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I figured I'd make a topic for my stuff, since I've been more busy/more bored recently. I've got an art blog, but I'll share some of the stuff I put up there with you guys, though I won't put up stuff I've already posted in individual topics here. Comments, questions, whatever are more than welcome!


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Caricature commissioned by one of my friends of him and his siblings for their parents'. I decided to color it with acrylic this time around instead of art stix or markers. I think they liked it.


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One of my buddies during a drink and draw a few weeks ago. Marker and art stix.


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Another drink and draw victim. Same media as above.


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I was bored yesterday so I decided to take out my watercolor postcard book and make something to send to somebody. My friends and I do that on occasion. I used markerz.


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This was a shirt design for my team on my school's bowling league. We won best t-shirt. I'm the one with the axe. I sketched it out with ink then colored it in photoshop.


One more for now.

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Really sloppy ink sketch I did about a year ago to describe the 'visual voice' for one of my projects.




Okay, one more.


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A logo for a sketch group with my friends on facebook.

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhm, love it? Really f*cking cool stuff, Moon. I love the ink sketch. Moody and expressive.


I haven't had Draw Club in ages, but looking at your stuff inspires me. I'll have to set one up sometime soon.


Thanks for sharing this stuff, man.

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I'm loving the ginger beard work, but my favourite has to be the squid ink sketch. I have some really moody, atmospheric music on at the moment and I just scrolled into it, the two worked great together.

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Hah, thanks guys. The last Goons that I did was in May...I've gotten busy with my portfolio, work, and other stuff. I've got a sketchbook full of more ideas and unfinished strips, but I haven't gotten to them. Maybe I'll finish them soon. The blog's in my sig if you guys are interested (I hope this doesn't count as advertising).


By the way, I'm going to an art convention in 2 weeks in San Antonio, I'm about finished with a promo poster I'm doing for it, so expect an update!

EDIT! Here it is!

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btw, len is the dude whose face is in the background.

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Am I seriously the only who's going to comment on this stuff? It's fantastic!

Yeah, I really need to stop ignoring the visual arts forum. Great stuff, Moon. They have a very "organic" feel, so to speak.

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I'm with Xcomm. I haven't been through the Visual arts for about a week.

Funny, I was one of the people working to get the Visual Arts section, because I felt the previous one wasn't general enough. And we though it'd help the Photography portion... seems to have done the opposite blush.gif


Anyways, awesome sketches Moonshield. Very nice character stylings, unique but familiar and over all well done. icon14.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...



Some friends and I went to see our friends' jazz group perform at a local bar, and I brought my baby sketchbook and a pen with me. These are pretty quick and dirty (and i was trying out a new brush tip pen), but they're fun.

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I did a rendering of my sister's house for her xmas present, and it actually got me some work for my uncle's real estate agency doing renderings of the houses they close as a closing gift to the clients.

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This topic angers me. Not only am I totally envious of your talent, but it also reminds me of the fact that I almost never do anything even remotely creative these days. No computer graphics or drawings, just the occasional doodle during a boring lecture.


And don't get me started on the cool rendering of your sister's house. When I actually did sketch or pixel something, more often than not it was some kind of a building, structure, cityscape etc. Which really gets me wondering why I never went into (or even really considered) architecture. From what I know, if you decide to study architecture you better be prepared for some long nights, but I'd imagine that doesn't matter much if you actually enjoy it.


Mechanical Engineering is lame.



Slightly less offtopic: Visual Artz. This area used to be one of the only areas of the forum I'd visit, but now it's full of lame GTA fan art and other crap. But seeing Moon's stuff and all the replies in this thread has left me inspired. Since I don't have class tomorrow I think I might try and actually get a pixel piece started for the first time in months. I'll even try to make a topic so you folks can tell me how great I am—or to leave some constructive criticism. I'd really like to see some new life in this area so I'll try and stop by more often if you guys try to do the same.


Your stuff's great, Seb. I like how a lot of your caricatures have a similar look, like you're developing your own style. I laughed especially heartily at the jazz-guy playing the sax and the little jumping shell casing in the sketch group logo. The atmosphere of the underwater diver one is awesome too. The diver and his light are pretty much perfect, but the octopus on the left is a little messy.


Like I said, they're all great. Make sure to post more. icon14.gif

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Some sketches from the Con!


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The last one's my favorite. There were some righteous artists there man, they put my sh*t to shame. I ended up winning best propaganda at the convention for my "no country for old len" poster. P sweet.

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Fantastic work, Seb. Makes me wish I had kept going with sketching as a kid, i'd be much more in tune with a pencil. Mind throwing me the link to your art blog?

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  • 4 weeks later...



Here's the most recent rendering I've done for my uncle's business:

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The flash from my phone went off and washed the color out a little, but I couldn't be arsed to retake it.


And now I can get to work on a gallery submission for this art magazine that a friend of a friend runs!

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Damn man, those sketches are amazing! I really like the ones in the first post....reminds me of concept art. cool.gif

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Some really excellent stuff here man, really liking it. The No Country for Old Len poster is fantastic, and it's nice to hear it won you an award, too. My favourites are the house renderings though, I absolutely love them. I'm a sucker more for landscapes and buildings than people in drawings/photographs, so they're the ones that really catch my eye and I think they're brilliant. The whole real estate agency thing is a lovely touch, too. I'm sure the people that get them would really appreciate that sort of thing.

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Wow, you are really talented! Good job man.


Nevermind blush.gif

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love them! icon14.gificon14.gif
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sup dudes, here's something I did for a magazine's gallery. The theme for the gallery was death. Entitled, The Wait.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Gunna just double post! Sorry bout it.


I drew Wino after seeing him at the Scion Rock Fest this past weekend.


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Then I added hatch shading. Not sure if I'm into it.


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I've been paining over some illustrations that the magazine that I submitted to the gallery asked me to do for a short story they're publishing in the same issue. I think I'm past the deadline, but I've got one finished already, and am almost finished with a few more. If you guys are interested in seeing my stuff, the magazine'll be up online and in print at the end of the month.


Here's that first page.

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Love the magazine drawing. The lined effect on the sky is just outstanding.

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You've got your caricature drawings down man! I'm loving them.


The trees in the house one all look tilted awkwardly, but that's hardly something to bitch about. Just felt like I had to point it out though! tounge.gif

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Yeah Pico, I know. I was going to keep them bare, but it wouldn't look right with the deciduous bushes on the left.


Second page for that short story:

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I've gone one more page to go, but I think it's late. eeek

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Alright kids, here're the last two pages for that short story. The magazine should be up both online and in print next week!


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Quick update:

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2 minute sketch of blues guitarist Reverend Gary Davis. I just started on a new house, but after I'm finished, expect an elaborated piece (2+ hour) starring the good Reverend. Something based on this maybe:

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