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Bonus Phone Conversations

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not sure if this is the right section, but after certain missions you can call certain characters to have conversations about current events.


for instance, after No. 1, you can call Roman about you and Brucie being friends now but Niko not wanting to work with him anymore.


after Three Leaf Clover, you can also call Roman to inform him about what just happened.


those are just two examples I found, I'm gonna be trying to find more, but just wanted to say, try it out if you're interested. all plays into the game's dimension and all.

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This also applies if you have started a mission and are driving to a destination marker, if a friend calls to organise a social activity Niko will decline and be specific to what he is currently doing.

That are actually scripted phone calls. tounge.gif


They happen on the same missions, the characters calling are always the same and they always say the same. For example, when you're doing that mission for Dwayne, when you must go to the strip club to kill the owners, Brucie will call you to go to a strip club, and Niko says he can't.


On other missions, for example when you're using the helicopter for the ULP guy, Roman calls you, and Niko refuses saying he is on a chopper hehe.


I didn't know that you could inform Roman of what's going on. Never tried that, tbh. I know that sometimes Niko calls him automatically after a mission, or you can call him first (if you're quick tounge.gif), but I didn't know you could call him after certain missions. I think I'm going to call him now everytime I finish something that I find important. smile.gif

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You can also call Roman after the first date with any of the girlfriends (i think it only works if you call right after the date, and only the first date).

And if you're dating more than one girl Roman will comment on that.



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mmm chocolate

there's also 2 sets of dialogue for each mission....one for the 1st time you attempt it..and a different conversation for when you've failed it once already.

Then after that Niko or someone will say..."can we just listen to the radio?"


so if you want to experience the whole dialogue...you gotta fail each mission atleast once.

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I believe this only works for Roman. I've tried other friends at times but all you get is an answer machine

yes. only roman. you can try it after a mission progress, after becoming friends with brucie or jacob or after you killed playboy or dwayne or after you unlocked an island,...etc., there are a bunch of dialogues.



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I'd like a walk through to all of the bonus phone conversations. Anyone have a source?

just try after any mission. i also got an extra conversation after i hooked up with carmen and went to the club liberty. roman says something like:"you've been spotted with a nice girl, ..."



i wonder why he specifically mentioned carmen (cuz she is from bohan and spanish, like mallorie and also introduced during a cutscene?), i went out with alex and kiki the same day.



also quite interesting:


save your game before you just start missions like: three leaf clover, habouring a grudge, to live and die in alderney, deconstruction for beginners, etc. missions where you're heading somewhere with someone having a conversation.


kill yourself or do anything to fail the mission and just start over to hear a different conversation than the first time. <- this might be no new find, but still, there are a bunch of missions and alternate dialogues.





just summin up the bonus conversations i remember so far:


- becoming friends with jacob

- becoming friends with brucie

- working for playboy (niko calles him this african drug dealer), francis and meeting johnny the first time

- algonquin unlocked

- alderney unlocked (after bank heist, nice introduction of the mc rearys to roman...)

- new girlfriend(s) (at mine, it was about carmen)

- any diamond deal mission (niko mentions luis lopez and johnny...)

- ransom (gracie ancelotti, niko compares it to roman's kidnapping :-) )

- after some pegorino mob (including phil bell's and ray boccino's missions as well) missions

- killing playboy x/dwayne (try both, you will see how niko feels about killing whom)


Edited by junkpile
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I wasn't aware of this until I tried it just like that.


that's one of the great things about a game with this depth, you can always discover some new stuff. when you're driving through Liberty City at high speed while being chased by the cops, you don't always realize that every nook and cranny of the game world has been basically hand crafted, if you get what I mean.

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I'd like a walk through to all of the bonus phone conversations. Anyone have a source?

just try after any mission. i also got an extra conversation after i hooked up with carmen and went to the club liberty. roman says something like:"you've been spotted with a nice girl, ..."



i wonder why he specifically mentioned carmen (cuz she is from bohan and spanish, like mallorie and also introduced during a cutscene?), i went out with alex and kiki the same day.



also quite interesting:


save your game before you just start missions like: three leaf clover, habouring a grudge, to live and die in alderney, deconstruction for beginners, etc. missions where you're heading somewhere with someone having a conversation.


kill yourself or do anything to fail the mission and just start over to hear a different conversation than the first time. <- this might be no new find, but still, there are a bunch of missions and alternate dialogues.





just summin up the bonus conversations i remember so far:


- becoming friends with jacob

- becoming friends with brucie

- working for playboy (niko calles him this african drug dealer), francis and meeting johnny the first time

- algonquin unlocked

- alderney unlocked (after bank heist, nice introduction of the mc rearys to roman...)

