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The Font Topic...

Mister Pink

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Huang Leeroy

Anyone know the font in these two pics? Tried finding it on my own with no luck.


user posted image


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What is the font used in Kalasinn's signature (When you're Russian for food there is no time for Stalin)?
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That's the font, thanks icon14.gif
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Hey dudes! Can anybody here help me identifying which font Rockstar used for the logo for their "Bean Machine" coffee houses in GTA IV?

It's an odd request, I know that, but I hope someone can help me here. smile.gif


Here's the logo in question:


user posted image


Thanks! smile.gif

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No need to double post direstraits. Just head over to dafont.com and go to their forum and ask, probably get a quicker response.

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I think it's sign painter house script, that's what they use for everything

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  • 3 weeks later...


Does anybody know what font is used on this album cover?

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@ Kanja try Tahoma, it´s real close.

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Anyone recognize this font?


Also, please ignore the ridiculously cheesy quote.



My guess is Baskerville but there seem to be some variations.

Edited by blitz
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Anyone recognize this font?


Also, please ignore the ridiculously cheesy quote.



My guess is Baskerville but there seem to be some variations.


I think looks most like Times New Roman (You should already have that), but as you say there are some small differences.


EDIT: As you see here these fonts are pretty similar :p

Edited by Kilen9999
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  • 2 weeks later...



Best way to replicate that & font? Gonna be covering the text and adding my own later on.

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Thanks Mate :)

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