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Guess the movie from the still

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All right, this one might be a little harder so I'll throw two stills out right away. I just want to see if anyone's actually seen this movie. If you've seen it, this should be a breeze.


user posted image

user posted image


If it proves to be too hard I'll hand it over the someone else. (Sorry if this sounds pretentious, lol)

Flowers for Algernon?

Dude, that movie was colored...


And I've seen that movie like twice, and have never recognized a scene like that.

Dude, it was like, totally a bad guess. Can you imagine that?


On topic: no idea.


GAh!  Short films shouldn't count. Ye bastid.  tounge.gif

Yeah, I guess I was being kind of a dick there. I was hoping someone had seen it. You should all watch it, by the way. It's 35 minutes long. Watch it.


It's The Accountant, by the way. Stars Walton Goggins who played Shane on The Shield as well as Ray McKinnon who played the priest who lost it on Deadwood. McKinnon also wrote and directed it. I can't recommend this movie enough. It starts out a bit goofy but ends up in a much darker place; it accomplishes so much in those mere 35 minutes. Ahhh, I really can't do it justice with my writing skills. If you have the spare 35 minutes and want a great flick, I'd recommend this.


Someone else can toss up a still.

Mister Pink
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