?*- Solved the crime by yourself before playing "Nowhere To Go ?"
*I'll Call You Later*- Keep the Prostitues alive in the club in "Nowhere To Go ?"
*15 Seconds Shootout*- Kill at least 5 hostiles using sniper in 15 seconds (before NOOSE Team breaking in) in "One After 59"
*Johnny The Sailorman*- Keep the police boat survive in "One After 59"
*Busted The Runner*- Complete "One After 59"
*Contributing Detective*- Collected All 11 Achievements at Investigation #1


*Yay Ka Bang Bang*- Complete "Test Drive"
*Smell Of Almond*- Complete "Old Reece"
*Keeping Up With The Putter*- Get in front of Putter's house with the police car provided in the beginning of the mission (Hard Suspect)
*Triads and Tribulation*- Keep at least 5 Triads survived at the motel (Rifa Revolution)
*Broadway Driveaway*- Get in the SFPD before the timer reach 30 seconds left
*Bobcatback Shooter*- Stay in the back of the Bobcat until a cutscene triggerred in the memory part (Please Mr. Barber !)
*He Won't Run Farther Than That*- Chase down The Merit before chasing the running one (Please Mr. Barber !)
*Doesn't Need a Boat*- Shoot down the target's boat from the beach (Potassium Cyanide)
*Right Decision*- Decide the right suspect and complete "Pottasium Cyanide"
*Safety Later*- Don't kill the guards before park the car at the silos (Mr. Sunlight)
*The Sun Has Faded Away*- Complete "Mr.Sunlight"
*Boat ? What Boat?*- Killed the escaping mafia (He used a speed boat) (Back from The U.S.S.R)
*Working Undercover*- Finish Chapter 3 (Complete "Back from The U.S.S.R")
*No Rest For Wicked*- Collected All 13 Achievements at Investigation #2




*Undercover*- Complete "Working Undercover"
*Coming from Behind*- Kill the fire extinguisher ruskie coming from behind before he fires (A Day with Ruskies)
*Silent Assassin*- Kill all the Ruskies in the apartment without luring any of them to the drug room (Hard Suspect)
*New Feature, New John ?*- Complete "Memories and Drugs"
*A Normal Day in The Office*- Pull off the driver before subduing him (Trucks and Sources)
*One of Them*- Kill any of the Ballas using the chainsaw (Dens of The Death)
*Walking Dead ver 2.0*- Kill the Ballas using every weapons provided (Shotgun, SMG, Pistol) (One Night Standing)
*Bloodring Banger*- Stay in your car and kill all the Ballas inside ABC Company (One Night Standing)
*Remains Must be A Truth*- Complete "Only One Truth"
*Bare Hands*- Don't let any of the clubbers died (The Huge Game...)
*Fast and Furious*- Subdue Ray before reaching the end of the canal (The Huge Game...)
*To Be Precise*- Subdue the bartender at the exact spot of the next cutscene (...The Huge Game)
*The Mind Game*- Finish Chapter 4 (Complete "...The Huge Game")
*Smooth Undercover*- Collected All 13 Achievements at Special Investigation #1

Note :
*Bronze*- Achieved simply by completing the mission
*Silver*- Achieved on the way completing the mission and it's not too hard to achieved
*Gold*- Achieved on the way completing the mission and it's hard to achieved
*Ruby*- Acheived by collecting all achievements in each chapter


PatrickW and Dutchy3010 - For creating DYOM
xMatix (yes, you !) - For screenshots and topic format inspiration (G.I.W)
Doublepulse, Secronom President, john12 and SatournFan - To give the review of the storyline
Notna - Trailer
pauliux2, Narcis_speed 6, vertical_limit - For Logo
Everyone who posted a comment, play the mission, give feedbacks and critics and anyone who read this topic - For all the support

Edited by alifjenius
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Finally you put the missions here! Played every mission and I would give you a 9.5/10 , good grammar, good history, good luck boy wink.gif

Excuse me, what do you mean about "played every mission" if I could ask ? Thank you for playing my missions



Used my tip i see.I played the missions.Waiting for more.

