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Removing dead zone in steering

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Ok, we need software translating wheel movements into something like this:

user posted image


I am pretty sure Glovepie with PPjoy will do the job. Unfortunately I don't have my wheel this week so I can't test any Glovepie scripts.

Maybe someone could write or get some script and find out the exact range of gta deadzone. wow.gif


@dzid: I'm not sure I follow where you're going. Is that another attempt to emulate a controller? If so, I don't think it will work as the deadzone is hardcoded for controllers (at least, from my understanding). If not, could you explain where you're going with that. I could try it with my MOMO. Thanks!

yeah, I want to map values from real wheel to virtual one which would has extreme sensitivity round real 0 degree. And further it would be just linear.


Examples (for deadzone 50)

[real angle -> mapped angle]:

0 -> 0

1 -> 50

2 -> 51

3 -> 52


449-> 449

450-> 450



Probably syntax isn't proper but theoretically it should work


deadzone = 0.1if Joystick.x>0 then//joystick.x is in range of -1..1   var.x=Joystick.x*(1-deadzone)+deadzone;endif Joystick.x<0 then   var.x=Joystick.x*(1-deadzone)-deadzone;endPPJoy.analog0 = var.x;PPJoy.analog1= Joystick.y;PPJoy.Digital0= Joystick.Button1;//etc



I tried setting up the wheel using the instructions on this page and it worked. No deadzone. However, the speed sensitive steering sucks. But that's how the game was made.


It is my opinion that trying to emulate a xbox controller is an uphill battle as the deadzone is intended to be there for those controllers. R* did truly add support for wheels, without the deadzone, it's just the worst implementation I've ever seen.


Come on R*, give us some config in the options section, like every other game that supports a wheel. Thanks!


(I realize the show is over for patches and GTAIV, but hopefully for GTAV or whatever comes next that has cars).

  • 1 year later...

@Rockstar Toronto: Thank you for being involved in this forum, but I must remind you and your company that you did not include the newest generation of Force-Feedback Racing Wheel from Logitech® -- the G27. Thus, the deadzone problem will affect anyone like me who prefers newer versions, and must use the xinput hack to even use the wheel in the game at all. I apologize for being offensive, but you people at Rockstar Games should be a little more willing to work with what the customers want, and concern yourselves a little less with the monetary intake. Quite frankly, I think that Rockstar Games is slapping us in the face saying, "Take it or leave it. We don't care what you think, we just want your money." I think its a shame that you, Rockstar Toronto, would not be willing to stand up for your customers, against your company. I am going to college to become a computer programmer so I can create code that the "customers" can adjust at will to how they want it to function. Yes I will have a job in Computer Science to earn money, but I will use the knowledge I acquire to allow the customers to have what they wish in their game --- be able to customize it to their individual preference --- and allow people to be as satisfied as any human can be, at minimum, with a product. This happiness is something that CORPORATIONS cannot provide to the customers. Thank you for allowing my to express myself, and my apologies for any offense taken by my comments.

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