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GTAForums Events Directory


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The Events section is a subforum of GTAForums that Moderators and Admins decided to create in order to have members of the forum create events that will enhance the GTAForums community over Multiplayer games of Grand Theft Auto. This area is reserved for events created by GTAForums members and clans that wish to have their own activities and meets. Events must bring a contribution to the GTAForums community.


Make sure your topic is organized and contains enough information to be "topic-worthy". That is, no "Hai guyz, I need playersz 2 kill da copz 2nite!! Plz add my gamertag xxnoobsnipakilla69xx, thx." If you need any Graphics or Layout, feel free to contact our members in the GFX Requests & Tutorials subforum.


Most importantly follow the GTAForums Rules & Policy and the Events Section Rules & Policy


Now onto this topic. gamesguru has made a directory much like this, in fact I am using the same layout as he did. However, GTArv unpinned the topic due to lack of updates. I asked him if I could start another directory to organize the Events that have been going on and he has given me the permission to.


I'll be constantly updating this topic by adding new Events that show up. Although only active events will be added to this topic, therefore, please have an event with about 10 pages before being added to this list. Also, please don't PM me saying "Hai, can u addz my event to da list." Because I get those PMs all the time in the "Current GTAForums Gangs" topic and they are quite irritating and fill up my Inbox.




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Topic Info Host Platforms
GTAF Gang League 2011 This is the GTAF's semi-official gang league, most active GTAF gangs are allowed to join. All the big GTAForums gangs including The Yardies, AoD, D12, BCF and The Damned participate in. The league finishes in December, so if you want to join then please do so soon. It's a great way to meet players from other gangs and make new friends on GTAForums! AndyGanteks 360: IV





Air/Ground War III An innovative activity that puts Ground players against Annihilators in an all out war as the name suggests. The event has been happening for a while and still occurs very often. If you'd like to sign up for extreme destruction go here. and join! ??? PS3:IV
Turf Wars An Event for mature players who look to have fun in strategiical ways. Teams play matches in Bohan to try and claim the locations shown to them. The event has been around for three years now and has a variation called the Dangerous Turf Wars, basically different settings that make it more "dangerous". ph34r.gif docrikowski PS3:IV
16 v LCPD This event guarantees extreme carnage in every way possible. It is very simple, players join forces to gain stars and be chased by the LCPD while trying to go through hour-long foot routes that last around 60 minutes. The event was recently restarted and has been a hit ever since.


LeRay0409 360:IV


Protecting the Wolf A variation of TLAD's "Lone Wolf" mode where players work in teams to protect the Lone Wolf as opposed to killing him. Match settings are played regularly on 20 minutes with Auto-Aim off. This is the most popular TLAD event on GTAForums. ajbns87 PS3: IV
Cops n Crooks The Good and Bad guys battle it out in this exciting and very heated event. 4 teams compete to escape the cops or clean up the mean streets of Liberty CIty. The Event has shown great development in just a couple of weeks and promises to become a great event on PSN. ajbns87 PS3: IV





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Topic Info Host Platforms
L.C. Rush This racing league features GTAForums' most skilled drivers who are up to getting together and participating in clean, yet fun racing games. Drivers can choose from five categories to race in, exotic, bikes, sports, SUVs and Muscle cars make up the list. If you like to race in the streets of Liberty, this is the right event for you. Murk Family Mafia Don 360: IV





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Topic Info Host Platforms
Gangs of Liberty: The Official Roleplay GTAForums' most active roleplay at the moment. Players compete to make money and control all of Liberty. Complex features such as the Drug Dealing system make this Roleplay unique compared to others out there. The banking system allows investments to be made in various properties, making players feel like real people who look to make a name for themselves. fgcarva1 360: IV
GTA IV: Serious Life RP This is your generic roleplay. Feel free to do whatever you want as long as you act serious and follow the simple rules in the thread's OP. deadsliez1 360: IV


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Topic Info Topic Starter
GTANetwork SA-MP Server Have you got SA-MP? And do you also visit these forums? Well if you are reading this, then the answer is more than likely going to be yes. GTAF, well GTANET to be precise has it's own SA-MP for it's members to indulge in. It is very popular with members who hang around the Multiplayer section of the forums, and rightfully so. With pre-arranged meets and custom modes to keep members busy; it is also open 24/7, so you can enter it at your own free will. It's a bonus for clan's who don't ave their own server, as they can situate themselves here. In addition to this the server has been recently updated with: a new home area, NPC scripts, 250 car spawn locations and 28 new deathmatch zones. With this new update comes the BETA for the long awaited Gang Wars in which GTAF Clans own certain turfs and fight other clans to gain even more turf. It's definitely and exciting time to play on the GTAF server; but make sure you donate some money to help keep it running. GTANetwork SA-MP Server
Screenshots&Videos This is a nice little topic to show off all your multiplayer shenanigans, both in the form of videos and/or screenshots. Any GTA MP applies, meaning you can screenshot SA:MP pics or go all the way to capturing videos of off your home console and posting the videos in this topic. It's also good for the neutral users as well, as it's fun to see what projects and crazy stuff fellow members have been getting up to. So be sure to check it out some time. Knife
Multiplayer Monitor MM, for short, is the monthly GTAForums newsletter, it focuses a lot on the current Gangs and Events from GTAForums and updates its readers on all the action going on around the GTA world. It is organized in a PDF format so you must download a PDF reader in order to enjoy MM. MM also includes such features as interviews and Q&A's with your fellow GTAF friends and is an extremely reliable source for any GTAForums enws. It is now led by AndyGanteks who took the topic over for GTArv. AndyGanteks
Guides&Strategies The purpose of this topic is to share your expertise of GTA Multiplayer. Anybody can give formal, simple, and/or in-depth guides in this topic, meaning much can be learned and also taught. Topic starter GTArv keeps an up-to-date list in the opening post, meaning it's easy to find the guides you are looking for (with direct links to them for easier navigation). If you would like to share your wisdom or increase it, then feel free to pop in and have a browse. GTArv