Which tip ? Thank you for playing my missions. I will working on chapter 2 tomorrow

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Excuse me, what do you mean about "played every mission" if I could ask ? Thank you for playing my missions


I mean that I played all missions from chapter 1.

Oh, okay.


[Attention] : Mission packs uploaded. You don't have to download my missions one-by-one. Here is the link : http://dyom.gtagames.nl/?act=show&id=14168

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Well I played a few missions.The story is great,but you have serious problems with enemies.I think you put too many,and it's very hard to kill them,especially if there's a friend actor that must survive.Next time try to put some cover objects and less actors.


Overall I would give the mission-pack 8.5/10. icon14.gif

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Well I played a few missions.The story is great,but you have serious problems with enemies.I think you put too many,and it's very hard to kill them,especially if there's a friend actor that must survive.Next time try to put some cover objects and less actors.


Overall I would give the mission-pack 8.5/10. icon14.gif

Thank you for playing my missions, I'll take your opinion

Ok, so I want to upload the mission, but I gonna ask you. Which do you prefer :

  • Actor that has an HP 100 but the accuracies is 25
  • Actor that has an HP 250 but the accuracies is 10
  • Actor tha has an HP 100 and the accuracies is 10 (easy)
Please answer this as soon as possible, because I'm gonna edit the mission


@ pauliux2 : I'm sorry for not noticing it. I thought there will be no comments at my mission. Thank you for comment my mission


[Attention] : I'm sorry if you waiting for so long for the next mission. I have a flu and have a holiday to the other city. I gonna upload the mission after someone answer the question

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Alright I played 6 missions and I'm finishing the other two in a few minutes. Here are my thoughts smile.gif.


Good things:


First off I like the references you make to the DYOM player and the text you add. I got a good laugh at the text you put. Especially the Sky time traveling. I do enjoy colored text as well.


I also like the amount of objects you put in each mission, it really shows you put good effort into the mission pack.


Unlike the 2 comments made before mine about the difficulty of the actors, I honestly did not find it too difficult, it was a good challenge and I love how you give the enemy actors some decent weapons and realistic HP.


What are the stats on the actors: Like Accuracy, Hp, and position on most of your missions? I am having a little trouble finding a good balance and you might have it.


I do like your idea of giving the player a weaker/ineffective weapons like the shotgun and having them find their own weapons and take cover.



Things that can be improved:


Ahh This is a bit harder because when you have fun, you tend to forget what can be improved on. I do not wanna be a grammar nazi because your grammar is at a understandable level smile.gif.


1 thing I did not really like towards the beginning was I felt it did not really play a part in the rest of the series. You add this detective thing in the beginning( which is a good idea!) but through out the rest of the missions there is none of that. But maybe that is just because you are a "patrol" officer in chapter 1"


It just does not really make it too clear because if he has good detective skills he should be doing that over patrol.


I also think putting this mission pack in the Storyline is a bit misleading, and if you want help with adding this to a storyline feature, I would be happy to help tounge.gif.



At this time I really do not have any other suggestions. I don't really know how new you are to DYOM or the community, but these missions are really good.




About the question, I really do not care which one you use, I like the way they are at the moment, but its based on how skilled someone is on Action games, the combat system on this game really is not that great.



Keep up the good work man.

Edited by Doublepulse
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Thank you for playing my missions, I'll take your opinion

Ok, so I want to upload the mission, but I gonna ask you. Which do you prefer :

Actor that has an HP 100 but the accuracies is 25

Actor that has an HP 250 but the accuracies is 10

Actor tha has an HP 100 and the accuracies is 10 (easy)

Please answer this as soon as possible, because I'm gonna edit the mission


@ pauliux2 : I'm sorry for not noticing it. I thought there will be no comments at my mission. Thank you for comment my mission


[Attention] : I'm sorry if you waiting for so long for the next mission. I have a flu and have a holiday to the other city. I gonna upload the mission after someone answer the question

It's not the problem with accuracy and HP.Like DP said,they have a good balance.The problem is that you add too many enemies.For example,in the mission "Armed and dangerous",where you have kill Boris,in that bank,there are too many enemies and you can die in a few seconds.




