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Born to kill

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Born to kill



Status : this is still active!







Trailermade by pauliux2






Hello and welcome to my brand new series for gta sa:




Jack is a guy that whas born in Liberty City. Each day as a kid he feared everything. Seeing people getting killed, and much more violence. On the age of 22 Jack decides to move out and go to SA (wich is now a pretty safe place) Boarding fast and everything looking good. His friend Daniel makes it worser than it could be.


Information :


Main characters


Daniel: You meet him in the first mission.


personalety: Funny , chaotic , irritating , scared.

Gun handel: He can shoot (like a kid).

Financial: Has almost no money and no job.

Knowledge: medium.

Bravery:very low.

friendship:like a brother.

status = Alive




personalety:Selfish , macho , violent

Gun handel: Very good (years of training)

Financial: Rich because of drug handel.


Bravery: High (very high on drugs)

friendship: pain in the ass

status = Unkown



Personalety: Nice guy , macho , against torture.

Gun handel: Extremely good.

Financial: Owns a part of LS and owns fully SF AND LV

Knowledge: very high.

Bravery: Very high.

Friendship: The friend you always wanted (This is your enemy if you choose NO at the 2 choises)

status = Alive



Personalety : Agressive,macho,Likes torture

Gun handel : Very good

Finacial : Medium

Knowledge : Medium

Bravery : Very high

Friendship : Pain in the ass

Status = Unkown


Side characters: [] means Famely


status = Alive


status = DEAD rampage_ani.gif


status = DEAD rampage_ani.gif


status = Alive

Santo diago.

status = Alive


status = Alive


status = Alive


status = Alive


status = alive


status = DEAD rampage_ani.gif


Status = alive


status = DEAD rampage_ani.gif




Red hats: A gang that wears red and white.Well knowed for there large numbers

There boss is BJ,a man that growed up in pure chaos , he rules a big part of LS.

Update on info = Now Bj is dead other gangs are trying to split up the parts of BJ in there terretories


status= Destroyed rampage_ani.gif


Blue oceans: Blue Oceans are a little gang thats spread around SF.

They look like casual dudes but they always whare bleu shirts.They arnt that weel knowd but the mostly fight against Russian mafia and The 3 numbers

Update on info = They are becoming more powerful because the messed up meeting.


status= Medium


Italian mafia: All over the place

status= very strong

Russian mafia: Good ofr deals but if you f*ck it up you will never get out.

status= strong

Forgotten rebelions:A biker gang that appear later in the series.

status= weak


---------------------Time line explenation---------------------

Getting older:


After chapter 2 you will look different because of your time spended in jail

After chapter 2 The time line will depend on the choise you made


Mafia choise:

Positive: Your more protected. Missions are easier. Anytime guns and healt everywhere. More gun styles.

negative: Loose friends and people wont like you anymore


No chhoise


Positive: Fun factor goes higher. Play like hitman. Play sneaky finde places to hide.

Negative: Some one dies (im not gonna spoil) missions are harder . You have to be a person that likes stealth. Nvever go out on a rampage.






[phone = Basic phone.

[money = 15$ + 250 000$ (from stand your ground) = 250 015$ - 150 000$ (from slave to the goverment) = 100 015$



|Give your ratings

|And comments


|and anything else : D







Chapter 1: A new dude in SA


The arive of a young man(ready for download)

Paying the bills whit blood(ready for download)

Unwelcome stranger(ready for download)

The wharehouse/dreamhouse(ready for download)

Glen Park ambush(Ready for download)

Stand your ground(Reay for download)

Slave to the goverment(Reay for download)

Killing Machine(Ready For Download)

Lone Walker(Ready for download)


Chapter 2: Silent kill


The first assesenation(Ready for download)

Road kill(Ready for download)

Returning to fast(Ready for download)

Murder at the club(Ready for download)

Time to pay!(uncompleted)

Kill the king(uncompleted)



whe know whe know...(uncompleted)

Choises Enough(uncompleted)


Chapter 3 mafia choise:


Deal and run(uncompleted)

Enjoying your stay?(uncompleted)

Plane crash(uncompleted)

Defend the hotel(uncompleted)

Daniels revenge(uncompleted)

