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Problem with SA

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OK. So I brought my external HDD over to my grandmothers house and hooked it up to her computer - a compaq presario SR1115CL. then I go to play GTASA (by going into E:/gtasa/ then clicking gta_sa.exe) and it doesnt load correctly. The EAX and NVidia screens are blank white, then the r* and r* north screens come up and the credits, then it goes white again and then to the menu, which all the words are all squared out on.


any idea whats wrong? here are the comp's specs:

AMD Athlon XP 2.08gHZ, 440MB RAM, WinXP Pro SP2, VIA/S3G Intergrated 64MB gfx, 440 watt psu and very few additional programs.

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Sounds like you don't have the SA fonts installed on that computer, which would be a reason for the "squares for words" problem.


I am not entirely sure, but I think GA does install some proprietary info onto the computer so that your particular scenario isn't possible.

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As Bullet_Chris said, the problem IS your videocard. I had the same exact problem on my old desktop-which also had a 64MB VIA video card, and even with 1.18GB RAM and an AMD Sempron Processor(2.0GHZ), the game still would not run, but on my old laptop, that had an 32MB VIA Video Card with 256MB RAM at first, then 719MB RAM after I upgraded the RAM, and and AMD Sempron Processor(798MHZ), ran the game at a "playable" rate-may have been 10-15fps, but it was enough to play it.-It was odd that my old laptop(which was a lower end than my old desktop), could run the game, but the desktop did not. So evidently the 32MB VIA cards are better than the 64MB ones. So long story short, your best bet would be get a new video card-Nvidia 7900 or higher or an ATI Radeon 1900 or higher would be good. I have an ATI Radeon X1250 on my new desktop, and the game plays great on it. Hope this helps.

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