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[Attention] : UPDATE. Mission 2.1 or Mission 9


A Warm Welcome


I'm sorry if the mission is too akward, like the actor just showed up at this moment, or the object that not reasonable (well, what do you think about a gate that covering the bridge ?). This is because to make the chance of actor to get down from the bridge (I hate this) to minimum level. I just try it and the actors "scared" to get down from the bridge. And also, I make this while I have a flu, so understand about my condition, please.


This the longest time, for me, to make a mission (so far)


I take the opinion from MegaDas14 to make less actors and put a lot objects for cover (I use cars in this mission) and make the actors easier to kill (HP : 100, Accuracies : 100) because I think the mission is too hard to beat


Also, I updated the characters at the main topic...



Alright I played 6 missions and I'm finishing the other two in a few minutes. Here are my thoughts smile.gif.


Good things:


First off I like the references you make to the DYOM player and the text you add. I got a good laugh at the text you put. Especially the Sky time traveling. I do enjoy colored text as well.


I also like the amount of objects you put in each mission, it really shows you put good effort into the mission pack.


Unlike the 2 comments made before mine about the difficulty of the actors, I honestly did not find it too difficult, it was a good challenge and I love how you give the enemy actors some decent weapons and realistic HP.


What are the stats on the actors: Like Accuracy, Hp, and position on most of your missions? I am having a little trouble finding a good balance and you might have it.


I do like your idea of giving the player a weaker/ineffective weapons like the shotgun and having them find their own weapons and take cover.



Things that can be improved:


Ahh This is a bit harder because when you have fun, you tend to forget what can be improved on. I do not wanna be a grammar nazi because your grammar is at a understandable level smile.gif.


1 thing I did not really like towards the beginning was I felt it did not really play a part in the rest of the series. You add this detective thing in the beginning( which is a good idea!) but through out the rest of the missions there is none of that. But maybe that is just because you are a "patrol" officer in chapter 1"


It just does not really make it too clear because if he has good detective skills he should be doing that over patrol.


I also think putting this mission pack in the Storyline is a bit misleading, and if you want help with adding this to a storyline feature, I would be happy to help tounge.gif.



At this time I really do not have any other suggestions. I don't really know how new you are to DYOM or the community, but these missions are really good.




About the question, I really do not care which one you use, I like the way they are at the moment, but its based on how skilled someone is on Action games, the combat system on this game really is not that great.



Keep up the good work man.


Thank you, I think this is a review so I'm going to put this on the top of the forum...


The actors' stats :


  • HP : 250
  • Accuracies : 25
  • Headshot : No and some are yes (remember, the airport guys !)


About the missions, well I can't make a good detective mission, but I think I will make more at the Chapter 2. By the way, as I said before...



Don't think if you see S.A. Noire, it will lead you to think that this is always a "murder or robbery or raping or anything else" mission. This missions pack doesn't have any connection with L.A. Noire. "Noire" is a french word for "black" and can refers to "dark". Yeah, so S.A. Noire can have a meaning : the dark side of S.A. Which the "side" is the year "2011"


In chapter 2, it will be "Detective Desk" and for the next chapter I have an idea to make NOOSE Desk (well it's 2011 now, and GTA now using that to replaced SWAT), FIB Desk (same reason), and Secret Service Desk


I don't know if you can give me some ideas for the detective mission. But I played a missions pack called "L.S. Noire" (which in Spanish and I don't understand it tounge.gif) and have an idea from that


About storyline, I can make one, as I have experience for that. But I don't really like storyline since, you know that my mission have memories, right ? I put this at "Missions Pack v.s. Storyline" topic



Storyline sometimes bugging me. When you triggerred a mission then you place far away from that trigger (maybe like your memory, you are transferred to this place, etc.) and suddenly failed the mission because of special condition (like the death of an actor that has to be survived , destruction of the car that has to be survived , etc.) or maybe death (though you will respawn at the nearest hospital), you have to drive a loooooong way to the trigger. Though jetpack works, it still bugging me


Thank you for your attention for helping me making the storyline. But I didn't really need it right now. Chapter 2 also have memories mission, so I don't use it too


Anyway, why you call someone who check the grammar of mission designer "grammar nazi" ?