Killing machine reborn(uncompleted)

The last trip(uncompleted)

Deadly hall(uncompleted)

One more look(uncompleted)

Born to kill(uncompleted)


Chapter 3 work for your self choise: look at time line explenation)


Getting guns and freinds(uncompleted)

Train stop(uncompleted)

Burn motherf*cker(uncompleted)

Underground Motel(uncompleted)

Bullet trought the head(uncompleted)

Killing in the name of(uncompleted)

Deadly hall(uncompleted)

one more look(uncompleted)

Born to kill(uncompleted)






As you notice the story line splits and that is a fun part choose for mafia or denie and make it harder for yourself




Please comment and rate


Any questions please ask i takes me quite a while to make missions because im having school to! i have to study so im not able to make a lot missions very fast!



Older born to kill missions : (or just missions that didnt fit in the story line)or never realesed that are still in the data map)


Born to kill :The underground paradise

Burn mother f*cker (orginal)






Other missions are here http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=440939




Joining can be done!




dont just make up the story line!! would be f*cking confused xD

ask to join!

any new ideas missions characters will be accepted if you FIRST post them to me




Mission info:


chapter 1:


mission 1:

Jack just boarded in LS he cant wait to start as a new guy here. Whit a chansed 2nd name and bagage,Jack borrows a car and makes his way to the hotel.

mission 2:

Daniel invites you for a drink in the club.What jack dusnt know is that Daniel has some payment to do , Daniel dus something that will have impact on whole his life!

mission 3:

Jack meets a big boss of a unkow gang in LS he is called Diego . Because Daniel has to pay Diego but dusnt have enough money he makes it so Jack will do a few jobs instad of giving money.This makes Jacks new life worsser than it could be

mission 4:

Diego wants his warehouse back,now its your turn to take it back and become the star of Diego

Mission 5:

Someone calls you on this calm day.But it is an unkow person , you just go chec kit out but things arnts as planned!

Mission 6:

Its time to finish the RED HATS gang! To kill Bj walk the block around and kill him while standing on a roof

Mission 7:

Its all done...the red hats are gone and you have enough money.....................But still something has to happen

Mission 9:

Its seems you still have do to a job for Diego...damm Daniel what did you do!?

Mission 10:

Walking alone trying to visit oyur grandma...its just getting worse!


Chapter 2

Missions 1:

A guy called Polo wants you to kill his twing brother Shwan

Edited by hebekie
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I'm going to play them,after I completed my homework wink.gif


EDIT:Good missions.If you add more design smile.gif will be more better.Good work icon14.gif

srry but what do you mean by desing?


anyway thx for playing more coming up!


srry but what do you mean by desing?

If you make your missions more realistic smile.gif

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I'm going to play them,after I completed my homework wink.gif


EDIT:Good missions.If you add more design smile.gif will be more better.Good work icon14.gif

srry but what do you mean by desing?


anyway thx for playing more coming up!


srry but what do you mean by desing?

If you make your missions more realistic smile.gif

oh yeah well thats a good idea lets do that now!

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Going to play all missions right now biggrin.gif

thx dude youur a nice guy : D you and jetjatin are oneof the nicest dudes if seen around here xD

Thank you biggrin.gif you are nice guy too anyway missions are reaally good i liked the jefferson motel mission most that wa awesome keep up the good work icon14.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gif

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Going to play all missions right now biggrin.gif

thx dude youur a nice guy : D you and jetjatin are oneof the nicest dudes if seen around here xD

Thank you biggrin.gif you are nice guy too anyway missions are reaally good i liked the jefferson motel mission most that wa awesome keep up the good work icon14.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gif

mjam coockies : D thx more coming soon

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Going to play all missions right now biggrin.gif

thx dude youur a nice guy : D you and jetjatin are oneof the nicest dudes if seen around here xD

Thank you biggrin.gif you are nice guy too anyway missions are reaally good i liked the jefferson motel mission most that wa awesome keep up the good work icon14.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gifcookie.gif

mjam coockies : D thx more coming soon

Cant wait them dude biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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I played some of your missions and they're pretty long and cool smile.gif You will get a cookie.gif A BIG ONE biggrin.gif

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