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My See You In VC Sig

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so very plain

hate to be critical but it needs a lot of work


~no boarder makes it look not finished off

~nico is blurred and so is the text for some reason

~and , you mentioned the background, you should add in a generic VC landscape and blurr it slightly in comparison to the foreground so it stands out

Edit: Can't really be critical when I dont compare to anything, So i made a quick vice city sig now... See how much better it looks with a boarder?

user posted image

(Keep in mind this is a VERY rushed signature... its just meant to be an example to what techniques you can use to improve yours)

Edited by Wightboy
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Yes I do! This is the kind of thread I'm going for :)


~I didn't even think of a border (I'm not really good at this, I just want to see what other see you in vice's we see :))

~Blurred on purpose (to poke fun at the P blur in the PC version, though I love it :lol: Also, I added some bloom type effects after burning it a bit to try to make him look like a photo, seems to have worked on his hand but not s much on his face :p The blur softened some edges, so that was a good trade too )

~Backgound - I might, but for now I like the standout shirt and to see what comes of it from others. I like yours BTW! If you did a shirt it would be perfect, I'd probably rock that one instead of mine! I kinda did mine to look like that on purpose, it has a certain quality even though I can't pinpoint the type of promo's it reminds me of :p


ed; disabled smiles, too many for the eyes


Any tips for borders in the gimp? I can use photoshop too, I just tend to use the gimp

Edited by chngdman
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