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Grand Theft Auto Vice City Chain Game Lounge (Old)

Arsen Vitiuk

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Yeah, I remember that the bug didn't appear before savenplayftw did Copland. Should we annul that turn and the rest?

savenplayftw, did you using ANY cheats?

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Arsen Vitiuk
Yeah, I remember that the bug didn't appear before savenplayftw did Copland. Should we annul that turn and the rest?

savenplayftw, did you using ANY cheats?

Cheats don't affect the gameplay in that way.


But since lol232 isn't around, you, miromiro, as the temporary Chief, have the right to annul the turn, if you want.

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I don't think it's worth. We could simply go around the asset and carry on.

So, the turn will NOT get annulled.

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Arsen Vitiuk

Vice City has only one version - 1.0

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I also have the bug with the asset money on Estate, when I load the last turn save.


savenplayftw must have a modded game with modified main.scm in my opinion.

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it crashed for me if i see the sign and collect it,but if i dont see it it doesnt crash

hres my main.scm:megaupload

il check my copland save and see if i crash there

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Arsen Vitiuk

Maybe the savefile itself?


I mean, when lol232 made the Starter Save there might have been a problem, don't you think?

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dunno,somebody try doing cop land again and see if the glitch is still there

if it is theres a problem with the savegame

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There's no need. We'll just carry on as it is now, no need to worry. It's just a small bug.

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Arsen Vitiuk

Hey guys! I found out an interesting thing about this bug:


If you run into the heart of the $ sign, the game will freeze.

However, if you sprint past its edge, you will still be able to pick up the money from this asset.

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Hey guys! I found out an interesting thing about this bug:


If you run into the heart of the $ sign, the game will freeze.

However, if you sprint past its edge, you will still be able to pick up the money from this asset.

I don't have this glitch....



il take a turn

i forfeit i cant save a game,everytime i save my game nothing happens,somebody else try saving,we might have a serious glitch

I don't have that eather....

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Arsen Vitiuk

Then the glitch is from you, lol232. Your game sees this glitch as normal but our games are not compatiable for it.

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General Scrotum

Finally found the Chaingame for Vice City! tounge.gif


I'm going to play for sure.

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Then the glitch is from you, lol232. Your game sees this glitch as normal but our games are not compatiable for it.

What? Really? How? I have an Original Disk from GTA VC, no mods confused.gif how could that be.....

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No idea.

Anyway, there's no point in carrying on the discussion about this subject, as we're able to completed the game even so. Arsen's trick is also good.

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Im also unable to save i have a legal copy and re-installed two times this only happens on the CG save.

So i wont play for a while when this is solved.

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General Scrotum

Is there a definite list for users to post the next Round, or the first one to post it is the lucky man?


If yes (for the second question), I shotgun it.

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Arsen Vitiuk


Is there a definite list for users to post the next Round, or the first one to post it is the lucky man?


If yes (for the second question), I shotgun it.

Only the Chain Game Chief can start the next Round.


If the Chain Game Chief gives up his responsibilities (as I did after Round 1) or isn't around, the second-in-command posts the topic.


Here's the list of our staff:

  • lol232 - the Chain Game Chief
  • miromiro - Second-in-command
  • mateczko - Senior Manager
  • Secronom President - ordinary player
  • kizzck - ordinary player
  • savenplayftw - ordinary player
  • Arsen Vitiuk - nobody
  • MAN_OF_PEACE - inactive player
  • Shark_Cipriani - inactive player
To be promoted in the rank, the player has to make a specific number of valid turns (forfeits don't count).


This is my ranking table used from the First Round:

  • Chain Game Chief - position is permanent unless the current Chief gives up his responsibilities. The leadership of the project then passes on to the lower rankings and so on.
  • Second-In-Command - the Chief's right-hand man. When the Chief is away he runs the project. To achieve the rank you have to make 50 valid turns or to be directly promoted by the will of the Chief.
  • Senior Manager - the man who supervises the Chain Game and makes sure it runs smooth. To achieve the rank you have to make 32 valid turns or to be directly promoted by the will of the Chief.
  • Junior Manager - same as above. To achieve the rank you have to make 25 valid turns or to be directly promoted by the will of the Chief.
  • Accountant - keeps track of every turn taken, violation recorded or record beaten and reports to the Chief or Second-In-Command. To achieve the rank you have to make 16 valid turns or to be directly promoted by the will of the Chief.
  • Experienced Player - the player who takes his first step into the management. Helps by generally assisting the smooth progress of the Chain Game and reporting violations. To achieve the rank you have to make 10 valid turns or to be directly promoted by the will of the Chief.
  • Ordinary Player - regular players of the Chain Game. To achieve the rank you have to make 3 valid turns.
  • Newbie Player - the players who made their first turn in the Chain Game. To achieve the rank you have to make 1 valid turn.
  • Banned Player - the player who violated the Chain Game's rules to the extent where his turns, even if done according to the rules, don't count towards the Chain Game Progress. To achieve the rank you have to make 3 violations of the rules.
  • Inactive Player - the player who has been inactive in the Chain Game for at least a week.
Edited by Arsen Vitiuk
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General Scrotum

Thanks for the info!

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Lol, Arsen, you are not nobody, you are still a Deputy Chief, but your'e just taking a break, and if there wasn't you The VC Chaingame will 100% die!

Back in round 2 you helped me a a loot!


I think there are two kinds of Banned Player:

Temporary Banned Player : The player who will get unbanned after some time (One week, one month, one year)

Fully Banned Player : A Player who has an eternal ban ( Banned Forever )


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WARNING: miromiro, it appears that someone already completed Tour! race

Yeah, I did that accidentally in my previous turn. Bloody forgot about the rule that doesn't let me do it, so I wanted to include it in the next turn notes although it was completed in the previous one. I think it's okay as long as we'll count it as a race from my next turn if I won't do another one, right? tounge.gif

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Arsen Vitiuk

'K then. Have it this way!


BTW, you didn't forget that you're the Chain Game Chief now???

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Thanks for understanding! And sorry for the mistake, I should be an example for the regular players but I have my mind messed! suicidal.gif

Yeah, I know. Why?

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Arsen Vitiuk

Because you're the Second-In-Command and lol232 is away. Just look at the ranking board several posts earlier.

Also, since mateczko is away, I'm temporary the Chief's (yours) Second-In-Command


BTW, include the race as done to avoid confusion

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I am not away I just don't have time to take turns confused.gif, But if i get some free time Like now.....

I have enough time to still lead the CG atleast



Edit 1:

BTW, Arsen, I am confused right now, what GMT are you? So I can see if the 3 hours passed or not bored.gif .


Edit 2:

I am asking all the players, what GMT timezone are you, so I can see of 4 hours or 3 hours passed an your turn is forfeit...


@ Arsen : is your GMT + 3:00?

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Arsen Vitiuk

I'm GMT + 2:00 Daylight Saving mode

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I have GMT + 2:00 no Daylight Saving mode.


When it's winter time in Sweden i use GMT + 1:00 No Daylight Saving mode


When it's summer time i use GMT + 2:00 No Daylight Saving mode.


When i use GMT + 1:00 it goes 2 minutes after and GMT + 2:00 it goes 1 minute after.

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