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Can i join?

Can i join??!?!??!?!?!?!?!

Oh,and when is the next theme gonna be

and one more question: Can i join??????

Sure, the next theme is coming after the voting, which starts in a few hours. If you still want to be in this round, you have a few hours to make your mission (just rush on the mission, better than not trying at all)

Cool,but a question:

What is the next theme gonna be? How am i gonna make a mission without knowing what is the next theme gonna be?

EDIT:Oh,nevermind,im just gonna wait till the next theme...

EDIT 2: Aww,screw waiting,im working on a Gang theme mission right now,its 99% done.

Edited by Deividas60

Good icon14.gif . Now at least you have a chance to get some points.






Nitesh aka AAAAAA






Mati1501: Dance With The Devil

Jaban: Remodelling the hangout

Nitesh aka AAAAAA: When The Wolves Howl

Satournfan: Supporting in war

Maliksusanto: Vagos gang war

Deividas60: Groves n Vagos


Voting has NOT started yet. I give COOLMAN, Pauliux, Secro and DP a few more hours to finish their mission.

Voting for week 1


First of all, here are all the designers and their missions:


Mati1501: Dance With The Devil

Jaban: Remodelling the hangout

Nitesh aka AAAAAA: When The Wolves Howl

Satournfan: Supporting in war

Maliksusanto: Vagos gang war

Jetjatin: Man of Courage

Pauliux2: End Of Ballas


Here's how the voting for this round goes:


You basically make a list of your top 4 missions. DO NOT mention the 3 worst missions, we don't want anyone to feel bad. Also, you can give a reason why you chose the missions as long as you stay kind. Important: The designers MUST vote too! (Mati, Jaban, Satournfan etc.) We CAN NOT vote for our own mission. This is fair.


1st place: 4 points

2nd place: 3 points

3rd place: 2 points

4th place: 1 point

5 and 6th place: 0 points

(If you designed) Your mission: 0 points.


OK, It will probably take some time to play all the missions. I must vote myself too soon.


Done! Man of Courage.

I failed to produce up to 80 objectives as i said to mati  bored.gif  Anyway.

Sorry, but your mission has nothing to do with gangs... it is a army mission confused.gif



Edit, here is my top 4:


4. Vagos gang war

3. End Of Ballas

2. Dance With The Devil

1. Supporting in war


Also, i was alittle bit disappionted, some people can make better missions, but don't try it.

Edited by guib

4. Jaban

3. SatournFan

2. Pauliux

1. Nitesh aka AAAAAA

Current point standings:


Mati1501: Dance With The Devil 7

Jaban: Remodelling the hangout 4

Nitesh aka AAAAAA: When The Wolves Howl 4

Satournfan: Supporting in war 6

Maliksusanto: Vagos gang war 3

Jetjatin: Man of Courage 0

Pauliux2: End Of Ballas 7



Okay, here's my rating


4. jaban(Remodeling the Hangout)-The mission was not hard, but not easy.

3. pauliux2(End of Ballas)-I think that the mission is good, but can be more hard.

2. mati1501(Dance with the devil)-It was medium difficult and I liked how the mission goes.

1. Nitesh aka AAAAAAA(When the wolves howl...)-I loved this mission cause of number of shootouts and gameplay.


Why I didn't put Vagos gang war?

Well, the mission was too easy and short, but it's good and interesting.


Why I didn't put Man of Courage?

I think that the mission will be one of the best on war week theme, but not on gangster theme. Sorry


Why I didn't put Supporting in war?

Because it's not allowed =)


Little off-topic:

pauliux2, huh, very funny.




My votes:

1.Supporting in war.

Hard and fun to play mission. Lot of gunfight. The wanted level was not removed and that made the mission very hard.[i

had to use the wanted level cheat].


2.Dance with the devil.

Good story. The gunfight was fun.


3.Vagos gang war.

The mission was not that hard. It was also not that long. Fun to play.


4.End of the Ballas.

The mission was hard and fun to play. It was also not that long.


All the missions made by the other designers were also good.


The list that follows is just random.[Alphabetical order]

Man of courage

The mission was very good and very creative. Just that it was not based on the theme.


Remodelling the hangout

The missions were very easy and also kind of short.



1.When will next Theme will start?

2.What is the next theme?

1. that depends how many people will vote, if everybody has votes today, I think that the new round will start tomorrow, or maybe even today!

2.If round 2 start you can read it in the main topic, it is a surprise until the second round starts...

Guys, jaban told me that he won't be on the forums for a few weeks because of his exams. So let's just skip his vote.

Week one finished!!!


Points round one:



Nitesh aka AAAAAA:16






Round two will end next Tuesday.

Week 2: Parody Theme is now open!



This week, you have to make a mission based about something. It doesn't matter what: Movies, Games...








BTW, I have an awesome idea for the winner's prize. PM me if you want to discuss it.

Edited by mati1501
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