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My Chain Story


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ok this is my GTA IV chain story, I know their are others but I want to make my own, I'll do the 1st one:




Someone will write part of a story. EG-Niko then stole a car and travled to...

Then the writer must add up to five options for the next writer.

Any person can take over from that point


No more than 5 options for a story part

You are not allowed to kill off main characters EG-LJ, Niko, Packie etc. NOTE you can kill Niko, he just respawns at the hospital

No cheats. EG-Then Niko got infinite health and armour

Who ever posts first between 2 more people the first story will continue as normal, the 2nd or 3rd story replying to a same story part must edit their post and must say 'never mind this' to not cause confusion

No supernatural sh*t that isn't in the game

Please do not edit your story if it IS used already by another writer

You can say Niko finds weapons but only in correct and real spawn points in the game

The same writer can NOT reply to their own story


Please pay the most attention to the Underlined and Bold Rules.



Niko wakes up one day and puts his default clothes on, he goes outside and...




1. kills the 1st person he sees

2. answers his phone to find out roman wants to go bowling

3. start a rampage!

Edited by ClaudeSpeedIV
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THE CHAIN STORY version 1 has become silly with the same few members adding various gay fantasies probably jerking off while they do so.

he's right. There were 2 good ones. I regularly posted in one but that went silly, people creating new characters and failing to stick to cannon.


And the surviving one got ridiculous. last bit i saw had Luis jacking off and one of the options was him ejaculating when niko came in. wtf is that?


Due to writing commitments (look in my sig) i wont join in this one and tbh one of these topic hating mods will come and lock this, as one or two of them seem to hate ANY topic other then that damn wishlist.


But OT's right. If it's gone stupid, you can post and TRY to bring it back to seriousness,but why bother.


We need a new chain story that's moderated.


Good luck keeping this topic alive man.

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Well, the first chain story got a little better now in the last 5 posts or something. That gay stuff was funny at first now its just boring and the whole story got like this:

´After doing (enter something here) gay Tony wants to f**k Niko. What does Niko do?

1. Call Luis to gang bang

2. Whack off

3. (enter a plot opinion here, will be ignored anyways.)´

Now I stopped it. Now its just tasteless and boring. A new chain story would be a new good fresh start.

Edited by mati1501
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Well, the first chain story got a little better now in the last 5 posts or something. That gay stuff was funny at first now its just boring and the whole story got like this:

´After doing (enter something here) gay Tony wants to f**k Niko. What does Niko do?

1. Call Luis to gang bang

2. Whack off

3. (enter a plot opinion here, will be ignored anyways.)´

Now I stopped it. Now its just tasteless and boring. A new chain story would be a new good fresh start.

ok now can we start the chain story? i'll even let you take the next turn, we will make this chain story WAY better than the other pointless ones. together we can make a more better chain story that makes more sense than the other retarded topics of this that don't make sense.

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OK then.


2. answers his phone to find out roman wants to go bowling.

Roman: ´Niko, my cousin! Want to...´

Niko: ´Go bowling? Sure cousin. I pick you up in an hour.´



1. Runs all the way to Roman in south Bohan.

2. Goes to the Turismo car dealership and steals a Turismo.

3. Takes the Infernus he got from Bryce and Bernie.

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Niko drives to Roman and picks him up. They go to Memory Lanes at Firefly Island and meet some friends there who are bowling. Who do they meet:

1. Brucie and two girls.

2. Little Jacob and Badman.

3. Packie and Derrick.

4. Dwayne and some of his "boys".

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4. Dwayne and some of his boys.

They play a game or two together and Roman wins both times. He goes to his gambling friends since he feels lucky.

´Letting Roman win was a bad idea...´

Anyways, Dwayne needs some help:

1. His new girlfriend is kidnapped.

2. He lost his wallet.

3. He makes a deal with the Lost MC but he doesn´t trust them.

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Niko agrees to find teh lost wallet. He ditches Roman and runs to the Burger shot. He buys a burger, and when he eats the burger

1. the wallet falls

2.some police break in with the wallet

3.some russians break in with the wallet

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´Man, lets buy some f**king burgers. I stole this wallet from some black guy in Memory Lanes.´

´Yeah lets eat.´


1. Calls Dwayne to tell him that the Russians have it.

2. Shoots the Russians.

3. Asks them nicely about the wallet.

4. Pukes in one of the Russians face and shows them his red army skills.

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Niko: "Hey um I think you guys stole that wallet from a friend of mine."