- new girlfriend(s) (at mine, it was about carmen)

- any diamond deal mission (niko mentions luis lopez and johnny...)

- ransom (gracie ancelotti, niko compares it to roman's kidnapping :-) )

- after some pegorino mob (including phil bell's and ray boccino's missions as well) missions

- killing playboy x/dwayne (try both, you will see how niko feels about killing whom)

Try and use spoilers when you post things that happen in the later stages of the game...

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If you go out with someone (Roman for example) and then ring him as you're both in the same car, you can hang up as the phone is ringing and Niko will say something like "I'm still getting used to this phone" or "Sorry, wrong number".

That's pretty cool, gotta try that sometime biggrin.gif



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If you go out with someone (Roman for example) and then ring him as you're both in the same car, you can hang up as the phone is ringing and Niko will say something like "I'm still getting used to this phone" or "Sorry, wrong number".

That's pretty cool, gotta try that sometime biggrin.gif

Yeah it is pretty funny. Make sure you try it several times as Niko says different things. biggrin.gif

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Also note that, some missions have more than one conversation and failing the mission after the first conversation is over, will not give you a new second conversation, untill that one is over too.

still, there's only one way finding out: fail and retry. if you fail, you have to start over from the beginning, not?


so, just try it two times and see if the 2nd conversation changes too. one second dialogue that changes for sure:


when you're shooting your way thru them cops during "to live and die in alderney", phil bell's relative frankie doesn't nessecarily have to survive, so there two different dialogues can be heard

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Also note that, some missions have more than one conversation and failing the mission after the first conversation is over, will not give you a new second conversation, untill that one is over too.

still, there's only one way finding out: fail and retry. if you fail, you have to start over from the beginning, not?


so, just try it two times and see if the 2nd conversation changes too. one second dialogue that changes for sure:


when you're shooting your way thru them cops during "to live and die in alderney", phil bell's relative frankie doesn't nessecarily have to survive, so there two different dialogues can be heard

The very first mission (i think), the one where you drive Roman to a card game, and then have to escape some loansharks, has two different conversations.

And there's a pretty funny part in that 2nd conversation that's definetly worth a listen. Just so you'll know which part i mean, it's Niko's response to Roman's "i got their balls in my hand" comment biggrin.gif



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  • 1 month later...
The 7th Number

I called Michelle for a date and on the way over Roman called telling me he was getting beat up in the basketball area. So i figured i would just go on the date, i can do that mission later. But after the date, Roman called me up and i had to pick him up from the hospital from getting beat down. On the drive home he kept talking about how i went for the girl instead of helping his cousin, and how he would probably do the same. Then after i dropped him off he called me again with different dialog for the same mission.


I also tried to call people as much as i could in TLAD after missions just to see what they would say.

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I remember I phoned Dimitri when I was doing the 'Final Destination' mission for Faustin (the one where you have to go to the subway station in Bohan and kill Lenny Petrovic). Niko's says something like "Should I really go through with this?" and Dimitri can be heard arguing with Faustin, sighs, then says "Do what you must, I'm kind've busy."


I thought that was pretty cool because I decided to call Dimitri on a whim just to see if he would say anything.

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Wanted Assailant
I remember I phoned Dimitri when I was doing the 'Final Destination' mission for Faustin (the one where you have to go to the subway station in Bohan and kill Lenny Petrovic). Niko's says something like "Should I really go through with this?" and Dimitri can be heard arguing with Faustin, sighs, then says "Do what you must, I'm kind've busy."


I thought that was pretty cool because I decided to call Dimitri on a whim just to see if he would say anything.

Agh, didn't get that.


Which reminds me another thing about Dimitri, If you call Dimitri as soon (after Niko mutters) as you receive the message he gives you of a kidnapped Roman, Niko calls Dimitri and gives him some brutal threats such as his cutting his face off and hanging it on his wall.

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Your can also do this on TLAD for anyone who has it. Not call Roman, but call Angus, and he gives his insight of what happened as Johnny described it. Good ones are when you see Ashely for the first time, Angus's reply it guite well put actually.

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Your can also do this on TLAD for anyone who has it. Not call Roman, but call Angus, and he gives his insight of what happened as Johnny described it. Good ones are when you see Ashely for the first time, Angus's reply it guite well put actually.

Yeah I imagine this continues in DLC2 and that main character will have someone on his phone who is the best friend for conversations.

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