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DYOM Mission by TCRT/Alif Syahmim

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My New Project .... !! (Malay Version) released


1. SWAT Basic Training Pt.1 (100%) (download)





My New Mission Pack (English Version)



Tagged Crisis Response Team Mission Pack


1. Area 51 Sabotage (100%)   (Dowload)

2. Hunter Protoype    (100%)   (Download)

3. Take Over Mafia Business  (100%) Download

4. Custom Fast Car   (100%) Download

5. Custom Fast Car (FIX)  (100%) Download

6. Custom Fast Car 2 (Finale) (100%) Download




My New and Coming Up Mission ..!!




TCRT Special Force Law and Enforcer Mission


1. CRT Operation (100%) (Download)

2. Airport Assault (100%) (Download)

3. Drugs Operation(100%) (Coming Soon)






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Edited by alif69
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Mission Info


PGK Response Team Siries is a collection of missions that tells about the organization of a special forces of San Andreas Police Contingent. In each season, the game will be divided into six missions each players will control the operative or the infantry that are in both this unit with different expertise in each mission. Missions are divided into three missions for the 69th SPU and 3 missions for SWAT that includes the elements of combat are owned by the PGK.


For the first season, the mission produced only 4 mission includes three missions I have been issued before this was enhanced and modified, and 1 special missions that have not been disclosed yet for promotion. For the next season, only one mission that will be released as a 'trailer'.




PGK : Response Team Siries


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PGK Division



PGK or Pasukan Gerakan Khas ; English: Police Special Operations Force; SOF)is an elite high-profile counter-terrorism and special commando unit of the San Andreas Police Contingent (SAPC). The PGK has two distinct subdivisions Unit; SWAT (Special Weapon and Tactic} and the San Andreas police commando 69th SPU ; Special Project Unit.


The PGK is capable of dealing with a wide range of special operations from counter-terrorism operations to rescue operations. The actual size and organisation of the Directorate is classified. Tasked with enforcing San Andreas law through sea, air and land operations, the PGK is a vital component of the SAPC.





Previously separate entities, both the SWAT and the 69th SPU were amalgamated into the PGK on. However, the SWAT and the 69th SPU are still operationing as separate units. The SWAT is now officially known as PGK Division Alpha and 69th is Division Bravo.


Based at the PGK Headquarters in Los Santos, and Las Venturas the PGK is under the direct command of the SAPC's Crisis and Security Threat Council (CARST) Director With the growing threat of terrorism since the September 11th attacks, this unit has increasingly adapted itself to conduct counter-terrorism duties With the aim of creating teams that are capable of dealing with a broad range of operations (especially counter-terrorism operations), the PGK small patrol team consist of 4 to 6 operatives with different expertise such as an attack units, snipers, EOD experts, communications experts and field medics.



Special Unit/Forces


Special Weapon And Tactics (PGK Division Alpha)

Special Response Team

- 22th Taskforces (CQB/Urban Warfare)

- Combat Diving Unit (Maritime/Diving Unit Response Team)

- 23rd Elite Airbone Division (Paratroopers Inflitration)

- Special Close Protection Service (Bodyguard and motorcade)

- Special Action Force (Best Unit from all SWAT Unit)


69th Special Project Unit (PGK Division Bravo)

Special Response Team

- The 69th Eagle Squad (CQB/Urban Warfare)

- Maritime Assault Team (Maritime/Diving Unit Response Team)

- Special Boat Troop (Diver Delivery/Maritime Reinforcement Team)

- SPU Airbone Squad (Paratroopers Inflitration)

- SPU Bodyguard and Security Service (Bodyguard and motorcade)

- Counter Insurgency Group ( Jungle Warfare)

- Special Warfare and Operations Group (SWOG) / SPU T10;Team-10 (Special Team from all SPU Unit)




Headquarters and base


SWAT has been placed at the Las Venturas Police Department and the 69th SPU Headquaters is located at Los Santos Police Department. This Both unit is under the commander of PGK at the Las Venturas Police Department.





SWAT and 69th SPU operatives operate mostly in plain-clothes and also perform undercover missions. .The unit operates to execute special security services such as anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism in urban areas, supporting the police on missions such as dealing with armed criminals, and escorting and protecting top leaders and VVIPs. 69th SPU also are jungle warfare specialists given the Originally trained by the British SAS, 69th SPU conducts in land, sea and air special operation techniques with specialty in jungle warfare and deep reconnaissance missions, 69th SPU mission is to execute special operation in support of Police's Special Branch fight against subversive organization and terrorist activities and other depatment of SAPC solve a heavy criminal case, offensive operations using special weapons and tactics, anti-terrorism, counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, close protection and supporting the Armed Forces special forces, National Guard or infantry force in any security measures. There are four infantry unit in this unit with its own logistic team.




