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Actually, the G36 is a very common weapon in Europe's Police Forces, being used by german army also.

Its a very good assault rifle and I could see it being used later on in game by enenmies.

I dont even know why the M4 is included in the game. Im tired of just the AK and M4 as the assault rifles.

How about Steyr AUG's and sh*te?


And Miniguns could be included, but only if:

1. They are mounted on cars

2. Moounted on buildings

3. Very rare

4. Cant be handheld.



I would like to see an system were you lose your wepaons when you enter water, except for Underwater handguns and rifles.

If the next game is set in Europe, then having a G36 or a Steyr AUG instead of the M4 would be appropriate. However, if the game is set in America, then only the M4 would work as the upper-level assault rifle. It's practically the only assault rifle that American SWAT teams use. I agree with you wholeheartedly about the minigun, though. In real life, they're impossible to use as portable weapons. That's why, on my gun list, I replaced it with a squad assault weapon. Same effect, just more realistic.


Edit: Oh, and biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif at the above picture. Coolest. Gun. EVER.

Edited by KevinR1990


The army use the M4, SWAT use M4.

Only if the US army change their weapons lol.

I knew they used Steyr AUG sabot version in trials. Once.

Oh well, LOLed at the pic.

Very innacurate, but also cool looking XD

Thats oviously impossible.

Do you know how many actual weapons are in the real life realm?

Including all subvariants.......

Medieval musket things....

Emergency Production soveit SMG's.......



Its ok, time for bed sunshine, when you grow up your daddy will tell you all about guns! tounge.gif

Thats oviously impossible.

Do you know how many actual weapons are in the real life realm?

Including all subvariants.......

Medieval musket things....

Emergency Production soveit SMG's.......



Its ok, time for bed sunshine, when you grow up your daddy will tell you all about guns! tounge.gif

Wow, emergency-production Soviet SMG's? What the f*ck are those - they sure sound like the awsomeness! biggrin.gif

Thats oviously impossible.

Do you know how many actual weapons are in the real life realm?

Including all subvariants.......

Medieval musket things....

Emergency Production soveit SMG's.......



Its ok, time for bed sunshine, when you grow up your daddy will tell you all about guns! tounge.gif

Seeing a gang shootout with muskets would be hilarious and retarded.

Thats oviously impossible.

Do you know how many actual weapons are in the real life realm?

Including all subvariants.......

Medieval musket things....

Emergency Production soveit SMG's.......



Its ok, time for bed sunshine, when you grow up your daddy will tell you all about guns! tounge.gif

That was sarcasm you retard.



Beretta 92F

Desert Eagle




Lever-action Winchester

Double-barrel sawed off






Glock 18


Thompson (as sort of a joke/bonus gun)


Assault rifle:





Sniper rifle:


Bolt action





M249 SAW

M79 grenade laucher






I'm more of an action movie fan than a gun nut, so I don't really care about realism.

Edited by Danger Is Go

Huh, yeah. At any rate, I'm quite sure that the 'melee attack' button is unused when a ranged weapon is equipped. I'm not that sure, but still.

OT, I'd give anything to have Reason from Snow Crash in any game.

Thats oviously impossible.

Do you know how many actual weapons are in the real life realm?

Including all subvariants.......

Medieval musket things....

Emergency Production soveit SMG's.......



Its ok, time for bed sunshine, when you grow up your daddy will tell you all about guns! tounge.gif

Wow, emergency-production Soviet SMG's? What the f*ck are those - they sure sound like the awsomeness! biggrin.gif

Back in WW2.

The PPS42 was an emegergency Firearm to cope with a shortage of weapons in lennginrod during that city's terrible seigie in War War II. Despite the rushed production, the PPS42 proved off to be a good design, working off a simple blowback mechanism and capaple of a fire rate of 700RPM.

An interesting political aside was once the war was over, Stalin placed his stocks of PPS guns to the North Koreans, as he didnt want the public to be reminded of the valiant leaders of the lennigrod seige.

user posted image



Meh, Im making a proper weapons list for next GTA.





USP .45

Walther P99


Smith and Wesson Model 29





Assault Rifles:



Steyr AUG






Hunting rifle (No paticular model)



M248 Light machine Gun


Stinger Missle (Like the one in SA)

Backpack Flamethrower





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