I just downloaded you new mission, can you tell me what mod are you using so the graphics looks better?


I'm sorry, that's not a mod. That's PAINT.NET effect to soften the potrait. I'm really sorry if you dissapointed

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Ahh I understand thanks for the reply.



I don't have a problem with too many enemies either. Things just got little tough towards the last 3 missions.


I think having a lot of enemies though make up for the little HP and headshots. You really do not need to worry so much about the accuracy all the time, but instead the weapon choice. Actors with M4s and AK-47s tend to aim better than Actors with micro smgs and pistols.


Still accuracy is a good thing to keep in mind as well. Place higher accuracies on actors with weaker weapons and lower accuracies on actors with stronger weapons.




And about the phrase "Grammar Nazi" I did not come up with that, some other people used it too.



But the phrase is used against people who bash and insult people based on their grammar. They correct everything you say. Like if you miss a few punctuation or spell a word wrong, they will get on your case about it until you fix it. It is pretty annoying.


Glad you liked the feedback

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Downloaded the first chapter, haven't played all the missions yet though. And I simply love it. The humorous scenes at the beginning of the missions are excellent. Every mission pack, even the most mission pack out there, should have a small joke here and then (for example the dildo thingy in my pack).


Keep it up icon14.gif

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@ Doublepulse


Yeah, I know that many people in here used that term. Thank you for the suggestion, I will try to do it at the next mission (which is a memory)


@ mati


Mind if I know which scene ? Can you give me the link of your missions pack with that "dildo thingy"


@ all the users and guests that read this topic


Correct me if I wrong. Is that true that we can only use 15 images to a single posts (like mine in the top) ? And is that true that one page of a topic consist of 20 posts ? Because if the first statement is true, I have to reserved the 21st post, for the additional characters !

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@ Doublepulse


Yeah, I know that many people in here used that term. Thank you for the suggestion, I will try to do it at the next mission (which is a memory)


@ mati


Mind if I know which scene ? Can you give me the link of your missions pack with that "dildo thingy"


@ all the users and guests that read this topic


Correct me if I wrong. Is that true that we can only use 15 images to a single posts (like mine in the top) ? And is that true that one page of a topic consist of 20 posts ? Because if the first statement is true, I have to reserved the 21st post, for the additional characters !

If you can't post anymore pic, why not merge the characters faces in one image, different for friends, playable characters, and enemies. But that's just my opinion and suggestion. icon14.gif

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General Scrotum

I'll play the missions and give you feedback/review later.


EDIT: Do you want me to use my own style or AznKei's method?

Edited by Secronom President
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I'll play the missions and give you feedback/review later.


EDIT: Do you want me to use my own style or AznKei's method?

AznKei's method please. Thank you for playing my missions


EDIT : What a coincidence, I secured the 21st post !



If you can't post anymore pic, why not merge the characters faces in one image, different for friends, playable characters, and enemies. But that's just my opinion and suggestion.


Thank you, I'll keep that in mind !

Edited by alifjenius
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[Attention] : UPDATE. Mission 2.2 or Mission 10




Anyway, Doublepulse confused about the oddity of the story. Why such a cop that has a good detective skill must be placed at the patrol desk ? I've put the answer here. That's why I called the mission "Reason"


Thank you and please give me the feedback from the mission


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General Scrotum

Hello there, alifjenius, here's the review I promised you. Sorry if some information is wrong in some situations in the variety category, but I played all the missions, took notes of them, and I couldn't bothered playing them again to check again. In other words, I am basing my review on my notes and my memory. tounge2.gif


- Writing: Very Good. The missions generaly contain basic and advanced English, but there are some repetitive errors here and there. Still, it doesn't mess the understanding of the mission, for most of the cases.


