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Reaction: GTA V is MMO, no single player

if GTA V was MMO would you give up on the series?  

218 members have voted

  1. 1. if GTA V was MMO would you give up on the series?

    • yes, an MMO GTA is a bad idea
    • no , an MMO GTA is a good idea
    • not sure, not against the idea of an MMO GTA but still skeptical

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* No player will be marked on maps, or anything to let another player know, unless they are in a party or are friends.

How about for a break, or as a civil service, the players can play as cops/military disposables. And if players using real characters get wanted levels, they may or may not show up on the 'cops' maps depending on how many stars they have. wink.gif As cops you get to remain anonymous but are restricted to killing wanted felons made known to you and have a pretty short lifespan. Just a fun idea, plenty of associated problems I'm sure...


...Anyway, nice post smile.gif

Thanks and good idea. But I may think of a freewill origin, where you can do anything, but no SP stuff in freewill, but you can get jobs like a cop.


I'll add it and put your stuff.






In an interview with Electronic Gaming Monthly, Rockstar founder Sam Houser talked about the idea of a Grand Theft Auto-type MMO. He seems to think it is an intriguing idea (and I can’t help but agree), saying “it’s definitely something that we’re very keen to explore.” Not only that, but Houser says it is “very, very doable”:


“I think a subscription-based Grand Theft Auto-type game…is very, very doable and is a very, very compelling proposition.”


However, he does admit there would be definite challenges:


“I think the basic things that you can get away with in a fantasy thing–that fantasy players don’t mind doing–just wouldn’t fly for the kind of mass-market users that we really talk to.”


In response to another question statement from EGM, about the lack of successful massively multiplayer games on consoles, he refers to them as “the Holy Grail,” talking about what he believes would make it work:


“I think if you can combine the vibe and attitude and also the gameplay and the tangibility of the games we make, with some kind of–for want of a better term–MMO subscription model, I think that’s like the golden-goal kind of thing… I think this is a world that really can support it”


However, he wouldn’t want everyone just “running around and firing f*cking rocket launchers,” because “having 2,000 people run around a map shooting each other, that’s just not interesting.”


It seems like the idea of turning established franchises into MMOs is what everyone is thinking about these days, with the idea being contemplated for Call of Duty by Activision’s CEO and now by Rockstar’s founder. However, I think Grand Theft Auto is much more suited to a massively multiplayer world, and it could make for an insane, awesome game. It may just be an idea right now, but I hope Rockstar decides to pursue it.


An important note that many people discussing this interview seem to be missing though is that Houser specifies a Grand Theft Auto-type game, not necessarily an actual entry in the Grand Theft Auto series.

Mainland Marauder

Here's the deal - I'm really keen to this general idea, not that I want it to become the norm of the series as I would want single-player to still remain the focus. But an MMO within the scope of GTA, which I would figure would be urban combat with some RPG elements with an emphasis on car theft and other street crime. I would probably want this to wait for better console hardware in the coming decade because I would want this to be truly massive. We're talking multiple cities, maybe eight to a dozen - if they're not all connected in the way the cities of San Andreas where they are all on a same game map then perhaps cities could be traveled in between at airports, train stations or something like that. There is a lot of potential here, and I would want Rockstar to think big.


Done correctly this could become something that transcends the GTA series, something not unlike what happened with the Warcraft series with WoW. Maybe this is what some GTA fans are afraid of, but I could see it becoming very successful.

I doubt that Rockstar would venture into the MMO market. It's too risky these days. A lot of them are failing. We'll see how All Points Bulletin turns out be. Hopefully it'll bring something new and refreshing to the market. It's being developed by the 'Crackdown' team, by the way.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think it could work, but the idea of an MMO, just yells out, and attracts SAD F***ERS! Who should do this: suicidal.gif , like the people who play WoW, yes GTA would be a modernday MMO with guns and cars instead of fictional creatures and sh*t you can only think of when you hve smoked more weed than Little Jacob. An MMO is a bad idea, UNLESS they do it right, like free mode on GTA IV, but a bigger area, E.g. a whole country or the whole world. But I don't want the other game modes to go sad.gif


BTW If you play WoW, grow up, get a REAL hobby and plz, oh plz F*** off

Mainland Marauder


I think it could work, but the idea of an MMO, just yells out, and attracts SAD F***ERS! Who should do this: suicidal.gif , like the people who play WoW, yes GTA would be a modernday MMO with guns and cars instead of fictional creatures and sh*t you can only think of when you hve smoked more weed than Little Jacob. An MMO is a bad idea, UNLESS they do it right, like free mode on GTA IV, but a bigger area, E.g. a whole country or the whole world. But I don't want the other game modes to go  sad.gif


BTW If you play WoW, grow up, get a REAL hobby and plz, oh plz  F*** off

I agree with the gist of your post, but let's quit flaming the WoW players. It's not like they can read and play WoW at the same time, and plus, it's just not needed.

I agree with the gist of your post, but let's quit flaming the WoW players. It's not like they can read and play WoW at the same time, and plus, it's just not needed.

Sorry, I just think that6 WoW is just so sad, I wanna make sure any WoW players who come on here get the message


Here's something interesting from a recent interview with Dan Houser:


EG: Since so many gamers find multiplayer the main reason to play "IV," why not do away with the story and just give everybody Free Mode, a couple of death matches?


DH: I don’t think that I agree with that. A lot of people like multiplayer, certainly I do, but numerically it’s not anywhere near as big as the single-player game. We have a lot of people that play the game that only play the single-player game. We’ve looked at the statistics recently and it’s way skewed in favor of single-player still. We’re in a world where no one’s ever made a successful third-person multiplayer game till this moment so we’re trying to create a new audience because all of those games are first-person or they’re massively multiplayer but essentially RPGs but move at a much slower pace. To have a third-person action game is still a relatively new market.


I agree with what Dan Houser touches on. In MMO in general I've found slower games more enjoyable, personally I think that's because it gives you time to actually interact with other players. In contrast, MMOs where you have supernatural speed to dash about seem to me to have less interaction between players.


So personally I prefer a slow online game, if it is to promote collaboration and interaction. If it's an online deathmatch with nothing more to learn, just it's expectedly fast paced.


So in conclusion, the speed and powers of the player would have to be right. In single player it's ok to be faster than pedestrians and survive much longer, but when playing with/against others the player's abilities are more critical in creating a player-player balance, as well as creating the atmosphere/gaming-style you want.


Ofcourse there could be different areas/times/modes etc for different gameplay styles or something, and I say the more playing styles available the better.

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