Russian 1: "Yeah we did, you got a problem with that?"

Niko: "Well I do, I was wondering if I could have that wallet back."

Russian 1: "Are you f**king joking?!"

Niko: "No."

Russian 1: "It's my wallet now".

Russian 2: "Your wallet? I thought you agreed that it was all our wallet."

Russian 1: "Yeah but I'm the leader so I get it."

Russian 2: "Well I revolt!"

Russian 3: "Look at you with the big words."

Russian 1 and 2: "Shut up!"

As the russians are now having an arguement over who now owns the wallet Niko steals the wallet out of the russians hand and runs to the Burger Shot car park, steals a car and drives away to Dwaynes house to return his wallet. But when Niko knocks on Dwayne's door:

1. He sees a note on his door saying that he has left on a vacation to Vice City.

2. The door is open.

3. He hears smashing from inside the house.

4. The LCPD are at his house.

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´Well, that boy needs a vacation. But what should I do with his wallet? Do I dare to look inside? Oh, WTF not.´

Niko opens the wallet and sees about 200 bucks, a few pictures of probably his mother and some friends and a exclusive VIP membership to:


1. Bahammas mammas.

2. Club Liberty.

3. Hercules.

4. Triangle club.

5. MeTV building.

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The Lolwut Pear



"Ah..Must be..."

Niko sees an ID inside.

"Bernies! But wasn't his Dwaynes?"



1. Calls Bernie to give him back teh wallet.

2. Decides to see if he can trade that membership.

3. Steals the 200 bucks.

4. Calls Dwayne to tell him he found the wrong wallet.

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´Oh f**k it, son. But while you are in LC could you still search for it? There is something important there.´

´OK Dwayne. I call ya later.´

Niko drives to Bernie to:

1. Give him the wallet.

2. Ask if hes allright.

3. Hang out with him.

4. Give him his wallet and ask for helping find Dwayne´s.

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The Lolwut Pear



"Oooh! Niko! It's so good to see you!"

"Hey, Bernie..How are you doing?"

"Fine..Come in!"

"Hey Bernie, I found your wallet..."

"Oh! I lost it at Hercules.."



1. Niko's phone rings

2. Bryce Dawkins walks in.

3. A rock is smashed through the window that says:"DIE fa**ot"


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Niko: Hey, can you not throw rocks with people's email addresses in them, its not nice

Street Thugs: Sorry. won't happen again.

Bernie: Thank god thats over.

Niko decides to leave and search some more for the wallet. He has a hunch that Packie might know where it is. He goes to the Mcreary house and meets Packie there.

Niko: Hey Pack

Packie: Hey NB, ALPHA DOG, I've just been taking some juice, its amazing

Niko: Hey, have you been talking to Brucie?

Brucie: Oh, sorry, did my Packie mask scare you?

Niko: Kinda. what are you doing here?

Brucie: Steeling some bread bro!

Niko: Where is Packie?

Brucie: He's...


1. Banging Kate upstairs! incest ftw!!

2. Banging Carmen in Bohan! Fun times!

3. Having a threesome with that UL guy and Michelle! crazy as, man!

4. Banging that paranoid chick you date that has slipped AceRay's mind at the moment!

5. Banging Alex in Broker! woo hoo!

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AceRay, I thought that pervert sh*t was over. If you don´t want to keep it serious then go to the previous CS.


Niko: ´What? I just went with her last night!´

Brucie: ´Woo-Hoo! Niko fell in love? I thought Alex was just a date.´


1. Goes to Alex and Packie.

2. Decides to search Dwayne´s wallet somewhere else.

3. Calls Roman to go... bowling.

4. Says that he was in love with Alex the whole time.

5. Finds a shotgun in Mcrery house and goes to Packie.

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Okay, I over reacted. But leaving only sexual options was kinda dumb.

