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Tommy V's death

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Well, i was bored and decided to design a news paper about tommy's death, and yes i know there are spelling mess up's in places but as i said i was bored and did not re'do it because i would have to completely rewrite it, but i guess it's alright, but i hope you injoy my report colgate.gif


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Mainland Marauder

Sorry, as somebody who's worked on a newspaper copydesk, I'm not feeling this as it is. Make it look like somebody who finished high school wrote it. Failing that, it's probably better as it is with the blurry, hard-to-read text.


I like the concept though, all in all.

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Mainland Marauder
Aren't newspapers usually organized into columns as well? The way it's formatted makes it look more like an essay.

They are, at least on paper. Without the columns it looks like some third-rate paper's Web edition. In fact, the whole layout looks like a webpage rather than an actual newspaper. But then again a lot of print edition layouts are starting to reshape themselves to look more like Web pages. Go figure. dozingoff.gif

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