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Guess the movie from the still

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Guess my movie, I have it on DVD and watched it again, it's one you guys REALLY should see if you like Gangsta movies...only with tough white guys.


Deleted my post, I was temp banned, topics deleted, the works, Mine's on the last page, and it maybe small, but it's more cryptic with the URL which is why I went with it, I also needed a URL that worked,


And as I said, I have two copies of Crossroads, I remember correctly, showing along with Rambo II theatrically at the local cineplex

Edited by Slamman
Do as the topic suggests and guess this film, The actor has done more popular work, but this one is just as good a film, again, if you ask me


user posted image

What part of waiting for your turn do you not understand? Stop posting this image - no one cares.


Jesus Christ you're retarded.

Lycosa, you got it! Paul Walker in his most Intense role, as the article with the photo was talking about

Running Scared I felt did not get the attention it deserved.



What part of waiting for your turn do you not understand? Stop posting this image - no one cares.




I thought the above was left hanging, I can see if it was not concluded with confirmation but no one is offering a new image to go on, so back to mine, I say.


I can see how the last picture poster needs to clarify what film from selected guesses, but skipping mine or leveling your retarded complaints does not make for a better thread, deal with it or don't bother. The film kicks ass, even if you don't care for wall to wall action films. I do.

Edited by Slamman
I think a 48 hour rule should be implemented here, if the person who's turn it is fails to post a still, then someone can take their turn, but only after 48 hours.

We already have that to be honest although it is an unwritten rule, it's just common courtesy except for that guy above us who thinks it should be 12 hours confused.gif Also Slamman, if you're going to post a picture, make sure it's big enough so that we don't have to squint at it.

sh*t i went to sleep lol. easy one, my favourite movie.



user posted image

Yus (: RIP Casper/Justin Pierce icon14.gif

Here's an easy one.


user posted image



Lords of Dogtown




Edit: I'm going to be cheeky and post one because I know for a fact that's 'Lord of Dogtown' that Otter posted...




user posted image


This will probably be an easy one...

Edited by Pandazoot
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