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mmm chocolate

I'm at 45mins and then some.


*note: you can lose a wanted level by hiding somewhere out of sight....you'll see your stars go dark...the less stars you have the less time it takes for the stars to just disappear....but they eventually do.

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The best way to maintain a 6-Star Wanted Level is to go into locked areas of the game (Algonquin & Alderney); even if you lose your Wanted Level, it’ll be instantly reinstated.

And while you're on six stars, why not do something productive... like acquiring a few things:


Part One:


Part Two:


Part Three:


Part Four:

Been there, done that…


Here are my videos that show how to do the following (all with a 6-Star Wanted Level):

1) Most Wanted

2) Vigilante

3) Shoot Flying Rats

4) Stunt Jumps

5) Play Darts

6) Go the Honkers Strip Club in Alderney

7) Get the NRG-900

8) Get the Sultan RS

9) plus more…









Edited by zmoonchild
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Its funny how, if you look closely, police who are on foot break into normal passenger parked cars to come driving after you, I was like WTF at first. lol.gif

I Love that. biggrin.gif


I didn't even notice until November that this could Happen. cool.gif


I actually stopped my car to see what he would do. I thought it was a Glitch at first.

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Its funny how, if you look closely, police who are on foot break into normal passenger parked cars to come driving after you, I was like WTF at first.  lol.gif

I Love that. biggrin.gif


I didn't even notice until November that this could Happen. cool.gif


I actually stopped my car to see what he would do. I thought it was a Glitch at first.

It happened to me when i stole the cops car so he jumped into my Infernus The one that Bernie gives you So i had no choice but to kill the stupid fat cop

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Been there, done that…


Here are my videos that show how to do the following (all with a 6-Star Wanted Level):

1) Most Wanted

2) Vigilante

3) Shoot Flying Rats

4) Stunt Jumps

5) Play Darts

6) Go the Honkers Strip Club in Alderney

7) Get the NRG-900

8) Get the Sultan RS

9) plus more…









I know that you have.


Nice collection of videos, by the way.


Also, if my memory serves me correctly, aren't you the one that formulated the method for acquiring the black Maverick from the "Interdiction" mission in GTA: SA?


I only mention this because I could have sworn that I read a topic about a black Maverick in GTA IV that was unobtainable. It reminded me of the days of yore.

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  • 1 month later...
If you have a 360, you already know that it's an achievement. Fairly easy.

and a ps3 xD

ps3 have trophies and its a trophy on ps3 biggrin.gif

But he's not talking about escaping, he's talking about lasting as long as you can with the 6 stars.


incidentally, isn't that what everyone who plays GTA sets out to accomplish? Lasting as long as possible on 6 stars?

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I've escaped Six Stars several times before. It's quite funny how there's a citywide manhunt, and then they suddenly forget about everything. The Algonquin Bridge train tracks and the subway interchange is a good place to lose it.


Also, FIB agents start appearing at Four Stars in this game...

See this is why I think they need to up the AI in the next ver. Like if/when you get to a certain wanted level, you need to not only get ouf o sight for a certain amount of time...BUT, you'd need to change cars AND clothes. However, a game trigger could be, if you change the car you're driving the radar bubble drops down significantly to the car you just abandoned but doesn't follow you per se'. I mean I f'in LOVE GTA IV, but I don't get the city wide manhunt then just vanishes when I am driving the same car in the same clothes and they just just "forget" about a russian thug because I drive outside the bubble. I used to be a programmer in C++ and I KNOW these game triggers are simple boolean "and/or/if/then/else" statements that wouldn't require much more code at all...so before any of you homo's try and tell me it would be too much for the system, let me throw out a "I call BULLsh*t" right now! lol tounge2.gif

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