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Title Update v.

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Rockstar Toronto


Today we released patch version 1.2 for Grand Theft Auto IV on the PC. A variety of fixes and enhancements were applied, including new sliders in the graphics menu for "Water Quality", "Shadow Quality", and "Reflection Resolution" to grant players more freedom to customize graphical settings as they see fit. Additionally, as a result of the patch we had to disable the default setting for direct input device support. To re-activate your supported gamepad simply enter the commandline, "-usedirectinput". The patch also addresses a variety of issues including, but not limited to, graphical optimization; bugs introduced with the release of patch 1; multiplayer and video editor fixes; and security updates. Please visit (INSERT LINK) for specific information about the changes and supported DirectInput devices. We want to thank the GTA community for your continued support as we continue to improve GTA IV PC so that it is the best experience possible.


To download the latest patch please follow the link:







Graphics Menu:

Graphics Settings

o Added "Water Quality", "Shadow Quality" and "Reflection Resolution" sliders in graphics menu.

o Added "Definition" and "VSync" toggles in graphics menu.

• Rendering optimizations.

• VSync optimizations.

• Nvidia 7000 series

o Mirrors fixed



• Direct input device support is now disabled by default and can only be enabled with the commandline: "-usedirectinput"

Supported Controllers:

o Logitech Dual Action

o Logitech RumblePad 2

o Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2

o Saitek P2500

Supported Wheels:

• Note: Controls are unmapped, user must map controls using Manufacturer's mapping software.

o Logitech G25 Racing Wheel

o Logitech Wingman Formula GP Wheel

o Logitech MOMO Racing

o MOMO Force

o Driving Force Pro

o Driving Force

o Formula Force

• Added Commandline "-notimefix" which will help some users who are experiencing the fast/slow gameplay issue after patch 1 was applied.

• Fixed a bug that caused some users to experience endless looping audio effects after Patch 1 was applied.

• Benchmark was disabling sounds after Patch 1 was applied, this is now fixed.



• Unable to load game fixed - For some users, a DOS window would open and close immediately upon Game Launch, GTA IV would never launch.

• Hang on Initial Game Loading Screen fixed - Some users experienced Character Art Loading screens in an endless loop.

• Certain causes of the RESC10 error have been fixed (Alt-Tab, change resolution). If you experience an RESC10 error, you must restart.

• Certain Instances of the "GRAND THEFT AUTO IV has encountered a problem and needs to close" error have been fixed.



• Naming clips is now mandatory on Export



• Legitimate players being kicked from Multiplayer matches has been fixed.



• Wireless 360 controllers not functioning - Triggers were full on/off, fixed.

• In the Options menu accessed from the Title Screen a “Game” section has been added with the ability to turn Clip capture on/off.




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So SLI and CrossFire now works??



It says that it does.



With the latest ATI driver (8-12 series) the game supports crossfire modes (ie. 4870x2)

SLI is currently supported after Title Update 1 is applied and Nvidia driver 180.84 is used.


From here:


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HOOORAH! NOW WEE NEED BENCHMARKS ETC TO SEE IF IT RUNS BETTER!!! lol.giflol.giflol.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gificon14.gif



Edit: already had my first crash- whilst changing aspect ratio=fail confused.gif


New Edit: Okay ran it again and it runs much smoother and better overall- good work ROCKSTARS!!! icon14.gif



user posted image







Okay another Edit: ROCKSTAR MY BECHMARK TOOL DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE-whenever i click benchmark- then ENTEr it comes up with GTAIV has encountered an error and must close- tried in game and from the main meu, anyone else recieving this problem?!

Edited by Irrati0nal
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Ah thanks, because there wasn't already a topic, we needed you to make a second one.


While your doing useless stuff, how about some frigging SLI support?


You said you made it for future PC's, yet every new part I buy has problems.

Your complaining saying that Rockstar Toronto made a useless post? Your posts are useless. Nothing more than just trolling.


Anyhow, thanks Rockstar Toronto for the patch! It's fixed pretty much all my problems and the performance is amazing!



I have a feeling installing this over my heavily modified game is not going to go well.........

You can make a copy of your GTAIV folder. That way you have a modified version and a un-modified version.

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i got a nice FPS increase and smoother gameplay. at 1680 res with High, Very High, High, High and 32/50/50/8 i am in the lower to upper30 FPS range all the time and sometimes in the 40s.


I never bothered to use the Benchmark since it never worked for me and crashed my game.


