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GTA Network - Newbie Guide


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btw wouldn't this be best in the GTA Network Support area and pinned?

I don't know about this. But I'm guessing it's better to stay here since most of the newbies visit this section more than Network Support. So this actually increases the chances of this thread being read.


While I'm here the least I can say is that miromiro should keep up the good work. icon14.gif

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This is probably the most useful guide in GTAForums, even if you are not a newbie... Keep up the amazing work, miromiro!


Also, thanks for adding my "Guess the football team!" game in the Funny Games section icon14.gif

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Why is this topic unpinned? There's loads of reasons to pin it up, If Mods think that members will not read/overlook pinned topics what is the use of pinned topics anyway? Why are there other pinned topics like the Member Stalker thread when mods think that members will overlook it, I want the mods to state a valid statement about why is this unpinned.


BTW sorry if I sound rude, just asking. smile.gif

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People are nosy, and so the member stalker thread is quite popular - thus pinned. This is a massive guide, almost documenting the forum. New users do not, and will not read a huge wall of text. Most newbies don't even visit this section. The Rules and Policy thread (which was made in 2004) in the Announcements section is quite simple and even that is most likely not read by most new members (44k compared to the hundreds of thousands some threads have, made in recent years).

Edited by NCONiall
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BTW sorry if I sound rude, just asking. smile.gif

Was your question not answered in the topic you made in the Site Suggestions forum here? You already had two area Mods tell you why this was unpinned, how many more answers do you require? Even Niall's answer makes sense.


I don't mean to sound harsh, but people have already answered your question before. smile.gif


Regardless, I'll quote what I said in that topic.



And MoSA. I believe that the Rules an guidelines Impact posted should be good enough for members. Too bad it's at the announcement's section. But one of the things I like about this forum is that you find your own way of the forum without being obligated to doing anything such as reading topic's and such. Did you need to read these topic's when you were new to the boards? No, you didn't and  you found how things work around here yourself. New member's should be okay as long as they apply common sense really.
Edited by shoumic
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BTW sorry if I sound rude, just asking. smile.gif

Was your question not answered in the topic you made in the Site Suggestions forum here? You already had two area Mods tell you why this was unpinned, how many more answers do you require?


I don't mean to sound harsh, but people have already answered your question before...

I know that:


Sure not many members are gonna read the whole topic but if they can still tune in if they want some help for BB Codes or something. We were newbies too and we didn't bother about the "whole wall of text" we still read it and the mods didn't think that members wouldn't bother reading this wall of text here? or here?. this topic was pinned and unpinned multiple times by the moderators, why did they pin it if they thought members wouldn't go through a huge wall of text in the first place?


And you do not need common sense to use the slightly more complex BB Codes like youtube tags instead they can just click on this guide scroll down and find the code in a jiffy.

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And if they pinned this topic was pinned and unpinned multiple times by the moderators, why did they pin it if they thought members wouldn't go throught a huge wall of text in the first place?

They didn't, they thought many new members would find this helpful. But it didn't go according to plan. Hence, the unpin. I hope this is clear, if not then PM a moderator. I don't want to derail this topic even further.

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And if they pinned this topic was pinned and unpinned multiple times by the moderators, why did they pin it if they thought members wouldn't go throught a huge wall of text in the first place?

They didn't, they thought many new members would find this helpful. But it didn't go according to plan. Hence, the unpin. I hope this is clear, if not then PM a moderator. I don't want to derail this topic.

And many new members did find it helpful, it's quite obvious from the posts in this topic. There are probably a ton more who found it helpful but didn't post and that still does not explain the rest of my post.


And I asked Waddy about pinning this topic months back and he just replied 'No', no reason at all.

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And I asked Waddy about pinning this topic months back and he just replied 'No', no reason at all.

That's all he needs to say, his the daddy. Seriously though everyone who comes here regularly knows the work Miro put in to this, everyone knows how helpful it is. But the Mods have their reasons for not pinning it and that's all we need to know. Even Miro don't seem to care that is isn't pinned.


