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Tommy vercceti stories

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Its 1996,Cesar vialpanda left san andreas and came to vice city,later he got ambushed by some cholos,Tommy vercceti saved his life,Then they becamed friends and decided to take over a mansion

THIS IS ONLY FOR SAN VICE (Maybe will work in gta united,but the skin for tommy will be incorrect,or no skin at all)

Chapter 1 Welcome to vice

1. Taking down the mansion - Tommy and cesar has to take over the mansion

2. Ocean death hotel Cops invade ocean view hotel

3. Riding trough the town - Tommy shows cesar whats really up with the town

4. End of chapter - Share the pain - Your mansion gets seized by the cops,You need to run away.

Chapter 2 The thugs war


Tommy escaped from the mansion,He meets cesar near his home,Unfortunately... Cesar is in a place... a wrong place... its full of gang wars...The only thing they can do to leave alive is...WAR.

Beggining of chapter 2 - 5. Take out - Take over malibu

End of chapter 2 - 6.The pizza parlor exchange - Looks like taking over the pizza parlor is gonna be harder than malibu...

Chapter 3 A ruined life


Edited by 1xDarkWarriorx1
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End of Chapter 2 is up

Walktrough for The pizza parlor exchange (end of chapter 2)

Cesar phones you about taking over the pizza parlor,meet him at his house,his house is next to you. Now you gotta go with cesar to the pizza parlor,its very close,go in there,then go to the employees door,a employee spots you getting inside,A war inside the pizza parlor starts,as soon the war starts,PRESS THE CROUCH BUTTON INSTANTLY,Then shoot,After your finished with the first wave,Comes the second one,They are stronger,But less off them,Again kill them,Comes the last wave,It has like 5 or 4 enemies,Go for the one with the combat shotgun,then go for the one with the magnum,then take them out with easy,exit the door,And you get arrested,The end of chapter 2.

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No wonder you get no comments. The story and missions may be great but there are no many people here that have both DYOM and SanVice.

I would make it on GTA: United but it has alot of crashes and it lags like HELL on my PC,And theres no tommy skin for gta united

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