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For all nvidia users that have "stuttering camera"

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Well, i'm not sure this have been mentioned before, probably has but i see a lot of posts that still complains about stuttering. I haven't played IV for a while now and i regularly update my drivers... came back into the game and it was stuttering like crazy (no fps drop just stuttering camera). I googled it and found out that you should use this driver for IV. Works perfectly now for me.



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Those drivers made only worse for 80% of the nVidia users (estimation by posts here) including me. That makes it stutter while the most recent ones don't.

Hello people, to solve the stuttering problem just download GFWLive v3.0, Maintenance Update, and Nvidia Forceware 190.38!

I have recently update to GFWLive v3.0, now all the stuttering issues are gone! biggrin.gif

190.38 sucks ass for the other games that I play. (Fallout 3 being a main one)


Since the 180.84 drivers nVidia f*cked up this game completely. They added a so called "GTA IV Optimization" into their drivers from that point on. And it just made it stutter like hell for at least 30% of the players.


However, I found that if you disable "Threaded Optimization" in the nVidia control panel, the stuttering issue is eliminated 90% of the time on all nVidia drivers, old and new.


I know this because I have at least 20 coworkers who have had that problem. Deactivating the threaded optimization worked for 17 of them.

Since the 180.84 drivers nVidia f*cked up this game completely. They added a so called "GTA IV Optimization" into their drivers from that point on. And it just made it stutter like hell for at least 30% of the players.


However, I found that if you disable "Threaded Optimization" in the nVidia control panel, the stuttering issue is eliminated 90% of the time on all nVidia drivers, old and new.


I know this because I have at least 20 coworkers who have had that problem. Deactivating the threaded optimization worked for 17 of them.

Yeah, you're right, nvidia should make drivers for GTA4 only, f*ck all those other games released for PC, the only game that matters on PC is GTA4 so nvidia should forget making other games better, they should focus on GTA4 onoly because this isn't Rockstars fault at all, they released it perfect, it's nvidia and Microsofts fault, and AMD's fault, and Intel, and anyone else involved who isn't Rockstar because all them updated drivers made GTA4 worse because they done it on purpose and it isn't at all to do with Rockstars crappy coding to future proof the game with newer drivers.



I'm being sarcastic by the way, then again I feel like the idiot, I'm on a GTA Fan Forum expecting people to put their fanboy love for Rockstar aside, but please, stop blaming other companies, GTA4 isn't the only game on PC, nvidia, etc, have to move on and focus on making new games work better, if it damages GTA4, then that's out of nvidias hands as the game obviously isn't stable enoough to handle future drivers without returning to crap. Meanwhile all other games out there, bar the odd few, get better or remain the same with updated drivers, so how do they do it? Voodoo?

Those drivers made only worse for 80% of the nVidia users (estimation by posts here) including me. That makes it stutter while the most recent ones don't.

It was like night and day for me. And about updating it i have 1.0.2 and have some mods that won't work with higher patches so don't wanna update it.

Since the 180.84 drivers nVidia f*cked up this game completely. They added a so called "GTA IV Optimization" into their drivers from that point on. And it just made it stutter like hell for at least 30% of the players.


However, I found that if you disable "Threaded Optimization" in the nVidia control panel, the stuttering issue is eliminated 90% of the time on all nVidia drivers, old and new.


I know this because I have at least 20 coworkers who have had that problem. Deactivating the threaded optimization worked for 17 of them.

Yeah, you're right, nvidia should make drivers for GTA4 only, f*ck all those other games released for PC, the only game that matters on PC is GTA4 so nvidia should forget making other games better, they should focus on GTA4 onoly because this isn't Rockstars fault at all, they released it perfect, it's nvidia and Microsofts fault, and AMD's fault, and Intel, and anyone else involved who isn't Rockstar because all them updated drivers made GTA4 worse because they done it on purpose and it isn't at all to do with Rockstars crappy coding to future proof the game with newer drivers.



I'm being sarcastic by the way, then again I feel like the idiot, I'm on a GTA Fan Forum expecting people to put their fanboy love for Rockstar aside, but please, stop blaming other companies, GTA4 isn't the only game on PC, nvidia, etc, have to move on and focus on making new games work better, if it damages GTA4, then that's out of nvidias hands as the game obviously isn't stable enoough to handle future drivers without returning to crap. Meanwhile all other games out there, bar the odd few, get better or remain the same with updated drivers, so how do they do it? Voodoo?

Sure, it is nVidias fault. The game worked perfectly fine for me and most other people (read: NO STUTTERING) before the 180.84 drivers.


So basically it's nVidia that screwed up by releasing crappy drivers where they tried to optimize the game.

Since the 180.84 drivers nVidia f*cked up this game completely. They added a so called "GTA IV Optimization" into their drivers from that point on. And it just made it stutter like hell for at least 30% of the players.


