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[IV|WIP] LCPD First Response


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Version 0.60 BETA

Please wait for the GTAGarage upload to process

Do you know when the pullover and car chase is going to be>?

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Car chase, no, never ever mentioned anything about car chases (hope to have them in future versions)

Traffic stops, yes - next content patch


Update processed - Download on first page

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Unplayably buggy.


- Keeps auto-saving.

- Can't move when hitting Alt+P to "go on duty".

- Even after going on duty, it says "you need to go on duty".


Edit: Ah. You need to inform players about the Up button. Because I didn't want to change my model, so I got no info on how to proceed.

Edited by MulleDK19
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Downloaded new version and it was still named the same as version 0.55


Also still crashes when i try to go on duty.




2009-09-03 23:20:47 - Initializing ScriptHookDotNet v0.893 BETA (GTA IV version

2009-09-03 23:22:00 - Direct3D device created!


2009-09-03 23:22:01 - SEARCHING FOR SCRIPTS...

2009-09-03 23:22:01 - Loading scripts in Assembly 'scripts\FirstResponse.net.dll' ...

2009-09-03 23:22:01 - ...found script 'FirstResponse.NeverWanted'!

2009-09-03 23:22:01 - ...found script 'FirstResponse.Lights'!

2009-09-03 23:22:01 - ...found script 'FirstResponse.LCPD_911'!

2009-09-03 23:22:01 - DONE! 3 valid scripts found!


2009-09-03 23:22:01 - STARTING SCRIPTS...

2009-09-03 23:22:01 - ...successfully started script 'FirstResponse.LCPD_911'!

2009-09-03 23:22:01 - ...successfully started script 'FirstResponse.Lights'!

2009-09-03 23:22:01 - ...successfully started script 'FirstResponse.NeverWanted'!

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Unplayably buggy.


- Keeps auto-saving.

- Can't move when hitting Alt+P to "go on duty".

- Even after going on duty, it says "you need to go on duty".

This mod DOES NOT auto save anything.

There may be a slight error with the duty variable but it certainly DOES NOT result in the mod being "unplayable"


Please think before you post exaggerated and selective complaints

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AMD Phenom 9750 Quad-core processor

3.2 gb ram

Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT


Not the best, but runs the game fine for me.

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I ve downloaded the 0.60 version. The new add ons are very nice and the emergency lights now work for all police vehicles. Still I have the same problem; When I want to return to normal game (get off duty) the game crashes. sarcasm.gif

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Just to report, the mod and the update are running brilliantly without any bugs!


For all those that can’t get it to work, you need these:


GTA IV ASI LOADER - by Alexander Blade

- Link: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=380830

- Location to copy into your GTA IV Folder: C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto IV/


ScriptHookDotNet v0.893 BETA - by Hazard

- Link: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=392325

- Location to copy into your GTA IV Folder: C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto IV/


First Response Mod - by Mr Mysterious

- Link: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=420745

- Location to copy into your GTA IV Folder: C:/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Grand Theft Auto IV/scripts


(GTA IV version – I’ve got



Love the new additions to the MOD!


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You can now turn on the emergency lights on any cop vehicle nice! Also, when i go off duty i get error in script 2061 i think not sure. Fix it please. biggrin.gif

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Mr. Mysterious: Thanks for adding (L) lights to other police vehicles, love to drive around with my modded FBI tounge.gif

While you at it, can you maybe add that function to ambulance and the fire truck. Prison Stockade aren't that important but it counts a s a police vehicle? Couldn't use (L) at that one.

Can't contribute with any bug reports, late at night here and i just played with the lights lol.

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BUG: If you use a police car and turn on the emergency lights then get out they turn off some how, Make it so that the lights stay on until we turn them off, Also when i call backup and the fight is over the cops just stand there doing nothing, i came back 20 minutes later and they were still there. Fix this please. smile.gif

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The only problem for me is that when i go on-duty it teleports me on the 2nd city which i haven't discovered yet and i get stars(5) if i frisk someone or arrest,etc...So could you considering to change the location to the 1st city so everyone could be happy smile.gif


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0.60 BETA is causing no troubles for me. Very nice job, Mr. Mysterious and Lil-rich icon14.gif

Now I can finnaly call Noose for backup.

(It still sometimes produces another empty cop car when cuffing, but it's not a major problem since the second try always succeeds, and the peds get transported away)



So could you considering to change the location to the 1st city so everyone could be happy

lol, dude. Just hurry up and play the game and reach Algonquin tounge2.gif


Serious talk: I think someone was asking about being teleported to the nearest police station when going on duty, and that might sound good. But seriously, not everyone is going to be happy to be forced to go back to Dukes-Broker Island you know.

At least, not for me. I always stay in Algonquin biggrin.gif

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I could include an all 3 islands save game with clothes that wont make you crash when you go on duty?

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Its so wierd how it crashes as soon as I teleport!


The most annying thing is that the logs dont even say anything!



