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Can't set resolution beyond 1280x1024

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I already made a thread in the troubleshooting section but its not PC specific and not nearly as busy as this section: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=393400


In addition to what I already said there, someone in one of the threads linked to there said the problem is the refresh rate which I have at 72. I don't see how that can be since I never change it in Windows' display properties, and when I change resolutions in the game I set it the same at all resolutions and to match Windows' resolution. I think with my old 8400GS, the game let me go beyond 1280x1024. I never tried though because I knew it'd be pointless. I have a 9800 GT now.

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Thant what I was thinking, but how does the game know my monitor's specs? Maybe if I installed a generic monitor driver instead of the specific one?


Its native resolution is 1280x1024 but I can get it up to 1680x1050. Its an AcerAL1715.

Edited by heat84

On your desktop, try seeing if you can set your desktop resolution above 1280x1024. In my experience, sometimes games will show screen resolutions that your monitor doesn't support. Make sure that you uninstalled your drivers from when you have your old card and install the latest drivers for your 9800GT (if you haven't done so already).

I can set it above 1280x1024 in Windows, that's the highest resolution the game shows in the graphics settings, and I have the 1.81 drivers installed.


I have my TV hooked up which has a native resolution of 1360x768. I still get the d3d error, so I guess its not the monitor.

Well, when I set it above 1280x1024, the screen looks weird. Text is heard to read and/or part of the desktop is off the side or top of the monitor. If I can set Windows to a resolution, the game should be able to work with it a long as its not a custom resolution, even if it looks wierd. I have my TV hooked up now which has a native resolution of 1360x768 but it still doesn't work.

Well, when I set it above 1280x1024, the screen looks weird. Text is heard to read and/or part of the desktop is off the side or top of the monitor. If I can set Windows to a resolution, the game should be able to work with it a long as its not a custom resolution, even if it looks wierd. I have my TV hooked up now which has a native resolution of 1360x768 but it still doesn't work.

Thats because your monitor is too small to support that resolution.


Try turning your TV off and set card to single display only. This game seems to have an issue with two monitor set ups if one is a TV.

I disconnected the monitor and then hooked up my TV.


Uh, its a problem with your monitor I think. Pretty sure too.


You setting the refresh rate correctly ingame?

Yes. Maybe I'll reinstall and see what happens. Seems a ridiculous thing to do to to have to fix this problem though.

I don't want to run the game at 1680 x 1050. That's just the max (non-custom) resolution that the monitor supports. And that doesn't explain why it doesn't work with my TV which has a native resolution of 1360x768. I don't know what its max resolution is. I have to experiment with that.

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