Last Updated: August 28th, 2011Credits to blitz for remaking the headers.
Edited by fgcarva1
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Mr White0161

This is actually a pretty good idea. I hope you are going to add some sort of requirements like you did for Current Gangs.

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This is actually a pretty good idea. I hope you are going to add some sort of requirements like you did for Current Gangs.

Well, directories are not really ideas I guess. I did have the idea of making a directory for this subforum, however gamesguru had already created one in 08 or 09 so I just asked if I could use his layout to save time. He allowed me to and gave me the code. smile.gif


I won't add requirements because we don't have that many events, therefore I'll use my own judgment to add an event or not.


But anyways, thanks lads! icon14.gif

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Lots of Lots of events missing here, but still good job. What happened to the old one gamesguru did anyways?


I just noticed you'll only be adding ''active'' events. Even then you missed a few, but still, the directory isn't a directory unless it contains all the events from the past and present, same with gangs, in my opinion.

Edited by AndyGanteks
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I think its fair to say this is a work in progress, so I 'm sure FGcarva will add more to it.


Good luck with this. I'm sure it will get pinned.

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Doc Rikowski

I think it makes sense to only have active events.

Inactive ones could be just listed as a link maybe.





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Good work with this Carva, you're contributing more and more to the GTAForums multi-player community. Well done! icon14.gif

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Good work with this Carva, you're contributing more and more to the GTAForums multi-player community. Well done! icon14.gif

Haha, thanks! However, mods do know that besides my contributions, I cause a lot of havoc around here as well... moto_whistle.gif

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Haha! Oh well, I'll add the Roleplays later on tonight.


I'll take doc's advice and work on a section of old events, just the names and link. However, they will start from Events currently in the list so I have nothing to add so far.



-Added Roleplay section and the two current GTAForums Roleplays.

Edited by fgcarva1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Like with all other events, I will wait until it gets a bit more activity. About 5-10 pages should show youre here to stay.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you mate! I couldn't find them! :S


I'll edit the information in the next few days... sorry for forgetting to add some important new events to that list.

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Hi guys:)


I was wondering if you could add my PS3 roleplay event in this dictionary?As there is none for the PS3,i decided to start one!:D

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Firstly, you've posted your event within the wrong forum. Fortunately I have requested that it be moved into this forum, the correct place for it. How you made such a mistake when you had posted within this forum shortly before is beyond comprehension. Secondly, you can not request for your topic to be put in the directory. Only events that have had a major impact and/or receive a notable amount of activity are put into the directory. Your event will need a lot more effort put into it, as well as time to grow before it is to be even considered.


EDIT: Your topic has been moved into the Events forum.

Edited by gamesguru
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Like my colleague has stated, we will have to wait and observe your event before adding it to the current list. If I notice that is has impacted these forums in a positive way, by either being just a fun event, or developing the sense of a GTAForums community, or anything that may benefit the forum, I shall add it to the list. Make sure that your members are active on GTAForums though, as no major impact will be seen if it is operated externally. Try to put some effort into it and you may see it here in the future.


@guru Once again, thanks for the topic reference in your newsletter. icon14.gif

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Firstly, you've posted your event within the wrong forum. Fortunately I have requested that it be moved into this forum, the correct place for it. How you made such a mistake when you had posted within this forum shortly before is beyond comprehension. Secondly, you can not request for your topic to be put in the directory. Only events that have had a major impact and/or receive a notable amount of activity are put into the directory. Your event will need a lot more effort put into it, as well as time to grow before it is to be even considered.


EDIT: Your topic has been moved into the Events forum.

Ohh,sorry about that,im kindof new to the whole Forum thing.Thank you for the response though!

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  • 4 weeks later...


December 4th, 2011 Update Added Cops n Crooks, a new event held by ajbsn87 that has great potential like all of his previous events. Sorry for taking so long to add it, finally found some time to type up a quick summary. icon14.gif

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  • 2 months later...

Sure thing, I was thinking about it yesterday, I gotta update this table real soon. icon14.gif

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Good luck with this. I'm sure it will get pinned.





Edited by Girish
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  • 1 month later...

Woow, It's been like 3 months and no one actually took this over? wink.gif

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Mr. Reaper.
Woow, It's been like 3 months and no one actually took this over? wink.gif

I considered it at one point. tounge.gif

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Doc Rikowski

This topic haven't been updated since December.

At this point either fgcarva1 tells me he wants to continue with it (PM me) or someone else takes over (talk to fgcarva and then PM me).

Till it's sorted out it will stay unpinned and locked.

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