1. Turismo.

Niko drives trough the whole city, searching for Alex and Packie till he forgets why he actually wants to meet them. Niko is in Star Junction near the Cluckin bell. He gets inside and...

1. Goes to the toilet.

2. Goes to the toilet, but hears Alex screaming, probably cause she's in there with Packie.

3. Buys a... Cluck Norris burger.

4. Sees Alex and Packie on a date.

5. Finds a wallet.

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Niko: "Hey what's this? A wallet? Nice!"

Niko opens the wallet and guess who the wallet belongs to?


Niko: "Ah this makes sence now, Dwayne said he loves Cluckin' Bell and he comes here often."

What does Niko do now:

1. Takes $1 and buys a chicken burger.

2. Takes $5 and buys a Cluck Norris action figure.

3. Returns the wallet to Dwayne's house.

4. Goes to the toilet first.


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The Lolwut Pear



Niko feels a bowel movement and goes to the bathroom.

Due to his race to unzip his pants, he drops the wallet in the toilet and while attempting to pick it up, flushes it.

"Oh man! This is f*cking bullsh*t!" he says.

He runs outside and:


1. Opens a manhole and jumps in the sewer to catch it.

2. Calls Dwayne

3. Gets run over by a cab.

4. Gets a call from Bernie.


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That was hilarious, really good Alex. Still think it would be better if Packie banged Kate tounge.gif, anyway...


Niko runs outside and uncovers the nearest man hole. He jumps in, climbs down the ladder, and runs into the sewers. He looks and listenes to the pipes to check if there is a wallet there, when suddenly he heards a weird breathing. Niko turns around quickly, and there is a hobo looking right at him. Niko moves closer, and then the hobo looks like a Rat. weird.

N: uh, hello?

Ratman holds out the wallet, covered in poo. Niko takes the wallet out of the ratman's hand, looks inside. He flicks through it, and it turns out to be Dwayne's. Niko yells with delight "YAAAAAY, thank you Ratman!" Niko runs out to kiss Ratman, but is shocked to find out that...

1.Ratman gave him aids.

2.Ratman is actually Brucie wearing a mask.

3.Ratman has a bigger d!ck than him, and its touching him...

4.Ratman ran away back to the subway

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N: yay! better call Dwayne...

Niko picks up his phone and dials Dwayne's number.

D: Thats great news Niko.

N: Ok then

D: Meet me at AutoErotica in Alderney, I'll pick it up there

Niko jacks a Sultan and drives rapidly towards Alderney, when suddenly his phone rings. He picks it up and its Dwayne

D: Niko, I can't make it. See you there tomorrow. then we can go get all of your other friends and have a massive friends gathering!

N: sounds like fun Forge. OK see you tomorrow morning.

Niko realizes it is now night time. Niko goes to his Alderney safehouse. He sits on his couch when suddenly his phone rings.

N: hello

Phone: *breathes heavily*

Niko puts the phone down quickly. he is freaked out. Niko decides to go to sleep. He gets on his PJs and is about to go to sleep when suddenly the power gets cut cut out. Niko frantically runs to the back up generator. The power gets turned on again, albeit dimmer. Niko is scared

"Wait, where have I seen this before?" Niko thinks to himself.

"Oh no! I think I've somehow been transported into a slasher film!!!" Niko says. Crap!

Niko calms down and starts to think of the three rules of slasher films. "now what are they?" Niko thinks to himself... (massive reference to Scream BTW)

Suddenly, some one knocks on the door. Niko has watched enough slasher films to know that opening the door means death. So he hides behind the kitchen and grabs a large knife. The door breaks down, and a man walks in with a knife. Niko pears up and he sees that its...


1.Ghost face

2.Jason Voorhees

3.Freddy Krueger

4.Some other random slasher film antagonist (Leatherface, Michael Myers, Jigsaw, Hannibal Lector etc)

5.Our friend from the sewer, Ratman!!!

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Its... The saw puppet!

Niko punches him in the face and the puppet breaks in parts.

Next day, Niko drives to autoeroticar and...

1. Dwayne is back already.

2. There is nobody.

3. All cars are stolen.

4. A shootout between the Korean mob and Mcrery mob starts.

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