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my gta is going downhill

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since buying this game the day it came out i have not yet been able to play it the way i should.


after installing it the first time and starting it up, setting the controlls, etc...

i started playing, but after 10 miutes everything started dissapearing (memory leak)

since then i have been on this forum at least 3 times a week looking at all the potential fixes and news of updates.

the only one that has had me playing was the cachboost program but that made the game choppy, and now its trial has expired.


yet to this day every fix for this problem has not worked for me.

ive stopped trying since newyears, however i tried it again last night and as soon as the game starts the camera immediatly flys to the look down view. i ened up havig to unplug my controller(saitek) which was working fine untill now. (ive checked the joypad calibration and they are all normal)


i downloaded the previous patch from website and installed it, however the controller still makes the camera move up, and i am still losing textures(i know thats not what the patch was to fix, but it was supposed to fix controllers)

but not only that now i notice that my cars headlights are no longer casting shadows and other visual anomolies are happening. i can only hope that the next patch fixes all of this.


im also hoping they add more video settings, like aa and such, the ability to remap controllers, and remove gfwl/rssc (fat chance)


xp 64


im above recommended on everything


shadows are set to 5

and textures are set to medium


anyone else in the same boat here?

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since buying this game the day it came out i have not yet been able to play it the way i should.


after installing it the first time and starting it up, setting the controlls, etc...

i started playing, but after 10 miutes everything started dissapearing (memory leak)

since then i have been on this forum at least 3 times a week looking at all the potential fixes and news of updates.

the only one that has had me playing was the cachboost program but that made the game choppy, and now its trial has expired.


yet to this day every fix for this problem has not worked for me.

ive stopped trying since newyears, however i tried it again last night and as soon as the game starts the camera immediatly flys to the look down view. i ened up havig to unplug my controller(saitek) which was working fine untill now. (ive checked the joypad calibration and they are all normal)


i downloaded the previous patch from website and installed it, however the controller still makes the camera move up, and i am still losing textures(i know thats not what the patch was to fix, but it was supposed to fix controllers)

but not only that now i notice that my cars headlights are no longer casting shadows and other visual anomolies are happening. i can only hope that the next patch fixes all of this.


im also hoping they add more video settings, like aa and such, the ability to remap controllers, and remove gfwl/rssc (fat chance)


xp 64


im above recommended on everything


shadows are set to 5

and textures are set to medium


anyone else in the same boat here?

Jup me , having the memory leak thing all the time angry.gif

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hello buddy i have a 9800gx2 as well and al above recommended specs , this is the command lines i use ; it help my missing textures alot , im maxed out now at 1080 rez . -nomemrestrict -norestrictions -percentvidmem 100 -availablevidmem 1.3 -width=1920 -height=1080 -texturequality 2 -shadowdensity 16 -renderquality 4 -viewdistance 30 -detailquality 99 -vehicledensity 99 . the one was the one that help my missing textures alot ; -availablevidmem 1.3 hopee it help buddy.


p.s you need to make a commandline. txt and put it into your gta4 install directory, to put those commands in it.

Edited by BigSlongsDaddy
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