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How to play GTA 4 on INTEL GMA X3100

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Lol, my name is Mr Dick.

But you have to know, Sony laptops have always Vaio Recovery Tool.

I had tat too on my damned to hell Vaio sh*t.

When you meet the zombie that have blue faces and weird letters,

then press F2 for recover.

Now I have HP with own partition for recover with F11.

Buying a new have HDD is absolute the dumbest thing that

you can do.

All recover tools will be gone and you are unable to let repair your laptop.

And...why your parents out for fixing it? mercie_blink.gif

Maybe you have a corrupt CV or you got too much mothermilk.

But anyway, try F2

I just have a big hunch that I'm gonna share with this forum


Five reasons this "programmer" orly.gif is all fake!



1. Seriously, idk if your lying about being a programmer. But whether you know C or not, you couldn't be any good at it as you have to reference bits and bytes in C and you can't possibly not know what Megabytes are when you know (or should know) what bits and bytes are in a PC's memory!


2. You use a browser with a right click thesaurus to try and make yourself seem smart after making an HUGE flop of your attempt to pose as someone with brains.


3. You then conveniently make a new account to submit your texture mod to distract everyone else from you failure


Evidence. The user has only logged in once, only made one post, and did it a few hours after you posted (probrably whilst you were making that crappy texture mod)







4. In that stupid a*s texmod you make, you blur the textures instead of resizing them, because you've played GTA and other games before and it appears to you that textures are being blurred when LODs switch to smaller texture files. This of course, makes no difference to the performance of the game. Not to mention its a bit convenient that the other dude with nearly the same name as you posted only here on his only visit


5.Then, finally, you make a convenient excuse about the laptop breaking and you posting on your PSP to excuse your lack of evidence that this mod works. Now I admit yor laptop could be broke, given the fact your mommy is taking care of it. Or maybe your tongue just slipped and someone replied before you realised that people here did things without their mommy's help?


5 and a half. Did a little ninja work ph34r.gif (looked at his posts). Nobody who starts a thread like this( http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=394689&st=0 ) could be responsible for such work


Nice try ph34r.gif


But you sir, are owned monocle.gif

Edited by Gen0cide_

Genocide, the highly respectable mods on this forum are un-naive, and allowing of any legal information which assist gamers on this forum, therefore, it is quite impossible that they would close down a thread, which abides by all the forums' rules, while proven to be useful and beneficial to gamers, and possessing the capability to assist newly arriving members on this forum.


As such, since this forum is not stickied, it needs to remain open so that this thread can be open to users, as well as users being able to ask questions regarding the post. As we all know, the search feature on this forum is rarely used, and say if my thread was posted along time ago, it would be on the 7'th page for example, and hence be rarely viewed, but when a response is added, such a thread will return to the first page, which we all know......if my thread was to be locked, this would not happen, hence unfortunately depriving newly arriving members from viewing and benefiting from this thread.



Personally I think it must be stickied, because though the main ideology of this thread is to help x3100 users who form a minority of overall players , the GTXD.rar mod may assist all users....




Firstly, I want to thank you but , i have now a quite serious problem!

You will see it iin this screenshot

user posted image

And my FPS is 6.4 without any commandline

Vasily did you update your drivers to the one specified here: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Des...al%E2%8C%A9=eng ?


or aply the gtxd.rar mod found by gurmohit98 here: http://rapidshare.com/files/186766678/gtxd.rar ?



or apply the commandline.txt flags?


Genocide, the highly respectable mods on this forum are un-naive, and allowing of any legal information which assist gamers on this forum, therefore, it is quite impossible that they would close down a thread, which abides by all the forums' rules, while proven to be useful and beneficial to gamers, and possessing the capability to assist newly arriving members on this forum.


As such, since this forum is not stickied, it needs to remain open so that  this thread can be open to users, as well as users being able to ask questions regarding the post. As we all know, the search feature on this forum is rarely used, and say if my thread was posted along time ago, it would be on the 7'th page for example, and hence be rarely viewed, but when a response is added, such a thread will return to the first page, which we all know......if my thread was to be locked, this would not happen, hence unfortunately depriving newly arriving members from viewing and benefiting from this thread.



Personally I think it must be stickied, because though the main ideology of this thread is to help x3100 users who form a minority of overall players ,  the GTXD.rar mod may assist all users....

No, seriously, stop using that right click thesaurus. It doesn't make you sound any smarter.


And I know how a thread works, thanks, that is the entire reason I want this thread locked. You are a fake, and whilst the information about the x3100 may be real, It would not be right for it to be stickied when the person who claims this information is theirs is lying.


There are three videos of this on youtube

, here, and
and unless you have two accounts, then this is not your fix. And if those are your videos, why wait 2 months to post it to any forums? confused.gif


Oh and Vassily, download driver to fix the GFX problem, newer drivers don't work according to youtube. (Not that I have massive trust for a bunch of randoms on youtube, but they seem to be more truthful than this guy)


EDIT: And those "Highly Respectable Mods" may find it morally just to close this thread if a new one opened with the same info.