Combat Vehicles


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Undercover Vehicles


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Combat Gear


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more updates coming soon...

Edited by alif69

PGK Response Team Mission - Season 1

Stage 1 : Basic Diver Badge


1.Mission: CRT Operations

Team Involve: PGK Division A - SWAT

Unit: 22th Taskforce

Suppoter: SFPD

Status:100% (available for download)

Story : Some terrorist from Liberty City Make a Trouble, they has kidnapped the San Fierro Mayor and SFPD Officer. Ass

Special Elite unit, SWAT has order their CQB unit knows as 22th Taskforces to do and accomplish one mission has know as

Crisis Response Team Operation (CRT). The SWAT Taskforce Unit unit will safe the mayor with the SFPD Officer.



2. Mission: Airport Assault

Team Involve: PGK Division Bravo - 69th SPU

Unit: SWOG Team-10

Suppoter: FBI/LSPD

Status:100% (available for download)

Story: Some terrorist from San Fierro Make a Trouble, they has jack a plane with hostages.They claim for free their

friend that had been imprisoned in Los Santos Prison. As Special anti-terrorist unit, 69th SPU from PGK Deatchment has order

to do and accomplish one mission has know as Airport Assault Ops . They haved deploy their Special Response Team knows as

Special Warfare and Operations Group (SWOG) or Team-10. The Team-10 unit will safe all the hostage and neuralise the

airport from terrorist.



3.Mission: DRUGS Operations

Team Involve: PGK Division B - 69th SPU

Unit: Eagle Squad

Suppoter: FBI Narcotic /LSPD

Status:100% (available for download)

Story: The Narcotics of Los Santos Police Department call the PGK Headquatres, they ask help from the unit to help them to

ambush the warehouse trusted store the drugs.As Special Commando unit, 69th SPU from PGK Deatchment has needed to

deploy their team. The 69th SPU unit has order their special CQB team The Eagle Squad to accomplish this operations and

defeat the drugs Criminal.



4.Mission: Piracy

Team Involve: PGK Division A - SWAT

Unit: Combat Diving Unit

Suppoter: LVPD Marine Unit /Special Boat Troop (SPU)

Status:0% (under progress)

Story : A fisherman from Las Barrancas was robbed when he was catching fish by a

group of pirates who do not know their identities, the incident was witnessed by a member of the marine unit LVPD. the pirates had seized the fishermen and bring him to their hideout. However, the Marine Unit of swift action, they managed to find the location of the hideout of pirates. Therefore they have contacted the PGK Headquaters at Las Venturas and ask for assistance. SWAT from PGK Division was ordered to rescue hostages and capture all the pirates who do not know their real number. The SWAT Combat Diving Unit has deployed to carry out this operation. SWAT has also been supported by Special boat Troop from 69th SPU to send them by bypassboat to the pirate hideout is a way to infiltrate into the water with technic waterbone before closing to the place. After that they will get inside to hideout and defeated them and safe fishermen who had been captured.

Edited by alif69
  • 4 months later...






I GIVES 5 COOKIES FOR THIS GAMES.....................



so good BYE DYOM

Edited by alif69







I GIVES 5 COOKIES FOR THIS GAMES.....................

cookie.gif  cookie.gif  cookie.gif  cookie.gif  cookie.gif


so good BYE DYOM

Sooner or later, i assume sooner, you will get back.

i have finished GTA IV, played a bit on MP and SP (finished the storyline) and got bored, after finishing all the great games i had, i had to return to this place.

and if you think GTA IV is the best game you have seen, then i'm really sorry for you, but you haven't seen anything.


a list:

God of War 3

Uncharted 2

Uncharted 1

Heavy Rain

Kill Zone 2

God of War: Collection

Battlefield: Bad Company

Bioshock 2

Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed 2

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


That's it.

well, U1, GOW:C, AC1 and COD:MW2 are same.


atleast at my opinion

Edited by Kratos2000
  • 1 year later...

My New Mission Has Release For Download ....


PGK Response Team : Airport Assault Operation


user posted image

Dowload PGK Airport Assault


Demonstrations Video Also Release...!!!


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Edited by alif69
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

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