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A couple of mins ago, I created this menu based off zaz's weather menu. However, there's a problem.


When I add a keypress check, the menu will not open. I tried like 5 different numbers, and both opcodes 0AB0 and 00E1. Then menu will not open. I rapidly press the key, it still doesn't open. Here's the script:


Script removed by James227uk



Any ideas???



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The code looks good, and when I test it the menu panel gets displayed (Off coarse no texts as I don't have the correct menu texts.)


Are you sure you were not testing it right after starting a new game? Because at that point you're on a mission and the menu will not display for that reason.

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The code looks good, and when I test it the menu panel gets displayed (Off coarse no texts as I don't have the correct menu texts.)


Are you sure you were not testing it right after starting a new game?  Because at that point you're on a mission and the menu will not display for that reason.

Thanks for the help smile.gif


However, as I said, if I just take out the keypress check, it works perfect and opens properly, if I leave it in, it doesn't display.


I'll try it on a saved game





This is very strange. If I get on the bike, and press the key, the menu opens. When I get off the bike, it still works. It's like the bike activates the keypress in the script.


user posted image


Edited by james227uk
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