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[REL]ad31an's First DYOM Missions

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I've seen everybody making topics for their missions so I figured, why not do one myself.


The missions I released doesn't have a storyline because I avoid creating missions where the player kills main story characters because that would probably ruin the flow of the story of the game. (e.g. Killing Claude even though he shows up in GTA III)


I also created my missions so that they look like sub-missions although not having any storyline but gives a reason why you should do such things. Also, the events of these missions occur just after the events of San Andreas and in a way shows the life of the background characters in San Andreas.


4.1 Missions aka First Missions:


Bad Service - Sneaking and Sniping accuracy is the skills you implement in this one.


Leaving Trails - This mission is a sort of continuation of the above mission.


Restocking - Story about Ammunation


Pushing It To The Limit - You get to sell drugs. (Sort of)


Fast Food Fight - This is glitchy. The actors and cutscene icons and other DYOM stuff shows up when you play this.


Panhandle - The first mission I made. Originally called "You are a Bum, Not a Loser"


5.0 Missions:


Perpetrate - (11/01/09)A mission telling a story of a regular person becoming a criminal.


Crooks and Barbers - (11/04/09)An indirect continuation of "Perpetrate". My first big mission with DYOM v5.0.


Airborne Assault - (11/06/09)The first mission I made that features an interior and flying NPCs.


Body Stack - (11/07/09)Inspired by the assasination missions featured in Vice City.


When Cars Fly - (11/09/09)A mission about a rich guy pranking another rich guy.


Dragon Hunter - (12/03/09)Hunters attacking the Four Dragons Casino.


Feedback and questions are welcome!

Edited by ad31an
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today will be relased DYOM 5...I don't think a lot of people will still play DYOM 4.1

I know I just needed to find something to do while waiting for it suicidal.gif


EDIT: I'm wondering, will 4.1 missions be compatible with DYOM v5?

Edited by ad31an
today will be relased DYOM 5...I don't think a lot of people will still play DYOM 4.1

I know I just needed to find something to do while waiting for it suicidal.gif


EDIT: I'm wondering, will 4.1 missions be compatible with DYOM v5?

Yes they will, at least they should be smile.gif

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