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How to play GTA 4 on INTEL GMA X3100

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getting blue screen upon startup...parents out fixing it now...



why your parents??

you can do it yourself,


i think it's a windows problem, try system restore with safe mode,

your forcing your lappie,


already tried the sticky one?


i tried and for appear to be not big use only texture loading time apper to be increased wink.gif im not sure about thath yet .  confused.gif

Wait, what? I seriously do not understand your English - sorry.


Are you saying that it INCREASES loading time and does nothing positive? If so I will remove it from my sig.

getting blue screen upon startup...parents out fixing it now...



why your parents??

you can do it yourself,


i think it's a windows problem, try system restore with safe mode,

your forcing your lappie,


already tried the sticky one?

My parents doesnt know anything about computers, for laptops they are dumb lol.

You can restore your laptop in the fabricage settings/installs after the BIOS


Easy like as fk



But whats gtx.rar?

I mssed that so I dont know about that.


I tried running IV with my onboard GMA3100 and got a "D3D50" error wow.gif.

1. Make sure you have downloaded the graphics driver here GM965_X3100_RESC10_ERROR_FIX!!!!


2. I hope you haven't patched the game with either of the patches released by rockstar...both of them cuase the game to be unstartable with D3D or TXP errors...

Wow, you guys are real hard for GTAIV. Respect man, respect. Me, I'd sooner build a desktop set exclusively to play the game. I mean why struggle with so much inadequacies and sweet baby Jesus, 7 or 15 FPS. Don't your eyes or head hurt after a while?


Just get a cheap mobo, a used 9600GT (cheap nowadays), an AMD 5000+ BE (overclock to 3.2Ghz) and you'd be piloting the chopper round the city in heavy downpour at over 20 FPS in your LCD's native rez. At least that's what I'm doing.

its not knowledge it's rather the factum that my laptop needs a new hardrive....

I guess the new hardware is the integrated Intel chipst?

Wich is exploded by GTA4?



I have tried the GTXD.rar on my 9600M GT.

Before that, the TexturesQ was at Medium and got 23FPS average.

After installing GTXD.rar and setted the TextureQ on High

ran Benchmark and got 22FPS average.

Only just 1FPS decrease.


The GTXD file seems to be just textures with degraded quality, that's why you got higher FPS, not worth using IMO as it takes a lot away from the look of IV.

Well, imagine the GTXD is much bigger than the original GTXD.

You can check it by yourself.

Now that I've gotten new hard drive for laptop, and had to reinstall GTA IV, social club is failing when I select play, claiming that application no longer exists....I've installed .net framework 1.1, 3.5 sp 1, service pack 3, games for windows live, latest adobe, flash player, directx 10, even reinstalled gta iv twice, and still no luck....

Lol at the op,

Goes from spitting out large words and saying hes a programmer who has designed a program in computer science but cant fix his own computer. But post #9 is by far the funniest post I have read on this post in a long, long time. Still even if it was a copy and paste the "factum" still remains he helped people out on the annoying RESC10 error. icon14.gificon14.gificon14.gif

Lol at the op,

Goes from spitting out large words and saying hes a programmer who has designed a program in computer science but cant fix his own computer. But post #9 is by far the funniest post I have read on this post in a long, long time. Still even if it was a copy and paste the "factum" still remains he helped people out on the annoying RESC10 error. icon14.gificon14.gificon14.gif

No program in C could have revived my laptop hardrive, simply because i couldn't get access into pc, because it blue screened at the beginning, here go I had to replace it with a new hard drive.....and thanks for stipulating that I assisted others in eliminating that pescy RESC10 erratum....

not refering to that of the factum of what a megabyte is, but rather, not remembering on stage, that 1024 mb = 1 GIGABYTE.


Over the years, I've just gotten used to saying 1.013 GIGABYTES, and as such, what I previously stipulated is just mere regurgitation of what I've been saying, rather than my actual knowledge.



Of course I would have to know that 1024 mb = 1gig. Why because I am a novice/programmer creating programs for Computer Science course and Knowledge of such info is critical.



For example, the other day, I made a program that effectively displays CPU speed, or allow users to toggle speed up/down.



So with out a profound knowledge base of Capacity, clearly, I could not have created that program for comp science class. biggrin.gif

yeah sure, you are a programmer but you dont know that mb means megabite? that is just dumb

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