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Missions from concept threads

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Okay, here's a new idea brought to DYOM section.


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Have you ever wanted to play missions from fan concepts threads located in GTA Series Chat? If yes, than it's for you.

Here I'll upload missions made by me for any concept thread, for example, Life's Price by mati1501. I have chosen already some of concepts I'll make first(see them below).


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The King of the City made by LuisBellic

Life's Price by mati1501

Balkan Valor by Pedochu(this one can be deleted)

From Russia without Mercy by The Lolwut Pear

Blood and a Four Leaf Clover by akavari112

The Code of the Streets by Money Over Bullsh*t


NOTE: If someone from authors of concepts doesn't like the idea, PM me and I'll delete your concept from list.


NOTE 2: If the concept isn't finished, then I'll make only those missions which are made.


NOTE 3: If the mission includes fate choosing, then I'll either remake the moment with it or delete it(if it's not an intro/outro/important mission). If I'll choose the remake, then I'll ask for permission.



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This section is about TKotC missions.


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Coming soon...

Edited by SatournFan
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1. From Russia without Mercy by The Lolwut Pear

2. Life's Price by mati1501

3. The King of the City by LuisBellic

4. Balkan Valor by Pedochu

5. Blood and a Four Leaf Clover by akavari112

6. The Code of the Streets by Money Over Bullsh*t(If I'll get user's "yes")

Edited by SatournFan

I'm gonna be out of DYOM after this Summer and maybe September(school, oh yeah!).

And I'm gonna be out from forums for the whole Summer.

But I'll make missions in my countryside village, all missions that I planned, don't be worry, Luis.

  • 3 months later...

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