New users want to come, post and go. Get in, get off, get out. Users who stick around or plan on sticking around, know how and where to find this topic if they need it.

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And I asked Waddy about pinning this topic months back and he just replied 'No', no reason at all.

That's all he needs to say, his the daddy. Seriously though everyone who comes here regularly knows the work Miro put in to this, everyone knows how helpful it is. But the Mods have their reasons for not pinning it and that's all we need to know. Even Miro don't seem to care that is isn't pinned.


New users want to come, post and go. Get in, get off, get out. Users who stick around or plan on sticking around, know how and where to find this topic if they need it.

Oh yeah?



Alright, so here we are once more. I don't know what to still say in the first line since it's monthly the same stuff.

Well, just enjoy and please do comment since it feels kinda lonely in this topic. I'm still praying that some mod will see this and will pin the topic, it'd be of help to many



And miro updates this guide only once a month and it disappears within a day and new members who stick around are new members so they cannot find it at all.

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Sgt. Foley
And if they pinned this topic was pinned and unpinned multiple times by the moderators, why did they pin it if they thought members wouldn't go throught a huge wall of text in the first place?

They didn't, they thought many new members would find this helpful. But it didn't go according to plan. Hence, the unpin. I hope this is clear, if not then PM a moderator. I don't want to derail this topic.

And many new members did find it helpful, it's quite obvious from the posts in this topic. There are probably a ton more who found it helpful but didn't post and that still does not explain the rest of my post.


And I asked Waddy about pinning this topic months back and he just replied 'No', no reason at all.

He didn't have to give you a reason, if he doesn't want it pinned right away/at all he doesn't have to pin it. The topic is great and all, but it's too much... Like everyone else says when they get a new game, who wants to read manuals? Learn yourself wink.gif

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And if they pinned this topic was pinned and unpinned multiple times by the moderators, why did they pin it if they thought members wouldn't go throught a huge wall of text in the first place?

They didn't, they thought many new members would find this helpful. But it didn't go according to plan. Hence, the unpin. I hope this is clear, if not then PM a moderator. I don't want to derail this topic.

And many new members did find it helpful, it's quite obvious from the posts in this topic. There are probably a ton more who found it helpful but didn't post and that still does not explain the rest of my post.


And I asked Waddy about pinning this topic months back and he just replied 'No', no reason at all.

He didn't have to give you a reason, if he doesn't want it pinned right away/at all he doesn't have to pin it. The topic is great and all, but it's too much... Like everyone else says when they get a new game, who wants to read manuals? Learn yourself wink.gif

When you get a new game you have to read the manual to get a good view of the game, it'll take days to learn it yourself, stop trying to be smart.


And what if you ask me to pin a topic of your's and I say "No" without a reason at all you know how annoying that sounds?


E: I'll stop here if you guys want to continue the argument just PM me.

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new members who stick around are new members so they cannot find it at all.

Because new members won't necessarily care about it, why would a new member want to know how to join a group or make a table? All they want to do is read and post. And that is not a slur on Miro's work, this guide helped me many a time.


But if a new user is regular, they will see Miro update it and see it back at the top of Gen Chat, like all of us do. If they don't see it, then they're not regular and nor will they need it. And besides if a newbie ever does want to do anything on this guide, all they'd have to do is ask how and i guarantee someone will post them a link to this.


And as for Miro caring that it isn't pinned, I'm sure the Mods gave him a valid reason as it is his business and not yours.

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You'll notice that over the years, gaming manuals are basically a front and back cover with simple control info. Noone reads manuals anymore because most games include a tutorial prior to gameplay and that can be denied as an option.


This topic doesn't need to be pinned, it's useful and a great topic but not something everyone looks for in certain situations.

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Honestly, I think the mods/admins would feel embarrassed to pin this, considering they didn't create a guide to this magnitude. It's an outrage this isn't pinned; there's no reason not to pin it.