Edited by Gen0cide_
Genocide, the highly respectable mods on this forum are un-naive, and allowing of any legal information which assist gamers on this forum, therefore, it is quite impossible that they would close down a thread, which abides by all the forums' rules, while proven to be useful and beneficial to gamers, and possessing the capability to assist newly arriving members on this forum.


As such, since this forum is not stickied, it needs to remain open so that  this thread can be open to users, as well as users being able to ask questions regarding the post. As we all know, the search feature on this forum is rarely used, and say if my thread was posted along time ago, it would be on the 7'th page for example, and hence be rarely viewed, but when a response is added, such a thread will return to the first page, which we all know......if my thread was to be locked, this would not happen, hence unfortunately depriving newly arriving members from viewing and benefiting from this thread.



Personally I think it must be stickied, because though the main ideology of this thread is to help x3100 users who form a minority of overall players ,  the GTXD.rar mod may assist all users....

No, seriously, stop using that right click thesaurus. It doesn't make you sound any smarter.


And I know how a thread works, thanks, that is the entire reason I want this thread locked. You are a fake, and whilst the information about the x3100 may be real, It would not be right for it to be stickied when the person who claims this information is theirs is lying.


There are three videos of this on youtube

, here, and
and unless you have two accounts, then this is not your fix. And if those are your videos, why wait 2 months to post it to any forums? confused.gif


Oh and Vassily, download driver to fix the GFX problem, newer drivers don't work according to youtube. (Not that I have massive trust for a bunch of randoms on youtube, but they seem to be more truthful than this guy)


EDIT: And those "Highly Respectable Mods" may find it morally just to close this thread if a new one opened with the same info.

Vassily, just as I say in the original post, update to the drivers specified here: NO_RESC10_ERROR



Apply the gtxd.rar mod here: http://rapidshare.com/files/186766678/gtxd.rar








AND to Genocide, ofcourse this is my information, (Except for gtxd.rar) I discovered that I could bypass the RESC10 error, if i applied that specific update.


I'm not getting it working


1- I'm using that driver with the fix

2- No Patches installed

3- XP SP3 and many .NET frameworks including 3.5

4- Not using DirectX 10

5- Using the mod that downgrades the game graphics

6- Game is on minimum settings

7- My laptop is a Toshiba Satelite L300 145




8- Im using this command line http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9XUMW4DE

9- GTA 4 Cracked version blush.gif


Now the big question: HOW THE HELL DID YOU MANAGED TO DO THAT?? It's hard to believe.


Show a video with the specs of your pc and running on the same pc.


I think no one believed in you becaus e it's only working for you.


EDIT: By the way take a look to my benchmark results:




Average FPS: 3.14

Duration: 34.38 sec

CPU Usage: 67%

System memory usage: 75%

Video memory usage: 23%


Graphics Settings

Video Mode: 800 x 600 (60 Hz)

Texture Quality: Low

Render Quality: Low

View Distance: 1

Detail Distance: 1



Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Service Pack 3

Video Adapter: Mobile Intel® 965 Express Chipset Family

Video Driver version:

Audio Adapter: Realtek HD Audio output

Intel® Pentium® Dual  CPU  T2390  @ 1.86GHz


File ID: benchmark.cli

Edited by Jonas_big_boy

I'll post benchmarks and videos as soon as possible....


When I first started playing the game (after resc10 error fix), without commandline flags or downgrade patch, I was running it at 3-5 fps.....


However with commandline flags, 5-7 (with almost smooth cut scences, except for cut scenne intro which moved like sh*t)


With downgrade patch 9-13 fps inside buildings, and 7-9 outside buildings (which I forgot to mention)


I didn't mean 9-13 overall but rather 9-13 inside and 7-9 outside...



Someone else who has used the resc10 error fix, and has less cpu than me claims that he is getting 25 fps:





If we could only find a way to contact him, we would totaly solve our problem...and until then , we got no choice but to buy i7's, his 4870's, and 4 gigs of kingston RAM

9- GTA 4 Cracked version blush.gif


First off buy the damn game then ask for help on a gta fan site.

BTW op is full of crap on this how long does it take for mommy to replace a hdd? Jesus is it flying in from Antarctica? It shouldent take more than one day if you buy it local. We want proof.


BTW op is full of crap on this how long does it take for mommy to replace a hdd? Jesus is it flying in from Antarctica? It shouldent take more than one day if you buy it local. We want proof.

the hdd has already been replaced (wuz replaced 2 days after the original one crashed).....

and this is my situation...


I re-install GTA IV. Run social club. After running social club, skipping log in, then selecting 'PLAY', I get an error.


I assume that this error is as a result of McFee anti-virus blocking social club. Before my hdd had crashed, I had an earlier version of Mcfee installed, which allowed me to disable certain options, which unblocked social club, thus making it run. But now, looks like the IT's that installed the new hdd installed the most recent McFee, antivirus, which does not give me the chance of disabling anything at all. And I don't see any option to uninstall it either, whether it be in C:/etc, or from the remove programs menu in my computer.