- Presentation: Very Good. The cutscenes present in the missions have good angles and each of them has their own feeling; war, sorrow, etc.


First Case

- Length: Good. As the mission can be done in five minutes, the player plays as John while he is walking around Las Barancas then hears a gunshot.

- Difficulty: Easy. There is no shootout or car chase involved in this mission. The player have ten minutes to find a gun that will prove he didn't murder the person Paul, a friend of John which is also a Sheriff, says he killed. The gun is close of the player.

- Variety: Decent. The actors include John, Paul, the priest, the ex-army and the two paramedics. The weapon and object used in this mission are a Desert Eagle and a breakable barrier.


Behind the Patrol Desk

- Length: Very Good. As the mission lasts seven minutes, the mission mainly base itself on one of John's souvenirs of the Civial War in 2009.

- Difficulty: Medium. The player launch an assault on a terrorist base and most enemies have good weapons with good accuracies and somewhat good health. The best way to get rid of them is to shoot them from distance and use cover when possible.

- Variety: Very Good. The mission contains John, soldiers such as Luis, county sheriff, many different terrorists, Rhino's, M4, SMG, Shawn-Off Shotgun, and many objects that constitute the base.


Armed and Dangerous

- Length: Very Good. As the mission lasts for nine minutes, John and his partner Luis respond to a bank rob in Las Barancas.

- Difficulty: Hard. Most enemies outside the bank have weapons capable of shooting from distance and the rest have powerful close range weapons. The best way to deal with them is to shoot them from a distance and use of their vehicles' explosions to deal extra damage. Inside the bank, enemies carry powerful weapons and the best way to get rid of them is to stick to one of the walls and headshot the enemies, note that they are not headshotable, to knock them down on the ground then doing the same with another one making it easier for the player to finish the mission.

- Variety: Good. The mission contains Shotgun, 9mm, Landstalker, AK-47, The wrecked up truck, Rancher, Luis, John, Boris, one or two more weapons, and a few cover and bank objects.


Fallen Idol

- Length: Very Good. As it lasts seven minutes, the player needs to head to a radio station in Fort Carson to assist in the protection of a politician.

- Difficulty: Medium. The player needs to protect a politician making an interview at the local radio station of assassins hired to kill him. Although the enemies have good weapons, the best way is to blow up their cars and take cover in the Pay n Spray shop which is nearby.

- Variety: Good. The mission contains the usual wrecked up trucks owned by the criminals, the 'Brand New' car, the usual weapons; a 9mm and a Shotgun, John, Luis, Brando, the police officers, a Stretch, objects; doors, the usual terrorists skins, and their usual weapons.



- Length: Good. As it lasts five minutes, it shows a flashback of John attacking a terrorist farmhouse two years ago in the Civil War.

- Difficulty: Easy. The mission consists of attacking a terrorist base, in one of John's souvenirs of the Civil War, with your allies. The enemies have good weapons, but yet again, you can simply shoot them from distance and use cover if they are to close.

- Variety: Excellent. The mission has many objects making the base, around fifteen, John, Luis, Vito, Boris, the 101st division, the 95th division, the three usual terrorists skinned enemies, a Rhino, a plane which I don't remember the name, the usual weapons used by the terrorists, about four, plus the weapons used by John and his allies.


Money Talks

- Length: Very Good. As the mission lasts seven seconds, the player must attack a terrorist base to take back the truck containing the money from the bank rob of a previous mission.

- Difficulty: Medium. You must assist some Sheriffs assaulting the Tee-Pee Motel where the Securicar having the money from the bank rob of Armed and Dangerous. The enemies have good weapons, but you can shoot the ones near the entrance easily from distance. Once you are inside, use cover because they can wound you badly easily and pretty quick. There's also an hidden Sniper Rifle on the nearby bridge.

