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GTA VC Raccoon City Stories


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those new models look very weird. i mean they dont even look like realistic people. they look like very thin aliens. the hazmat suits are also WAY too big. the body and helmet are just rediculously huge.

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those new models look very weird. i mean they dont even look like realistic people. they look like very thin aliens. the hazmat suits are also WAY too big. the body and helmet are just rediculously huge.

hey MinnieMan121249


Thanks for the constructive feed back it’s about time someone has given it.

As for the odd looking human characteristics and over size hazmat suits it’s not too much of a worry in game, mostly because there’s over 60 other zombies (vc models) on screen so having the custom models stand out isn’t so much of a bad thing.


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  • 3 weeks later...
Is this mod still being worked on? I was suppoused to work on some stuff for it.

RCS is still being worked on as far as I know.

smallcombe got a new job, so he'll be busy for a few days.

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having the custom models stand out isn’t so much of a bad thing.

Yes it is, I'm trying to be as honest I can with you yet I'm trying not to upset you, but the thing is, the new zombies NEED to blend in with the original ones.

its the magic of good modding - being able to make it so you think in your sub conscience that thease models are actually in the exact same style as the others. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say and realize I only wish that your mod will succeed.

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Is this mod still being worked on? I was supposed to work on some stuff for it.



RCS is still being worked on as far as I know.

Smallcombe got a new job, so he'll be busy for a few days.


Yes AlexLB is correct the mod is still been worked on but due to my new full time job (with insane hours) progress side has slowed down for me confused.gif

I will be creating a new update post very soon showing off the newest progress including new weps, map texturing, scripting and mapping. if worse comes to worse (touching wood) and the mod dies I would release what ever work myself and the other RCS team members have done but I highly don’t think that it would get too that stage due to the progress and support of the rcs team smile.gif



Yes it is, I'm trying to be as honest I can with you yet I'm trying not to upset you, but the thing is, the new zombies NEED to blend in with the original ones.

its the magic of good modding - being able to make it so you think in your sub conscience that thease models are actually in the exact same style as the others. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say and realize I only wish that your mod will succeed.


No probs mate, understand where you’re coming from. Thanks for your support


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  • 2 weeks later...


Saturday, 22 January


Hello all

This update includes new weapons, re design of the 2 main characters, map retexturing and some more in game screens.


As you might have read in this thread I have recently have been hired for a new full time position which is taking a great deal of time and resource away from modding but in no way will I let it get in the way from producing and completing the first beta version.




After some discussion with the rcs team we have decide to re design the 2 main characters. As you see there are 2 outfits so far for them. The convict outfits is what they will be wearing when the nightmare begins and as they progress though the story they decide to dress into something more appropriate.


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I have completed 2 more new weapons which are thee AK-47 and the desert eagle, the desert eagle carries a lot of heat but ammo is scarce and every zombie mod needs a AK-47 biggrin.gif


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Map texturing

DoubleV has been hard at work as out newest RCS member working on the city textures. So far he has completed 2 main areas which will have great importance too the story line: the mansion and the shopping mall


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the new mansion is awesome smile.gif for some reason it brings back memories of timesplitters 1 in the mansion

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Really cool Zombie mod. It doesn't give so scary feeling but still I like it the way it is. Really cool man and will you change the cars too?

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Really cool Zombie mod. It doesn't give so scary feeling but still I like it the way it is. Really cool man and will you change the cars too?

Hey thanks Patrick, your right about the feeling of it its more of a fast pace non stopping action theme not really the slow horror but we still wanna keep the same atmosphere going. About the cars we do plan on editing/adding some new cars into game but atm we don't have an rcs member in that area so might not be included in the first beta version.


Just a quick message to everyone, we are currently looking for new team members in the coding and vehicle editing area’s so if you feel you would like to be part of this and you got what it takes pm me and I’ll get back to you. Thanks



We have decided the first beta release will not including any missions only free roam mode to speed up the beta release (missions are still be created just don’t want to keep you guys waiting) so first release of RCS should with in the next week or 2 max


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, first time posting here, Im helping with texturing and adding new models to the mod. This includes a new vehicle! More updates to come, we are workin hard.

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  • 5 months later...

UPDATE Sunday, 17 July

Hey guys,

Smally here, with some long awaited news and the first official version of RCS ready for download. This version is still free roam mode with more improvements and bug fixes. Please read the read me file included in the package for instructions on how to install the mod.


you can find the download at the moddb rcs page here icon14.gif

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Smallcombe wow cool, will download now thanks! Hope ull not stop on this point and will be next release.

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Smallcombe i've got crash in the half of the loadin'. I did all right as u wrote in readme but even. What can i do to remove this bug?

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Smallcombe i've got crash in the half of the loadin'. I did all right as u wrote in readme but even. What can i do to remove this bug?

is it an unhandled exception?

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Yes, it is.

Try installing different parts of the mod, dw about the sfx sounds for now instead install part 1 than test in game and like wise with part 2, anyone else having any probs? confused.gif

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I tryed now but nothing changed. Maybe this trouble in my exe, dont know. Please drop me your exe here.

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  • 1 month later...


i just trying to install gta rcs

the game starts normaly..

but when i click in new game...

its stuck in the loading bar screen...


i need some help please.. sad.gif

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  • 2 months later...

how to install the mod???



I can not install this modification

I have already installed but the error how to fix this error?

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  • 4 weeks later...

hey guys long time no talk.


I'll get straight too the point, I have just release a patch for rcs hopfuly fixing all bug problems in load up. here's the link too patch RCS patch1 Any feedback on results is much appreciated, thanks.

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  • 5 months later...

user posted image


hey guys,


New download up, this time it includes most of the game been tested and does not crash! well I have herd reports of crashing after 15 mins but not on load up. anyways if ya still interested head to this news post RCS DOWNLOAD to download and find out more.


happy killing!


*does include some unexpected map bugs*



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Wow! Cool update! I have to try it. Thanks, smallcombe.

no worries mate, now that I got this large update out I'll work on fixing those map bugs plus other updates.

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  • 1 month later...

Heey! That is perfect update! I downloaded that 'new download' free roaming and I love it! I'm waiting for new updates! I hope you will solve all problems soon. smile.gifalien.gifinlove.gif


I'll add some photos that I took soon..



If you let me know if there is any new updates, I'd be happy.. that is my twitter and facebook username /suhanalp smile.gif

Also can send me e-mail to suhanalp[@]yahoo.com


And I don't know if I can do same mod but I'm an amateur modder. I wish you luck guys..

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