However, I found that if you disable "Threaded Optimization" in the nVidia control panel, the stuttering issue is eliminated 90% of the time on all nVidia drivers, old and new.


I know this because I have at least 20 coworkers who have had that problem. Deactivating the threaded optimization worked for 17 of them.

Yeah, you're right, nvidia should make drivers for GTA4 only, f*ck all those other games released for PC, the only game that matters on PC is GTA4 so nvidia should forget making other games better, they should focus on GTA4 onoly because this isn't Rockstars fault at all, they released it perfect, it's nvidia and Microsofts fault, and AMD's fault, and Intel, and anyone else involved who isn't Rockstar because all them updated drivers made GTA4 worse because they done it on purpose and it isn't at all to do with Rockstars crappy coding to future proof the game with newer drivers.



I'm being sarcastic by the way, then again I feel like the idiot, I'm on a GTA Fan Forum expecting people to put their fanboy love for Rockstar aside, but please, stop blaming other companies, GTA4 isn't the only game on PC, nvidia, etc, have to move on and focus on making new games work better, if it damages GTA4, then that's out of nvidias hands as the game obviously isn't stable enoough to handle future drivers without returning to crap. Meanwhile all other games out there, bar the odd few, get better or remain the same with updated drivers, so how do they do it? Voodoo?

Sure, it is nVidias fault. The game worked perfectly fine for me and most other people (read: NO STUTTERING) before the 180.84 drivers.


So basically it's nVidia that screwed up by releasing crappy drivers where they tried to optimize the game.

nvidia didn't try to optimise after 180.84, they felt GTA4 was done and that they could focus on other games since games are suppose to be coded well enough to be able to cope with future proofed drivers. So nivida made the alterations for the game, and and archived it, it's just GTA4 is badly coded it can't detect certain things well enough. It's Rockstar fault. If it's nvidias fault then why do pretty much all other games work fine with future drivers?


Okay here's how it went:


1. Rockstar released the game for the PC. The game runs fine for most people.


2. nVidia releases a so called optimized driver specifically designed for GTA IV. This optimization introduced in 180.84, also comes with all new drivers from that point of.


3. Suddenly the game runs like crap for 30% of nVidia users, while it worked perfectly fine with the previous drivers.


Point is, nVidia tried to optimize a game that Rockstar had already completed and released on the market, but they failed miserably and made the game stutter like hell for 30%. The other 70% I guess got lucky and got maybe 0.1 more FPS.

Okay here's how it went:


1. Rockstar released the game for the PC. The game runs fine for most people.


2. nVidia releases a so called optimized driver specifically designed for GTA IV. This optimization introduced in 180.84, also comes with all new drivers from that point of.


3. Suddenly the game runs like crap for 30% of nVidia users, while it worked perfectly fine with the previous drivers.


Point is, nVidia tried to optimize a game that Rockstar had already completed and released on the market, but they failed miserably and made the game stutter like hell for 30%. The other 70% I guess got lucky and got maybe 0.1 more FPS.

Ok, Point 1 is all I needed to read to know you're stuck up Rockstars ass. GTA4 on PC is NOT a Good Coded Game. nvidia released drivers for it and didn't change any GTA4 values after, just archived and focused on fixing bugs and new games, it's the games problem because it doesn't work properly with future drivers, if it's nvidias fault then surely every PC game after 180.84 would be a stuttering mess, but 95% arn't because funnily enough, other companies tend to do Ok with PC gaming and future proofing games, even Rockstar themselves from the previous generation.


The drivers 180.84 were spesifically designed to optimze GTA IV on the PC, according to nVidia themselves.


This isn't about Rockstar not "future proofing" their game for future drivers, it's about nVidia releasing a driver for GTA IV that totally screwed up the game.


And yes, the game did work fine for most people. It's not a poorly ported game. It's just that people are complete idiots and run their settings up to the highest and still expect to get 60 FPS.

The drivers 180.84 were spesifically designed to optimze GTA IV on the PC, according to nVidia themselves.


This isn't about Rockstar not "future proofing" their game for future drivers, it's about nVidia releasing a driver for GTA IV that totally screwed up the game.


And yes, the game did work fine for most people. It's not a poorly ported game. It's just that people are complete idiots and run their settings up to the highest and still expect to get 60 FPS.

What?!The game ran terribly on its initial release!You need a God-damn super computer,maybe even the best computer money can buy,to run that un-patched,unoptimized,POORLY-PORTED,pile of crap(of course I mean only the pre-patched version)!You must have rich friends if they could accomplish such good framerates on the un-patched version.


Oh yes,and the GTA IV optimized drivers actually made the game run better for me!Surprised!?!?!?


You sir,are a jackass,and should be shot for it.


The problem is, although the 181.22 driver is great for GTA IV, it's not good for newer games. FarCry2 has rendering lighting issues on objects with this driver.


Maybe someone should report this to NVIDIA and get it fixed in the newer driver?

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