What annoys me further is how Lil Weasel pinned this weak topic here: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=559066 for no reason. Luckily, Girish unpinned it.


As to not stray the topic too much, Adriaan needs to be added to the "Retired staff" column.


In addition, these topics should be added to the "Important topics" column for San Andreas:










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  • 4 weeks later...


JULY 2013 - UPDATE #30!


Alright guys, this is the 30th update I've done to this guide. Unlike many other updates, this one was one of the biggest updates, since I had more work to do than in other months. Anyway, I appreciate all of your support towards this topic's pinning, but just like you, there's nothing much I can do against staff's will. I've requested several times this topic to be pinned, and never received an answer, nor was it pinned. In the few couple of times when it somehow got pinned, recent after that it got back un-pinned. Guess this can't be helped.


Anyway, for this months update, we have!

  • Added two more karma stars pictures, the "spinning" & the "25 karma stars" pictures, writing down proper descriptions. (2.4)
  • Added the "Your Favorite Quotes" topic to the Funny Games list of the General Chat - Off-Topic section. (12.1)
  • Added the "Guess The Vehicle!" topic to the Funny Games list of GTA Liberty City Stories. (12.1)
  • Added GTASAddict, s7free & ThaBoY to the "Thanks" list, writing down also proper descriptions / reasons. (13.1)
  • Added the "- Codes -" topic to the Imporant Topics list of the GFX Requests & Tutorial section. (12.2)
  • Added the "Action Replay Max & Gameshark Codes (PS2 Version)" & "Code Conversion Requests" topics to the Important Topics lsit of San Andreas, with proper descriptions. (12.2)
  • Added the "GTA V Interior Database" & "GTA V Previews Database" topics to the Important Topics list of GTA V, with proper descriptions. (12.2)
  • Added five more tricks that can be done with codes over the "Edited By" line in the Advanced Posting Tags section. (7.2)
  • Added bonus pips (gang + moderator mixed pip & old pip) to some groups (Andolini Mafia Family, Leone Family Mafia, City Link, Zaibatsu & The Connection) at the Groups section. (3.1)
  • Added Dutchy3010 & PatrickW to the Administrators list of the GTAGarage Staff section, leaving a small note above that list. (5.1)
  • Edited a small type at the GTA IV Guess the Vehicle topic. Modified the "vehicle from San Andreas" line to "vehicle from GTA IV" (12.1)
  • Edited the "Editing Forum" semi-category to "I/II Era Modding" semi-category at the Top Down Games section of the Important Topics list. (12.2)
  • Edited the third question of the F.A.Q. section about the signature size limit correcting an information: 500x150 pixels limit instead of 150x500. (11.0)
  • Linked this update to the Guide updates list. (13.2)
  • Moved Adriaan from the Moderators list to the Retired Staff - Moderators list. (9.2 -> 9.3)
  • Moved the "Post a pic of your car here!", "Top Gear Topic" & "Car Talk Topic" topics from the Funny Games list of Vehicle Talk to the Important Topics of Vehicle Talk. (12.1 -> 12.2)
  • Updated the first post with the new forum stats - the increase of posts number. (1.0)
  • Updated the Important Topics list with the new link for the new "GTAForums Weekly" topic. (12.2)
  • Updated the Important Topics list of the Hosted Mods - GTA: Liberty City with the new link for the "Beta 3.3 files released!" Topic. (12.2)
  • Updated the Important Topics list of the Gangs section with the new topic link for the "Current GTAForums Gangs" topic. (12.2)
  • Updated the Funny Games list with the new San Andreas & Vice City Chain Game rounds' links. (12.1)
  • Updated the Funny Games list of the Sports Discussion forum with the new 2013/2014 Europa League & Champions League Prediction League's topics' links. (12.1)
  • Removed the Moderators list of the GTAGarage Staff section. (5.1)
  • Removed the "Official Street Racing" & "Official Ford Chat" topics off the Important Topics list of the Vehicle Talk section. (12.2)
  • Removed no less than six topics off the Important Topics list of the Gaming Chat forum. (12.2)



Thanks for this. I included you in the "Thanks" list for your input. icon14.gif

However, I didn't add all four topics, since not all of them seemed worth of adding in the Important Topics list; however I have still added the Action Replay Max & Gameshark Codes (PS2 Version) & the Code Conversion Requests topics. icon14.gif

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Good stuff miro! icon14.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

@miromiro - I found some interesting stuff.