- Variety: Very Good. The mission contain John, Luis, Paul, Boris, some county sheriffs, the three usual terrorists skins, at least six different objectto make the base, a Sniper Rifle, the usual weapons you get; a Shotgun and a 9mm, and other weapons such as a AK-47 and the usual used ones by the 'Traitors'.


Funeral Situation

- Length: Very Good. Lasting eight minutes, the mission is pretty straightforward. You are at Luis funeral and the 'Traitors' attack you.

- Difficulty: Hard. The 'Traitors' attack you while you are 'celebrating' Luis funerals' at the police station. The ones with the vehicles can be dealth with easily, the ones on the roof requires you to take cover, and the final wave consists of three Hunters attacking you with a suck-ass RPG team assisting you.

- Variety: Very Good. The mission consists of Paul, John, a priest, some county sheriffs, four different type of terrorists, some objects, two or three, the usual wrecked up trucks of the terrorists, three Hunters, Body Armor pickups, M4's, Rifles, Rocket Launchers, and some more weapons.


Roll Over Podolski

- Length: Very Good. As it lasts eight hours, John and the San Fierro Police Department launch an attack on Podolski's Ranch.

- Difficulty: Medium. There are two groups assisting John and Paul in the assault on Boris's Ranch; the County Sheriffs and the SFPD. The best way to complete the mission is to shoot Podolski's bodyguards from away and to use cover when in close combat. Most of them can be killed from distance leaving a few ones to be killed from close combat.

- Variety: Very Good. In this mission, we can find some SFPD cars, some Ranchers, some Police Mavericks, M4's, Tear Gas, Grenades, Molotov Cocktails, the usual weapons and vehicles used by the enemies, a moderate ammount of objects such as crates, garage door, etc., Paul, John, George, the hostage girl, and Boris.


Overall, the mission are good. icon14.gif While they are not too hard, they can still entertain the players. Some cutscenes such as the protagonist presenting himself in the first mission were good, though the repetitive cutscenes with reference to DYOM can be a little bit annoying after while (i.e. RPG team saying they have stupid AI, the sky saying to us to prepare for a two years back or ago, etc.) The story is interesting though some factions or characters could have been developed more (background story, and all the like). Anyway, the story is pretty good. I'll definitly play more missions and don't forget: keep up the good job. I give this mission pack a 8/10. biggrin.gif

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Hello there, alifjenius, here's the review I promised you. Sorry if some information is wrong in some situations in the variety category, but I played all the missions, took notes of them, and I couldn't bothered playing them again to check again. In other words, I am basing my review on my notes and my memory. tounge2.gif


- Writing: Very Good. The missions generaly contain basic and advanced English, but there are some repetitive errors here and there. Still, it doesn't mess the understanding of the mission, for most of the cases.


- Presentation: Very Good. The cutscenes present in the missions have good angles and each of them has their own feeling; war, sorrow, etc.


First Case

- Length: Good. As the mission can be done in five minutes, the player plays as John while he is walking around Las Barancas then hears a gunshot.

- Difficulty: Easy. There is no shootout or car chase involved in this mission. The player have ten minutes to find a gun that will prove he didn't murder the person Paul, a friend of John which is also a Sheriff, says he killed. The gun is close of the player.

- Variety: Decent. The actors include John, Paul, the priest, the ex-army and the two paramedics. The weapon and object used in this mission are a Desert Eagle and a breakable barrier.


Behind the Patrol Desk

- Length: Very Good. As the mission lasts seven minutes, the mission mainly base itself on one of John's souvenirs of the Civial War in 2009.

- Difficulty: Medium. The player launch an assault on a terrorist base and most enemies have good weapons with good accuracies and somewhat good health. The best way to get rid of them is to shoot them from distance and use cover when possible.

- Variety: Very Good. The mission contains John, soldiers such as Luis, county sheriff, many different terrorists, Rhino's, M4, SMG, Shawn-Off Shotgun, and many objects that constitute the base.


