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Los santos billboard


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I was driving in TBOGT on the subway and i saw this billboard that says


"Visit los santos for $299"

the billboard is from Fly USA


its in bohan in the subways that go above ground, just look around for it, its right next to the water


Mabye this has to do with the new GTA we could be going back to san andreas for all we know?


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As I've said before, I really don't think billboards mean anything anymore. You go one place, there are a bunch of San Andreas related billboards, go to another, there are vice city billboards, go one more place and there are europe billboards. The billboards are everywhere, advertising many different places. It could mean anything, so I don't think just the billboards mean too much anymore.

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Agreed. Billboards don't mean anything. In TBOGT, there is a Vice City radio station, but that doesn't mean Vice City will be the next location. they are just clues. But it is a good bet it would be the next location, because they have done a remake of Liberty City for 4 from GTA III, so it would make sense to do a remake of vice city for GTA 5, considering Vice City came after 3

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I was driving in TBOGT on the subway and i saw this billboard that says


"Visit los santos for $299"

the billboard is from Fly USA


its in bohan in the subways that go above ground, just look around for it, its right next to the water


Mabye this has to do with the new GTA we could be going back to san andreas for all we know?


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You're about 2 and a half years late. We all saw another billboard in the first 5 seconds of the first GTA IV trailer that said "Visit Vice City." Not to mention there's a bunch o fFlyUS billboards and a ton of other references to Vice City, Los Santos, San Fierro, and Las Venturas.



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