Leone Mod - user posted image

Annual Award Medal - user posted image

Myriad City Council Official Gang - user posted imageuser posted image

illspirit's Super Admins Banner - user posted imageuser posted image

Super Administrators and Super Adminastrators? - user posted image(Proof of the typo)

The Precinict Mod - user posted image

Premium Members (I know of Karma Star overkill, it is listed already) - user posted image

MyMothersMySister's Super Admins Banner user posted imageuser posted image

Leone Family Mafia Banner from 2004 - user posted imageuser posted image

The Scorpions Official Gang - user posted imageuser posted image


That's not all. Still got more.

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Fry Cook Official Gang - user posted imageuser posted image

Love Media Official Gang - user posted imageuser posted image

The Millionaire™ Official Gang - user posted imageuser posted image

2004 NYC Connection (The Connection today) Banner - user posted image

Genovese Family Official Gang - user posted imageuser posted image

Andolini Mafia Family Mod - user posted image

I.R.C.? - user posted imageuser posted image

Uh... what? - user posted imageuser posted image(Proof of different banner)

New Leone Family Mod - user posted image


I've still got more.

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The PreZinct Official Gang- user posted imageuser posted image

Corleone Mafioso Family Official Gang - user posted imageuser posted image


Not sure if that's necessary to put in topic but I thought I'd let you know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if this is needed but I was looking through the PM Spammer List and found an alternate banner for 'The Scorpions':

user posted image


user posted image


Anyway, the guide keeps getting better icon14.gif

Edited by GTAKid667
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AUGUST 2013 - UPDATE #31!


Alright, so here's the update of this month. Unlike the previous month's update, July 2013, this one is a little smaller, since not so many thing happened in July, not many things to update anyway. The list of updates is as follows:

  • Added the "Rate the Vehicle!" topics for GTA IV, GTA San Andreas, GTA Liberty City Stories, GTA III, GTA Vice City & GTA Vice City Stories on the Funny Games list of each section. (12.1)
  • Added K^2, Kirsty, Miamivicecity & Ryan to the Moderators list. (9.2)
  • Added tms_junk to the "Thanks" list, giving also a proper description. (13.1)
  • Added the "Grand Theft Auto III Chain Game Round 17" to the Funny Games list of GTA III. (12.1)
  • Added the "Have A Question about V?" & "GTA Online Player Index" topics to the Important Topics list of GTA V. (12.2)
  • Changed the name of Feroci Racing group (City Link) from "City Link" to "Feroci Racing" at "Useful Stuff" section. (6.3)
  • Changed the name of Feroci Racing group (City Link) from "City Link" to "Feroci Racing" at "Groups" section. (3.1)
  • Changed the name of Feroci Racing group (City Link) from "City Link" to "Feroci Racing" at "Member List" section. (8.2)
  • Edited Daz's "Thanks" section description from "City Link group history" to "Feroci Racing group history" (13.1)
  • Edited Feroci Racing's Group description and removed the "now City Link" part. (3.1)
  • Fixed a small typo at Groups section - Leone Family Mafia, where I wrote Andolini Mafia Family instead of Leone Family Mafia at the old pip. (3.1)
  • Linked this update to the Guide updates list. (13.2)
  • Updated the Unofficial Gangs list with the new one created and updated by Mr. Reaper. (3.2)
  • Updated the Funny Games list with the new San Andreas Chain Game Round link. (12.1)
  • Updated the first post with the new forum stats - the increase of posts' & members' number. (1.0)


The PreZinct Official Gang- Image - Image

Corleone Mafioso Family Official Gang - Image - Image


Not sure if that's necessary to put in topic but I thought I'd let you know.