Armed and Dangerous

- Length: Very Good. As the mission lasts for nine minutes, John and his partner Luis respond to a bank rob in Las Barancas.

- Difficulty: Hard. Most enemies outside the bank have weapons capable of shooting from distance and the rest have powerful close range weapons. The best way to deal with them is to shoot them from a distance and use of their vehicles' explosions to deal extra damage. Inside the bank, enemies carry powerful weapons and the best way to get rid of them is to stick to one of the walls and headshot the enemies, note that they are not headshotable, to knock them down on the ground then doing the same with another one making it easier for the player to finish the mission.

- Variety: Good. The mission contains Shotgun, 9mm, Landstalker, AK-47, The wrecked up truck, Rancher, Luis, John, Boris, one or two more weapons, and a few cover and bank objects.


Fallen Idol

- Length: Very Good. As it lasts seven minutes, the player needs to head to a radio station in Fort Carson to assist in the protection of a politician.

- Difficulty: Medium. The player needs to protect a politician making an interview at the local radio station of assassins hired to kill him. Although the enemies have good weapons, the best way is to blow up their cars and take cover in the Pay n Spray shop which is nearby.

- Variety: Good. The mission contains the usual wrecked up trucks owned by the criminals, the 'Brand New' car, the usual weapons; a 9mm and a Shotgun, John, Luis, Brando, the police officers, a Stretch, objects; doors, the usual terrorists skins, and their usual weapons.



- Length: Good. As it lasts five minutes, it shows a flashback of John attacking a terrorist farmhouse two years ago in the Civil War.

- Difficulty: Easy. The mission consists of attacking a terrorist base, in one of John's souvenirs of the Civil War, with your allies. The enemies have good weapons, but yet again, you can simply shoot them from distance and use cover if they are to close.

- Variety: Excellent. The mission has many objects making the base, around fifteen, John, Luis, Vito, Boris, the 101st division, the 95th division, the three usual terrorists skinned enemies, a Rhino, a plane which I don't remember the name, the usual weapons used by the terrorists, about four, plus the weapons used by John and his allies.


Money Talks

- Length: Very Good. As the mission lasts seven seconds, the player must attack a terrorist base to take back the truck containing the money from the bank rob of a previous mission.

- Difficulty: Medium. You must assist some Sheriffs assaulting the Tee-Pee Motel where the Securicar having the money from the bank rob of Armed and Dangerous. The enemies have good weapons, but you can shoot the ones near the entrance easily from distance. Once you are inside, use cover because they can wound you badly easily and pretty quick. There's also an hidden Sniper Rifle on the nearby bridge.

- Variety: Very Good. The mission contain John, Luis, Paul, Boris, some county sheriffs, the three usual terrorists skins, at least six different objectto make the base, a Sniper Rifle, the usual weapons you get; a Shotgun and a 9mm, and other weapons such as a AK-47 and the usual used ones by the 'Traitors'.


Funeral Situation

- Length: Very Good. Lasting eight minutes, the mission is pretty straightforward. You are at Luis funeral and the 'Traitors' attack you.

- Difficulty: Hard. The 'Traitors' attack you while you are 'celebrating' Luis funerals' at the police station. The ones with the vehicles can be dealth with easily, the ones on the roof requires you to take cover, and the final wave consists of three Hunters attacking you with a suck-ass RPG team assisting you.

- Variety: Very Good. The mission consists of Paul, John, a priest, some county sheriffs, four different type of terrorists, some objects, two or three, the usual wrecked up trucks of the terrorists, three Hunters, Body Armor pickups, M4's, Rifles, Rocket Launchers, and some more weapons.


Roll Over Podolski

- Length: Very Good. As it lasts eight hours, John and the San Fierro Police Department launch an attack on Podolski's Ranch.

- Difficulty: Medium. There are two groups assisting John and Paul in the assault on Boris's Ranch; the County Sheriffs and the SFPD. The best way to complete the mission is to shoot Podolski's bodyguards from away and to use cover when in close combat. Most of them can be killed from distance leaving a few ones to be killed from close combat.

