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I know you said you wouldn't include your enb but will there be 1 just interested.

Depends, if someone is willing to make a decent timecyc.

LOL making a simple ENB would be good.. my fault on Beta one was I wanted to use the new effects without testing the settings in the whole map.. lol all the time I spent testing it in LV and LS.


@That dude who asked if there's a enb sets included, I dont think it needs it cuz they did a bloody dang good job in the timecyc.. maybe after beta2 is release someone will make an ENB ADDON(not official)


Great Job guys never quit smile.gif



New Rig

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GTA IV:SA Beta 2

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Yep, at this time , it just didn't feel right to go rush the timecyc , we wanted to see it first with ENB , in the best graphical way possible, and it turned out as you said , pretty realistic i agree.


Here's a few more from this very early dev era for something new that was born:


The very first Enb screen taken in IVSA HD!


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Here , you can see that the first name was IVSA HD, and not just IVSA!


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And the memorable LS video:



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Yep, at this time , it just didn't feel right to go rush the timecyc , we wanted to see it first with ENB , in the best graphical way possible, and it turned out as you said , pretty realistic i agree.


Here's a few more from this very early dev era for something new that was born:


Here , you can see that the first name was IVSA HD, and not just IVSA!


user posted image


And the memorable LS video:



You have come a very long way i have to say, When i heard about this mod very long time ago, i was shocked and i was motivated to build my gaming rig believe it or not... without the mod i probably wouldn't have my gaming PC lol, but Battlefield 3 did get me motivated as well.

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My Wish List For Christmas:

Peace (:


Is this spamming really necessary to get the 500 pages? smile.gif



Hey guys, nice mod biggrin.gif

Spamming ? Where talking about the history of the mod in the last page(s)....

Oh, sorry... For sure


Here's first Chilliad apparition:


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I too have a video to show you, but since a new topic is coming, I will wait for it.


By the way, there are too many posts here. I read this thread like every two days, and there are always 10 new pages or more, and only like 1 in 10 posts contains something interesting. I know it is a discussion, but it is difficult to notice the interesting posts without reading them all.


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My favourite IVSA screenshot - one that had SRT3:


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I know this is a large pic to quote .. But on LibertyCity a few days ago; someone released some excellent models for these lamp-posts .. I will post the link when I get home if the dev's are interested ?


Also; I noticed that the pic of 'Central Park' (That big park in LS; can't remember the name) is lacking some grass like they have in Project Oblivion (plant.dat edit) Is this possible with IV?



This pic here : http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=465636&st=9940#

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Happy 500TH Page

i must confess that the end wasnt so good , but anyway , the video is cool



I KNOW , it is not what you have expected , until the gameplay video is not done, have fun with that parody. tounge.gif


Anyway , the surprise is the new incoming gameplay video , i dindt finish it , then have fun with that parody² while i finish it.


GAMEPLAY VIDEO COMING (maybe not today)



Edited by Rockstar Modding Studio
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