I don't know if this is needed but I was looking through the PM Spammer List and found an alternate banner for 'The Scorpions': Image - Image


Anyway, the guide keeps getting better icon14.gif


Thanks guys, I really appreciate your input in this. However, unfortunately, the post with the Groups where I should have added these pips is already at its' posts limits. I already 15 images in that posts, meaning that I can't add anymore. I wanted originally to link the pips of the same group, but I can't do that since all of them are animated. However, thanks once again for posting them. icon14.gif


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Your Welcome miromiro, its a shame that you are unable to link the pips for each group confused.gif

And is there a particular reason why the GTA2 and GTA CW versions of Rate the Vehicle are not added? Oh, and thanks for adding them in the first place icon14.gif

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The reason I didn't add them was because of the lack of activity. They merely had under 5 replies, so I didn't find them worth adding. And don't worry about the pips, I think I have an idea. It could actually work to link the pips and also have them animated... I'll just request it in the GFX Requests forum and it should be dealt with. Thanks once again for your input! icon14.gif

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Fair enough, and your welcome icon14.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...


Fry Cook Official Gang -

The Millionaire™ Official Gang -


I.R.C.? -

Uh... what? -

Just to clear up a few things. Fry Cook used to be an award which was voted for in the forum awards. The 'winner' would be put into the Fry Cook group. That probably explains Big Vinny's McDonalds spinner instead of the $ sign.


The Millionaire was Toga because he made the millionth post on these forums.


I.R.C stands for Internet Relay Chat, the people with that pip were in charge of the maintenance of the servers. If you look back you'll find that most of them graduated to moderators or even admins over time.


And as for the Myriad City Council, that was a group for the people who ran the Myriad Islands sub-forum within the Hosted Mods section, think of it as like a Forum Leader group.


Sorry for the bump but just thought it might be interesting to a few people to know a bit of stuff about those groups. I remember when anuj used to have that wiki page on his website which unfortunately kept getting taken down because it was hacked.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Pooyan Cyrus


tnx cookie.gifcookie.gif

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Alright guys so here we are. The last guide update before the gorgeous released of GTA V. I know this update came earlier, since we're still in August, but I'm going to be away on September 1st and the days before / after it since I'm visiting Greece in a trip, so I decided to better make this update before rather than after. This is possibly the biggest guide update I've done up to this point. Let's call it a "Special Pre-V Era Update" since, once GTA V will be out, we'll be in a new Era. So yeah, next time we'll be meeting will be after we all taste the awesomeness of the upcoming GTA. It's safe to assume that many of you will be still playing the game when the October update takes place, but I'll hopefully finish the game by then and be able to go through the massive number of spoilers / topics and whatnot. New forums will most probably be created too by then, so there will be a bunch to update on October 1st, when we'll also witness the launch of GTA Online.


I really wish to keep a record of everything updateable. So I really beg you to post in here or send me a Personal Message about anything new that pops up. I do get often Personal Messages reminding me of stuff that everyone sees, like when a member is promoted to Moderator or such stuff. No need to tell me about it because I always check the Moderating team and check who's there and who wasn't last month. Tell me about the little stuff that I might miss. Like new updates for different topics, un-pinning / deletion of others, new information about the Network / Forum and whatnot; I always have a hard time getting those up to date. Anyway, for the last time this era, the biggest update:

