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Need help with a mission

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The mission where you have to follow Florian/Bernie/SuperFag/Idiot/Whatever..

I just fail it everytime with him whining that I blew it. (f*ck him!)


How far away from him can I be?


And yes I noticed I put this in the wrong place.

You have to be two car lengths behind him, so imagine that two cars are in front of you and just keep that distance. It's true I am not making this up.

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The mission where you have to follow Florian/Bernie/SuperFag/Idiot/Whatever..

I just fail it everytime with him whining that I blew it. (f*ck him!)


How far away from him can I be?


And yes I noticed I put this in the wrong place.

If you're referring to the mission where you have to follow him on foot in the park, you basically have to either keep at the right distance or slightly too far behind him. If you get to close to him (not that you would want to get too close to him...) you get a few chances before you fail the mission. I find that if you walk, and tap the sprint button every 2 or 3 seconds, you can keep within the required distance. If he tells you that you're too far away, sprint up a bit closer. If he says keep back, you better do it.

Edited by juscal
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