Also I got a Application Hang after about 5 minutes of play:

The program GTAIV.exe version stopped interacting with Windows and was closed. To see if more information about the problem is available, check the problem history in the Problem Reports and Solutions control panel. Process ID: d88 Start Time: 01c97dd8d98cf3b8 Termination Time: 1226

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Thanks alot Rockstar, I truly appreciate that you are dedicated to fixing this game, and hopefully you will not abandon it any time soon! *cough* EA Games *cough*


Anyways, I will try the new patch tomorrow morning. Hopefully it will make my game run better. Please continue to support the PC version and make us have loads of fun doing whatever the hell we please in GTA.



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I have a feeling installing this over my heavily modified game is not going to go well.........

You can make a copy of your GTAIV folder. That way you have a modified version and a un-modified version.

That may not work for everyone, a 16GB game is no small thing.


I have over 700GB of unused space though, so I may try that.

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You are a Saint, Rockstar Toronto.


Updating and testing now, will edit this post with stats on how this update applied.


Thank you guys for all your hard work. I, for myself (and really, a lot of others), can say we are grateful and thankful. Upmost respect for what you all do. You really have created an addictive masterpiece. smile.gif

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I have a feeling installing this over my heavily modified game is not going to go well.........

You can make a copy of your GTAIV folder. That way you have a modified version and a un-modified version.

That may not work for everyone, a 16GB game is no small thing.


I have over 700GB of unused space though, so I may try that.

True. Someone should create a program that backs up only the files edited by mods and the patch, so you can switch between the two and it doesn't take up a lot of disk space.

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Good patch and improved performance with 180.84 beta drivers. The new drivers that came out on the 22nd I have not tested. The new graphics settings are nice. Just like to note that the game will not let you run the same settings as it did before. So you may have to lower view distance, etc. I had shadows at 16 before and now if I want them at max I need to lower view distance. Can't complain one bit!

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Ok, performance is a lot better. I had 7-9 fps with my 7600GS (agp 8x) and now i have 12-15 fps.




Im the first on reporting this !!


and those major bugs are:


->YOU CAN'T USE THE COMPUTERS (of the cibercafe and the one that is in the safehouse) -I have to unlock the achievement of brucie's cars (have to steal them from specific people) and i can't because i cant use computers.


->Television is not working well. I can see the image but it freezes and sound works perfectly, then i go to another channel and i try the same again and it shows another image but it freezes instantly

Edited by guz2221
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Your complaining saying that Rockstar Toronto made a useless post?

Ah yes I am, as a topic had been made long before Rockstar decided to come in and post it, dick head. It's called a double post, and it wasn't needed. I don't give a sh*t who they are. They screwed the game up in the first place and you're thanking them? They should be thanking everyone here for putting up with their broken released product, and hurry the f*ck up and fix it properly.

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Your complaining saying that Rockstar Toronto made a useless post?

Ah yes I am, as a topic had been made long before Rockstar decided to come in and post it, dick head. It's called a double post, and it wasn't needed. I don't give a sh*t who they are. They screwed the game up in the first place and you're thanking them? They should be thanking everyone here for putting up with their broken released product, and hurry the f*ck up and fix it properly.

STFU, they admitted that the game has problems and they've also committed themselves to fixing them so gtfo and stay out unless you have something creative or constructive to say ph34r.gif


this latest patch has given me an impressive performance boost on my below min spec PC and has actually made the game very playable on default settings, i do however get a game crash if i lower the reflections,water and shadows down to low from medium but i blame that on the Beta NVidia 185 drivers i'm using from the Guru3D website, i'll report back later on this issue when i've gone back to the 180 drivers.


@R* Toronto: thanks for the ongoing support here, it's good to see you're going to keep updating and fixing things with GTA-IV smile.gif

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On lowest shadow detail, I get odd flickering shadows.

Shadow Quality - Affects video memory and GPU performance.

Shadow Quality controls the degree of precision applied to all shadows in the world.

This setting was previously bundled into Video Mode but has been separated in order for users to fine tune their settings for gains in performance.


Low shadows should only be used with low resolutions.




I play at 1920x1080. When I set to low it get's all crazy looking...but it's all good I use Very High anyway. biggrin.gif

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Ah thanks, because there wasn't already a topic, we needed you to make a second one.


While your doing useless stuff, how about some frigging SLI support?


You said you made it for future PC's, yet every new part I buy has problems.

That topic was an unofficial topic. And the patch was released on my birthday. biggrin.gif It might be the best preset I get believe it or not. My mother gave me mouthwash. sad.gif I wish I was still a kid so I could get toys for my birthday.

Edited by heat84
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