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Revengers tradegy

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I am alrite on getting on the helicopter, but after about 10 seconds dmitri shoots down my heli! I try to fly high to avoid him but he still gets me after a while, I don't know how to complete it. Do I shoot him down? Follow him? Or something else. Theres no easy way to do it, I've tried waiting for a while to ctahc up with him, but I fail and it's says I've lost him. I know there are already threads on this, but this is different to out of commission as in that dmitri is on a boat. This is harder I find.


Any help will be thanked.

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Seriously dude I couldnt do this either and guess what I still cant.. so I chose to do Revenge instead of Deal tbh Revenge is so much easier if you want to complete the game do revenge... in case you do here are my tips for the revenge story mission


asoon as you get on the helicopter fly upwards alot of people say fly downwards but seriously dont! but just make sure you can still see him, fly a little downwards (on and off going high then low) but stay constantly going forward (basically make sure ur still going forward when ur moving up and down)


whilst doing this fire the machine guns at him the higher you stay up the the longer time u have to doge his rockets but make sure u can still see him with YOUR eyes

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Charlie Lucky

What finally did it for me was changing to first person view. Then by using full throttle to gain altitude with a bit of forward tilt I could keep the target in radar range. The chase camera vews are useless for quick maneuvers, taking so long to catch up to the direction you're actually going. Several dozen attempts ended up with me looking up at the bottom of the chopper and the game telling me that Dimitri got away!

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I really think that the game is easy, but this last mission is bullsh*t...

This is my like 20 attempt...

First, somehow I died when falling into the water... even with full health (armor doesn't count when falling into something)

Second, if I get into the boat, the moment when I try to drive I get blown...

Third, somehow I survive the falling, I get to drive the boat, then... I can't make it to the chopper... suicidal.gif

Fourth, worst sh*t ever, there are 2 boats, I get the attention of the rocket and jump before getting blown (strange enough, the rocket doesn't hit the boat), so I chose the "fastest" boat just to... FAIL the mission because I ABANDONED the boat!! what bullsh*t is that?!?!?!?!?

1 out of 20 tries... got into the chopper, just to get blown by a rocket BEFORE getting control of it!!

I hate this mission, I hate Kate... and she doesn't even go with you at the wedding... I'm gonna let her die

Edited by syrdax
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its weird 2 see the different reactions of people playing the same game. each time i go thru the storyline i save 2 gamesaves just before i choose revenge or deal so i can have both as an option later. for this mission when you choose deal and pursue dimitri in a boat i have never had an issue. chase him up to the roof and when he goes for the heli kill the 4 guys and either go down the ladder or just jump off the roof...if you have full health/armor you wont die. make your way toward the dock and avoid the 1st and sometimes 2nd rockets that come your way from his heli.


he will have taken off away from the casino but you have time 2 catch up dont freak out. drive the boat quickly but hold back a little and dont get too close to him allowing yourself a little time 2 react if a stray rocket is making it your way. eventually jacob appears w/ the heli and you grab on. now you are piloting the heli following dimitri. i have tried shooting the heli's guns 2 kill dimitri but it doesnt work. get high up and stay back a little and jacob will start shooting at dimitri. at some point as you this is happening and you are flying around the city niko will say "nice shooting jacob" or something similar and dimitri's heli will be on fire


at this point 2 rockets will come at you, 1 can be avoided, the other cannot. but thats ok b/c the game was made that way and this leads to a cutscene of both choppers struggling 2 land on happiness island. let the cutscene finish and go find dimitri. i have never, in the several times ive played out this ending, had a problem...all i can offer are those tips 2 try and help.



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all of you keep saying that you kill dimitri, right? but for me it was Pegorino... are we having a different mission scenario here or what? where I had to kill dimitri was on the ship where you begin

That's the revenge mission. They're talking about the deal mission.

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I wish I could get in the chopper, then maybe I might have a chance.

As soon as I grab on and the game says to tap the button to pull yourself in, chopper blows up.

Every time, without fail.


How can I beat the game when the chopper I am supposed to get into gets blown up with me hanging off the side??


Shouldn't I get more then 4 seconds to pull myself up??

Who can pull themselves into a moving chopper in 4 seconds?


It truly feels as if the game is simply cheating to make it more difficult, or in my case, impossible.


Thats right, impossible.

This mission is impossible for me to complete, because the chopper gets blown away before I can get control of it.

The game leaves me a sitting duck, and takes advantage of it in a matter of 4 seconds.

I have been timing it. 4 seconds.

Every time.

Tried it over 20 times, same thing, every time.


It is beyond ridiculous.


I understand scripted events, but this is just plain sloppy.


It's as sloppy as the fixer mission guy using the same phrase every time he answers the phone.



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The one thing that always caused problems for me in this mission was keeping control of the Sanchez on the slippery areas around the shore. It sounds such a minor thing, but it was very frustrating. Once I got that sorted, I succeeded. Oh, and when I get to Happiness Island, I don't stop to return fire I just zig zag Niko and chase my target, that way you are more likely to survive. cool.gif

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Grand Theft Auto Dude
I wish I could get in the chopper, then maybe I might have a chance.

As soon as I grab on and the game says to tap the button to pull yourself in, chopper blows up.

Every time, without fail.


How can I beat the game when the chopper I am supposed to get into gets blown up with me hanging off the side??


Shouldn't I get more then 4 seconds to pull myself up??

Who can pull themselves into a moving chopper in 4 seconds?


It truly feels as if the game is simply cheating to make it more difficult, or in my case, impossible.


Thats right, impossible.

This mission is impossible for me to complete, because the chopper gets blown away before I can get control of it.

The game leaves me a sitting duck, and takes advantage of it in a matter of 4 seconds.

I have been timing it. 4 seconds.

Every time.

Tried it over 20 times, same thing, every time.


It is beyond ridiculous.


I understand scripted events, but this is just plain sloppy.


It's as sloppy as the fixer mission guy using the same phrase every time he answers the phone.

Just... Tap the button really fast. Is it really that difficult?

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