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DYOM Mission Index

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General Scrotum


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Tired of searching? Tired of searching manually? Tired of searching with a search tool only working for Moderators and Administrators? Looking for a place with all the mission packs and single missions? Well, you are in the right place!


The DYOM Mission Index includes all the missions and mission packs we can find around. Whether that it would be from; a car thief mission pack to a racer mission passing by a professional killer story. We have it all!


With this thread, your missions and mission packs will never get forgotten, even if your thread containing your mission or mission pack is in the last page. Though I still concentrate on mission packs first, I will do a section for lone missions too.


Mission packs are my main priority as much of the mission designers are doing these. If you create a single mission and want it to be here, you can PM me or ask here. But, there are chances it will take longer than with mission packs.




user posted image



The list is in alphabetical order. It is not the mission packs that are in alphabetical order but, the creators of these. It is going to be updated daily.


As there will be more designers, there will be more people in it and more sections (username starting with "a", "b", "c", "d", etc... until "z"). The usernames starting with numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc...) will be after usernames starting with the "z" letter. Usernames starting with symbols (", &, %, ?, *, ¤, ¢, ¢, £, etc...) will be put after the ones with numbers. That means that if you don't want to be at the bottom of the list, you will require to have a letter starting username.


The order of the usernames with symbols will not be in "symbological" order but, they will depend of the letter or the number coming after the first one or of the first letter or number coming the symbols.


You may notice some users have their name wrote more than one time. It is normal. It only means that they have more than one mission or mission pack.


You may also notice that there a lot of designers that don't have their names in there. That's because their missions or mission packs threads are not in DYOM Mission. They are in DYOM Support. Why they are there? It is because of a modification to the original Design Your Own Mission sub-forum that occured on January 5, 2011. The reason is unknown but, is pretty simple to understand.


The mission packs: this is what this list is all about. The mission packs are a bunch of missions united together making one story. The mission packs list will include storylines (made in DYOM V6 storyline feature) and normal missions. You may notice some mission packs have these two "--" in the Mission Name table. It means that they are .zip files or DLS.zip files. Normal missions coming from a mission pack will have their names written in the Mission Name table.


Now, to the mission packs list:





Username Mission Pack Thread
Alex5526 Taken Link
alifjenius S.A. Noire Link
AnDReJ98 GTA: San Andreas Stories Link
AnDReJ98 Jack Prinstons Life Link
AnDReJ98 Mike Devisons Chronicles Link
AnDReJ98 The Franchescos Brothers Link
Arejai Max Parker Link
Arejai The Soldier's Eyes Link
Arejai The Story of the Transporter Link
caio3771 Aztecas Stories Link
Darkseller63 Shooting in Las Venturas Link
ItsAllAboutGTA Detective Stories Link
john12 San Fierro Burglars Link
john12 THE CRASH! Link
KaRzY6 Army: Team AGH69 Link
KaRzY6 Battle of San Diego Link
KaRzY6 Lee Fang Chronicles Link
KaRzY6 Superstar Baseballer Link
KaRzY6 The Creek Banditos Link
KaRzY6 The Story of Leroy Kingston: Remake Link
KaRzY6 Which Path Will You Take? Link
lee_atsugai Crisis of 2016: Rage of Task Force 141 Link
LFarmer Blueberry Massacre Link
LFarmer Survival Link
Moryachok Gamekeeper Link
Nitesh aka AAAAAAA Challenge! Link
Nitesh aka AAAAAAA GTA SA: 2 Link
Nitesh aka AAAAAAA Hitman Link
Nitesh aka AAAAAAA Who's There? Link
Nothing Special Denise's Stories Link
Notna Bayside Thug Link
Notna James Parker and His Crew Link
Notna Grand Theft Auto: Las Venturas Link
Notna Tony Cole Chronicles Link
Rytuklis GTA III Reloaded Link
salvadorc17 Commandos: Strike Force Link
salvadorc17 GTA City of Anarchy - Episode 1 Link
salvadorc17 GTA City of Anarchy - Episode 2 Link
salvadorc17 GTA Prince of Persia Link
salvadorc17 GTA Undead Nightmare Link
salvadorc17 The X Files Link
salvadorc17 The Getaway Link
SatournFan Life in San Diablo Link
secritek GTA Modern Warfare Link
Secronom President Chronicles of Secronom Link
Secronom President Choose Your Destiny Link
Secronom President Special Weapons and Tactics Link
Secronom President Special Weapons and Tactics 2 Link
Secronom President Special Weapons and Tactics 3 Link
Secronom President Special Weapons and Tactics 4 Link
Secronom President The Army Link
Secronom President The Chronicles of Albert Wesker Link
Secronom President The Story of Samuel Garret Link
ThaBoy Grove 4 Life: Kings of LS Link
ThaBoy The Godfather Link
ThaBoy The Splinter Cell Link
The - Hunter The Shade of the Destiny Link
ToniForelli The San Andreas Chapters Link
xGhostx Call of Duty: Black Ops Link
xGhostx Dead Rising Link
xGhostx Lone Survivor Link
xGhostx Portal 2 Link
Zizo008 Operation: Romeo Link
Zizo008 Resident Evil 4 Link
-S-hark21 Alex Reed Stories Link