- Variety: Very Good. In this mission, we can find some SFPD cars, some Ranchers, some Police Mavericks, M4's, Tear Gas, Grenades, Molotov Cocktails, the usual weapons and vehicles used by the enemies, a moderate ammount of objects such as crates, garage door, etc., Paul, John, George, the hostage girl, and Boris.


Overall, the mission are good. icon14.gif While they are not too hard, they can still entertain the players. Some cutscenes such as the protagonist presenting himself in the first mission were good, though the repetitive cutscenes with reference to DYOM can be a little bit annoying after while (i.e. RPG team saying they have stupid AI, the sky saying to us to prepare for a two years back or ago, etc.) The story is interesting though some factions or characters could have been developed more (background story, and all the like). Anyway, the story is pretty good. I'll definitly play more missions and don't forget: keep up the good job. I give this mission pack a 8/10. biggrin.gif

Thank you very much, oh yeah, about some words from your posts...



and the final wave consists of three Hunters attacking you with a suck-ass RPG team assisting you.


Yeah, I didn't understand why they are not helping me. At first, after the helicopters destroyed, John said "We did it..." instead of the release version one. When I found out they are not helping me, I make John insulted the so called RPG Team\



though the repetitive cutscenes with reference to DYOM can be a little bit annoying after while (i.e. RPG team saying they have stupid AI, the sky saying to us to prepare for a two years back or ago, etc.)


Ha ha ha, I thought it will be fun for the missions to break the 4th wall biggrin.gif . I break it many times tounge2.gif (if you didn't know what is "breaking the 4th wall", just click the link)



- Writing: Very Good. The missions generaly contain basic and advanced English, but there are some repetitive errors here and there. Still, it doesn't mess the understanding of the mission, for most of the cases.


Well, I didn't want you to be "the grammar nazi" but can you please give me the example of "the repetitive errors" found at my mission ?


Once again, thank you for the review. Anyway, is the DYOM Review Topic already dead ? I didn't find new posts there (or maybe I'm not checking it for a long time tounge.gif ). If it didn't dead already, can you post this review at the topic ? Please ?

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General Scrotum

I'll give you some examples of the 'repetitive errors' later.


I put the review on DYOM Reviews thread, for your information.


I will play chapter two and give you a complete review when I am done playing it all (when it is 100% completed and designed).


Noticed I said one of your missions lasted seven seconds and another one eight hours. lol.gif xD

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I'll give you some examples of the 'repetitive errors' later.


I put the review on DYOM Reviews thread, for your information.


I will play chapter two and give you a complete review when I am done playing it all (when it is 100% completed and designed).


Noticed I said one of your missions lasted seven seconds and another one eight hours. lol.gif  xD

Yeah, I notice that 8 hours and 7 seconds. I thought it is 8 hours ingame !


[Attention] : UPDATE. Mission 2.3 or Mission 11


Car Accident ?


It's my first try for the real detective job. But since I found it boring, I add "a little gunfight" near the end of the mission so it won't be boring


Enjoy the mission and give me feedback


Oh yeah, this is a part mission. So be patience for the 2nd part smile.gif

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[Attention] : UPDATE. Mission 2.4 or Mission 12


Gran Turismo


The 2nd part of the "Hit & Run" investigation. But there will be another part for this. So be patience...


A little gunfight added since I found this mission only contain "go to this checkpoint" objective...


Enjoy the mission and give me feedback

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Hey, yo', I thought you just stole XMatiX's idea from his "G.I.W." mission pack, but you didn't.

I'm gonna enjoy playing this when the time comes, wait for ma' feedback, dude.

Keep the good work!

Well, I just "inspired" from his topic's format. This is very different from G.I.W.


GIW inspired from COD 4, S.A. Noire inspired from L.A. Noire

GIW is military theme, S.A. Noire is police theme

Characters' name from GIW inspired from COD 4, S.A. Noire came from my head


Thank you for playing my missions. Hope you enjoy it...

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