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Menu Sound Effects?


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Hi all,


I didn't have a clue where to put this thread so apologies if I've put it in the wrong place but hopefully someone can help.


Basically, I'm trying to find the sound files from the pause menu (the ones that are heard when you are navigating around, fiddling with settings or saving a game etc) but I'm not having much luck.


I have looked at all the files in the 'Audio' folder and they don't appear to be in there. I have a suspicion that they may be in the 'data3' cab file located on the 'Play' disc but I can't seem to access that as my computer is saying that the file is either in an unknown format or damaged.


Has anyone else tried looking for these files? Any help would be very much appreciated.





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Ok thanks, I've re-posted in that section, hopefully someone can help.


While I'm here though, does anyone know what is actually contained in the 'data3.cab' file? I have a feeling the sounds I'm looking for might be in there but I am unable to open it.





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  • 1 year later...

Wow. Menu sounds from the San Andreas itself (installed).

(I need them too!)

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