So that is why I am unable to post any benchmarks or videos, because the game aint workin....

Dont know if this is allowed on these forums, but here is a list of other games which are playable (25-40 fps) on our x3100, while I try to solve the gta iv issue:


Call of duty 4 ****2008****

Assasin's Creed ****2008****

Prince of Persia ****2008****

Counter Strike Source ****2008****

Area 51 ****2006****

Fallout 3 ****2008****

Half Life 2 Lost Coast ****2006******

Driver parallel lines ****2007*****/ I suggest you guys play this, as it is a very good sandbox, which looks like gta iv, but runs well on the x3100!!!!




I have some problems with GTAIV too,

I fixed the RESC10 error, and i start gta up just fine.

My VRAM seems to be fine now too, since im able to reach up to 460+mb (its displayed in green at options>graphix)

The problem is, no matter how i configure my graphix settings, i always got verry bad graphix while using the GMA X3100!

I used the command lines , and these worked boosting my VRAM, but not boostig my in-game graphix!


Is this... The end ? sad.gif



Firstly, I want to thank you but , i have now a quite serious problem!

You will see it iin this screenshot

user posted image

And my FPS is 6.4 without any commandline

Vasily did you update your drivers to the one specified here: http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Des...al%E2%8C%A9=eng ?


or aply the gtxd.rar mod found by gurmohit98 here: http://rapidshare.com/files/186766678/gtxd.rar ?



or apply the commandline.txt flags?

My screen looks like Vasily's , and its verry laggy to play with or even see anything exept the car im in at the very beginning!

I'm assuming you've tried installing graphic driver specified in my thread, you are using commandline flags, and you applied the gtxd.rar mod.


Here are some other tips:


1. Make sure you have 40 gigs free on hdd.

2. shut down unescessary applications like msn etc

3. When ingame, go to task manager, and end social club. Go back ingame, you should see better performance

4. Ending explorer.exe may help too

I'm assuming you've tried installing graphic driver specified in my thread, you are using commandline flags, and you applied the gtxd.rar mod.


Here are some other tips:


1. Make sure you have 40 gigs free on hdd.

2. shut down unescessary applications like msn etc

3. When ingame, go to task manager, and end social club. Go back ingame, you should see better performance

4. Ending explorer.exe may help too

Uhm, what gtxd.rar mod??


, other tips all dont work..

This gtxd.rar mod:



The link above is rapidshare, and is approximately 26 mb in size. The gtxd.rar mod is simply a texture replacement, which toggles GTA IV's originally high end texture, to downgraded ones. Very important if you want to see more frames!!!!!


Nope, nothing changed.


You must un derstand that my graphics just look like they suck from the first intro scene till im sitting in the car with that dude..

And then i cant see sh*t around me exept some lights here , some garbage there, and i lag like hellll!


Isnt it fantastic how you can waste a pretty big amount of money on such a PC game.. oh ye and a laptop with a crappy video card that doesnt even work properly!! suicidal.gif

Nope, nothing changed.


You must un derstand that my graphics just look like they suck from the first intro scene till im sitting in the car with that dude..

And then i cant see sh*t around me exept some lights here , some garbage there, and i lag like hellll!


Isnt it fantastic how you can waste a pretty big amount of money on such a PC game.. oh ye and a laptop with a crappy video card that doesnt even work properly!! suicidal.gif

How much video memory do you have, wait wait just list your specs below, and I will know how to address your issue

GTXD.rar may have only texture replacement but notice

GTXD.rar is much bigger than the original one.

So its dumb if you set the TextureQ at High.

It causes lagg and playing like dog wich get puppies up his ass.

Medium qualtiry is also nice.

the gtxd.rar mod toggles gta iv's high res textures to more subtle agreeable ones. I cannot assume how it is 2x the size of the original (I did't make the mod), but obviously it is link to a downgrade in the textural environment of IV.

Is X3100 really that powerfullest Intel card?

Playing on 10-15fps is not nice.

I had old drivers from nVidia the 160 series

and it runs bad.

I have installed the 179_48 and it plays smooth smile.gif

But I thought Intel doesnt suppert Sahder models or shaders.

Like the NFS


This is all for GM965_X3100


I'm trying to make that guy from the blog to contact me. That comment in the blog is mine. I've tried his way too but nothing. still 3fps. by what you've said after the RESC fix I shoud get 5fps but no. I get the same 3 fps. Addind the command line - 3fps!!


I'm waiting for a solution.


And I'm not going to buy the game without knowing if the game works.


BTW, I can't run Assassins creed on my PC and you said it works. Did you used any tweaks? 3D Analize?


EDIT: And with Prince of Persia the driver crashes when he falls on a hole in the first film when start playing.

And I've heard Fallout 3 runs like slow motion.


I don't know nothing about the rest.

Edited by Jonas_big_boy
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