  • Added the "- Multiplayer Photos & Videos -" & "GTA Online - Custom Event Ideas" topics to the Funny Games list of the Events' section. (12.1)
  • Added the "Guess the game from the screenshot" topic to the Funny Games list of the Gameing Chat section. (12.1)
  • Added two new sections to the Important Topics list: GTA Online & Recruitment. (12.2)
  • Added GTAKid667, Graven, Syndrome & WildBrick142 to the "Thanks" list, giving proper descriptions. (13.1)
  • Added the newly made "Recruitment" sub-section to the Multiplayer section of the Rules Topics list. (12.3)
  • Added the "GTAForums Interactive Video Tutorial" to the Other Guide Topics list. (12.4)
  • Added two topics in the newly created GTA Online section of the Important Topics list: The Official GTA Online Topic & Grand Theft Auto Online Wishlist! (12.2)
  • Added new pips and pip descriptions for 6 groups in the Group Section: Andolini Mafia Family, $outh $ide Hoodz, Leone Family Mafia, The Connection, The Precinct & Zaibatsu. (3.1)
  • Edited the Special Collections' section with a new description for Ryan's collection. (2.5)
  • Edited the Important Topics list - Gangs & Crews section from "Gangs" to "Gangs & Crews" (12.2)
  • Edited Girish's name at the "Thanks" section from "girishb" to "Girish" (13.1)
  • Fixed a BBCode error at the E-mail tag in the Simple Posting Tags section. (7.1)
  • Fixed a small typo in the "Thanks" list description of GTASAddict. (13.1)
  • Linked this update to the Guide updates list. (13.2)
  • Moved the Visual Arts and Debates & Discussion sub-sections with their rules topics from the GTA Modding Section to the Expression section in the Rules Topics list. (12.3)
  • Moved the "Official Forum Rules & Procedure" topic from the Imporant Topics list of the IV Era Modding to the Rules Topics of the GTA Modding section. (12.2 -> 12.3)
  • Moved the "GTA Online Player Index" topic from the Important Topics list of GTA V to the Important Topics list of the newly created GTA Online section. (12.2)
  • Moved the "Looking for a Gang?" topic from the Important Topicst list of the Gangs section to the newly created Recruitment one. (12.2)
  • Moved as well the "GTAForums Official Crew Topic" from the Important Topics list of the Gangs section to the newly created GTA Online one. (12.2)
  • Updated the Funny Games list with the new Premier League Prediction League topic link and also updated the title with "2013/2014" in the Sports Discussion section. (12.1)
  • Updated the 11th question-answer of the F.A.Q. section with a new picture with no less than 40 Anonymous Users than the last one with only 10. (11.0)
  • Updated the Unofficial Gangs list with the new one created and updated by Mr. Reaper. (3.2)
  • Updated the Important Topics list with the new "The PC Chat Internet Directory" link. (12.2)
  • Updated the Funny Games list with the new San Andreas & GTA III Chain Game rounds' links. (12.1)
  • Updated the first post with the new forum stats - the increase of posts' & members' number. (1.0)
  • Updated the Funny Games list with the new link for "The Funny Picture Topic." in the General Chat (Off-Topic) section. (12.1)
  • Removed the "GTAForums Fantasy Football League 2012/2013" off the Funny Games list of the Sports Discussion section. (12.1)
  • Removed the "Your Wishlist for the next GTA!" topic off the Important Topics list of GTA V. (12.2)
  • Removed the old "Screenshots & Videos" topic off the Funny Games list of the Events forum. (12.1)
  • Removed the "This section is for GTANet suggestions only." topic from the Rules Topics list of the sub-section "Suggestions" (12.3)
  • Removed the "Guides & Strategies" topic off the Events section of the Important Topics list. (12.2)
  • Removed the "GTAForums Skype V3" topic out of the Important Topics list for the General Chat (Off-Topic) section. (12.2)
  • Removed the "DYOM - Newbie Guide" topic from the Important Topics list of the Hosted Mods - DYOM section. (12.2)
  • Removed the old inactive "Guess the Game!" topic of Master of San Andreas / AceKingston off the Funny Games list of the Gaming Chat section. (12.1)
See you guys after awesomeness! icon14.gif
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