The single missions: this is what the next list is all about. They are missions that are not aming part of mission packs. They are most likely some of the firsts missions made by a new designer. The list of these will be updated daily. They use the same ranking system as the one above.


Now, to the missions list:





Username Mission Download/Thread
KaRzY6 Merry Christmas 2011 Link
KaRzY6 Taking Jefferson Hotel Back Link
lee_atsugai Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish Link
Nitesh aka AAAAAAA Race Tutorial Mission Link
Nitesh aka AAAAAAA When the Wolves Howl Link
shiva s The Game Link
ThaBoy Possibly Impossible Link
ThaBoy Possibly Impossible 2 Link




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If you have any suggestions, contact me by PM or post here. Also, if you have a YouTube account, you can find me here: SecronomPresident.

Edited by Secronom President
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General Scrotum

Yeah, I know. I was a little bit tired when I posted it and I didn't care about spelling mistakes. I will correct this now.


By the way, is "Wheter" spelt right?


EDIT: That was a minor modification I intended to do.

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General Scrotum
Yeah, I know. I was a little bit tired when I posted it and I didn't care about spelling mistakes. I will correct this now.


By the way, is "Wheter" spelt right?


EDIT: That was a minor modification I intended to do.

"Wheter" is "Whether". tounge2.gif

You got me there! tounge2.gif


Going to change it right now.

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General Scrotum
Well.My mission pack used to be called "A Car Thief's Life".Now I wanna call it "Lives in San Fierro" because I wanna make more lives.

Alright. Going to change it to Life In San Fierro. Unless you want me to put it to A Car Thief's Life?

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General Scrotum

I think. Unless it is related to one of your previous ones (i.e. an aftermath of one of them or events before one of them).


EDIT: Sorry. I did not understand your question. Yes! All your new missions must be posted in this new sub-forum.

Edited by Secronom President
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General Scrotum

I think I will add your request and twannie1997's one right now instead of waiting their pages to come.


Anyway, I am looking for volounters to do a couple of small jobs. Anyone up?

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General Scrotum

Help jobs like helping me gather some missions. If you want in, let me your name and I will give you something to do.


EDIT: Everyone helping will have credits. I am looking for four (4) people.

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Good job on this topic. icon14.gif

Just a few post design suggestions:

  • Delete the whole name + the "profile" word at the profiles sections. Add something like "Link" or "Click"
  • Same for the mission pack threads, and delete the word "thread"
  • The second table would look better if you would place it in the center.
  • Some other logo wouldn't look better? You can still use the original ones in the other places.
This would be everything from me. Keep it updated. smile.gificon14.gif
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