2009-09-04 09:10:24 - Initializing ScriptHookDotNet v0.893 BETA (GTA IV version

2009-09-04 09:12:53 - Direct3D device created!


2009-09-04 09:12:53 - SEARCHING FOR SCRIPTS...

2009-09-04 09:12:53 - Loading scripts in Assembly 'scripts\FirstResponse.net.dll' ...

2009-09-04 09:12:53 -  ...found script 'FirstResponse.NeverWanted'!

2009-09-04 09:12:53 -  ...found script 'FirstResponse.Lights'!

2009-09-04 09:12:53 -  ...found script 'FirstResponse.LCPD_911'!

2009-09-04 09:12:53 - DONE! 3 valid scripts found!


2009-09-04 09:12:53 - STARTING SCRIPTS...

2009-09-04 09:12:53 -  ...successfully started script 'FirstResponse.LCPD_911'!

2009-09-04 09:12:53 -  ...successfully started script 'FirstResponse.Lights'!

2009-09-04 09:12:53 -  ...successfully started script 'FirstResponse.NeverWanted'!


Log start: Fri Sep 04 09:10:24 2009


[iNFO] GTA IV Script Hook 0.3.0 - © 2009, Aru - Initialized

[iNFO] Process base address: 0xbe0000

[iNFO] Auto detecting game version

[iNFO] Using game version 1.0.4

[iNFO] Script Hook - Shutdown

[WARN] [scriptHookWatchThread] Thread instance is being deleted while still hooked


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2009-09-04 10:59:13 - Initializing ScriptHookDotNet v0.893 BETA (GTA IV version

2009-09-04 11:00:33 - Direct3D device created!


2009-09-04 11:00:33 - SEARCHING FOR SCRIPTS...

2009-09-04 11:00:33 - Loading scripts in Assembly 'scripts\FirstResponse.net.dll' ...

2009-09-04 11:00:34 - ...found script 'FirstResponse.NeverWanted'!

2009-09-04 11:00:34 - ...found script 'FirstResponse.Lights'!

2009-09-04 11:00:34 - ...found script 'FirstResponse.LCPD_911'!

2009-09-04 11:00:34 - DONE! 3 valid scripts found!


2009-09-04 11:00:34 - STARTING SCRIPTS...

2009-09-04 11:00:34 - ...successfully started script 'FirstResponse.LCPD_911'!

2009-09-04 11:00:34 - ...successfully started script 'FirstResponse.Lights'!

2009-09-04 11:00:34 - ...successfully started script 'FirstResponse.NeverWanted'!



Ive also tried it on version and it still crashes when i try to go on duty...



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why i can see the character only see from behind at select menue ?


can you make that i can see arround the character ?


the the light go off, when i get out of the car.



the character switch is in non blur? i cant push the Key P again at the character switch to turn on normal graphic.

(change key ALT+P ?, make this problem with the P key away ???)

Edited by Homeboy25do
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When You Press Alt+P and look at his back, you see the models back, too

When You Press Alt+P and look at his face, you see the Models Face, too

You see always that from the model what you see from Niko at the time you press Alt+P


PS: Sry for my bad english confused.gif

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Hey. Great mod. I've found a bug. I turn on emergency lights, but when i get out of car it suddenly turns off. And when i'm on duty, i cant do side missions ( friends ) couse i get 'GTA IV has stopped working' error. Shall i post log?

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where is version 0.60? Whn I click download link there is only 0.55

Same here, maybe he just forgot to rename the Archiv ? dontgetit.gif

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It is version 0.60, just the same name of the archive.


Also, game missions DO NOT work with this mod.

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Kit up in your uniform, grab your gun and taser, then go out and put some bad buys behind bars. Simple?


LCPD First Response adds many new game-play elements, including; Police backup, NOoSE backup, Helicopter support, Arresting suspects, Small missions, Weapon modifications and many small features like police animations.


user posted image


user posted imageuser posted image


user posted image

Current release: Version 0.60 BETA



.net Script hook


[Download Patch 0.60]

Download at GTA Garage.




when i call for back up (both back ups noose and pol)it really seemed to take for along time... is there anyway i can make the time i get there shorter?


id be nice if you made an ini file for it where we could customize it

anyway sometimes when i arreest someone the cop goes out of the car an shoots the guy

and sometimes the police model wont appear and be just like a ghost when i arrest someone

sorrry if the one bugs you fixed were those i just cant see what bigs you fixed....

also how about adding the "gunnut"model as army? and make it a back up?

anyway id like to thank you for this great mod



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For those who's game keeps crashing (and is using xlive) I found the solution... Its xlive! I simply got rid of xlive and it worked perfectly! Only problem now is that I have to start the missions all over again confused.gif... It would be good if the makers of this mod could find a way to make it compatible with xlive.

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Patrick McReary

Please have us start somewhere else. I haven't unlocked Algonquin yet, so it acts kind of funny when I first spawn there, giving me stars and all. I suggest another station.


Frisking is a bit funny if you don't get in the exact spot. You can also frisk and arrest cops. blush.gif

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